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December 2016

Vol. 158 | No. 1365

Art in Britain


Not to be missed: exhibitions in 2017

ANNIVERSARIES PLAY AN important part in structuring the art-historical calendar. Their observance can also serve as a way to organise the past and draw it closer, as in the programme of First World War commemorations […] In 2017 the War will recede somewhat to make way for two colossal anniversaries: the centenary of the Russian Revolution and the quincentenary of Martin Luther’s ninety-five theses.

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Exhibition Review

Orlando Furioso. Ferrara

THE FIVE HUNDREDTH anniversary of the publication of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso has been celebrated in Ferrara with a three-months-long lunar eclipse. Halfway through the exhibition Orlando Furioso 500 anni. Cosa vedeva Ariosto quando chiudeva gli occhi at the Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara (to 8th January), the visitor encounters a mysteriously lit moon in one of the palace’s rooms. The globe is in fact a bronze sphere dating from the first century AD that used to crown the Vatican obelisk and was erroneously said to have contained the ashes of Julius Caesar (cat. no.66). […] This theatrical solution is one of many inspired concepts in this staggering exhibition, curated by Guido Beltramini and Adolfo Tura.

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  • 201612-Tower-of-London (1)

    An admonitory wall painting at the Tower of London

    By Jane Spooner
  • 201612-Petworth (1)

    Pandora at Petworth House: new light on the work and patronage of Louis Laguerre

    By Lydia Hamlett
  • 201612-Reynolds (1)

    Lady Forbes of Monymusk: a rediscovered portrait by Joshua Reynolds

    By Jennifer Melville
  • 201612-Hamilton (1)

    A portrait by Gavin Hamilton: Sir John Henderson of Fordell

    By Brendan Cassidy
  • 201612-Solkin (1)

    David Solkin's 'Art in Britain'

    By Alex Kidson
  • 201612-conservation (1)

    The Art of Conservation VIII: From Guizzardi to Cavenaghi: nineteenth-century Italian conservators

    By Giorgio Bonsanti