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June 1921

Vol. 38 | No. 219

The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs

  • The Nameless Exhibition

    By Desmond MacCarthy

     A ROSE," it is said, "by any other name will smell as sweet." This is not always true of a picture. If the wail, " How am I to know if a picture is good if I don't know who painted it ? " was not constantly audible at The Nameless Exhibition's press day, it was only because it was unbecoming on the lips of critics. Yet how excellent a thing it would be if on press days catalogues were always withheld and signatures obliterated ! Newspaper criticism might in the end pass from the hands of men who have learnt the safe sort of things to say about artists, into the hands of men who have learnt to look at their works.

  • A Self-Portrait by Rembrandt

    By Roger (R. F.; R. E. F.) Fry
  • The Barend Family

    By John Hewitt
  • The Engraving of Arms on Old English Plate-I

    By E. Alfred Jones
  • Georgian Rummers

    By John Shuckburgh Risley
  • Othon Friesz

    By Clive Bell
  • An Unnoticed Byzantine Psalter-II

    By Mary Phillips Perry
  • The Saracenic House-II

    By Martin S. Briggs
  • Chinese Porcelain in the Collection of Mr. Leonard Gow-VII

    By R. L. Hobson
  • The London Group

    By A. Lavelli
  • Auctions