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June 1949

Vol. 91 | No. 555

The Burlington Magazine


David Scott

  • Front Matter

  • Imagery and Art in the Romantic Period

    By E. H. Gombrich
  • Drawings of Yvette Guilbert by Toulouse-Lautrec

    By Fritz Novotny

    YVETTE GUILBERT plays a bigger part in the work of Toulouse-Lautrec than any other of the 'stars' of the 'nineties. There are no formal portraits of her in oils, though there are a few preliminary sketches for which she sat in person. The majority of his portraits of her were executed as lithographs. These form, for the most part, the two well-known cycles: the so-called série française, that is to say, the sixteen marginal illustrations for Gustave Geffroy's Album d'Yvette Guilbert (Paris I894), and the so-called série anglaise, a further series of ten lithographs. Apart from these there are also some independent lithographed portraits of her. Two representations of the great diseuse performing were also reproduced in colour in Le Figaro Illustré (No. 40) of July 1893 as illustrations to Gustave Geffroy's article 'Lep laisir a Paris - Les restaurantset les cafis-concertsde s Champs-Elysees'; an other appeared in Le Rire on December 24, 1894.

  • A Chiaroscuro Woodcut after Leonardo da Vinci

    By Arthur M. Hind
  • More Light on Nicholas Hilliard

    By Erna Auerbach
  • Nicholas Hilliard as a Traveller

    By Noel Blakiston
  • Some Italian Drawings in the Chatsworth Exhibition

    By John Gere
  • Exhibition of Pictures from Wentworth Woodhouse

    By Oliver Millar
  • Ceramic Wares of the T'ang Dynasty at the Oriental Ceramic Society

  • The Ninth Antique Dealers' Fair

  • Back Matter