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June 1957

Vol. 99 | No. 651

The Burlington Magazine


Max J. Friedländer

  • Front Matter

  • Picasso's Ateliers and Other Recent Works

    By John Richardson
  • Kandinsky in Munich

    By Lorenz Eitner
  • An Unpublished Letter by Theo van Gogh

    By Merete Bodelsen

    IN the great collected edition of Vincent van Gogh's letters: Verzamelde Brieven, I-IV, Amsterdam, Antwerp, I955, all available letters written or received by Vincent, including those from his brother Theo, have been published together for the first time. In vol.IV, pp.306-9, the editor of the volume, V. W. van Gogh, prints information about the rela-tions between Theo van Gogh and various artists, among them Paul Gauguin. The material in question includes, as item T 48, excerpts from Gauguin's sketch-book (published in 1952 by Rene Huyghe) together with such of the passages from Gauguin's letters throughout the years as throw light on his relations with Theo van Gogh, and, as item T 49, a letter from Meyer de Haan to Theo, which mentions matters re-lating to Gauguin. But the letter from Theo van Gogh to Gauguin, printed below, which somehow has found its way into the collection of Gauguin's letters to his wife (now in the Bibliotheque d'art et d'archdologie in Paris), and which deals more directly with the painter's relations with Theo, is not included in the above-mentioned volume, a fact which pre-sumably can only be explained by the editor having been unaware of its existence.

  • Wyndham Lewis

    By William Townsend
  • The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

    By Dennis Farr
  • Two Japanese Prints from Vincent van Gogh's Collection

    By Douglas Cooper
  • The Bernardo Bellotto Exhibition at Whitechapel

    By Michael Levey
  • Paul Oppé

    By Brinsley Ford
  • Back Matter