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July 1959

Vol. 101 | No. 676/677

The Burlington Magazine


French Art at Waddesdon Manor

  • Front Matter

  • French Sculpture at Waddesdon

    By Terence Hodgkinson
  • Savonnerie Carpets at Waddesdon

    By Madeleine Jarry
  • Some Versailles Furniture Preserved at Waddesdon

    By Pierre Verlet
  • French Pictures at Waddesdon

    By Anita Brookner
  • Federico Barocci's 'Noli me tangere' and Two Cartoons

    By Stephan Tschudi-Madsen

    RESEARCH on Barocci has, in the last few years, been enriched by several important works: M. A. Lavin's investigations which among other matters treat of Barocci's drawing, and C. Pemn's article, but first and foremost Harald Olsen's fundamental Federico Barocci with catalogue raisonne' and list of 570 drawings. Encouraged by Harald Olsen it is a pleasure to be able to add two hitherto unknown drawings to this comprehensive list; not least because they help towards the elucidation of one of Barocci's principal works, and because this canvas has been considered lost, but is now known to be in existence in England.

  • Art Historians and Art Critics - V: Gustave Planche

    By Pontus Grate
  • The Romantic Exhibition

    By Kenneth Garlick
  • Seicento Painting in Venice

    By Benedict (B. N) Nicolson
  • Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Masters

    By Dennis Farr
  • John Crome and the 'Yarmouth Water Frolic'

    By Francis W. Hawcroft
  • The 'Settecento a Roma' Exhibition

    By Basil C. Skinner
  • The Printers' Dispute

  • Back Matter