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June 1975

Vol. 117 | No. 867

The Burlington Magazine


C'est magnifique mais ce n'est pas Laguerre

  • Front Matter

  • A Fragment of Guercino's Pesaro Altar-Piece

    By Fabio Bisogni
  • Contributions to Girolamo Curti

    By Ebria Feinblatt
  • Prud'hon: Justice and Vengeance

    By Helen Weston
  • After Guercino or After the Greeks? Gavin Hamilton's 'Hebe': Tradition and Change in the 1760's

    By Françoise Forster-Hahn

    DURING the past decade exhibitions and publications alike have focused on the international character of art in Rome during the latter part of the eighteenth century. As a result we have gained a much more comprehensive and precise understanding of the role of such major figures as Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Anton Raphael Mengs and Gavin Hamilton during the 1760's as well as of David's uncompromisingly austere Neoclassicism of the 1780's. While these international trends are now much clearer, many personal and artistic relationships remain to be disentangled. Such unravelling will not only help to define the role of the individual artist, his personal artistic formation and contri-bution to the new style, but will also make it possible to assess the innovative and characteristic elements of the Neo-classical movement as a whole. One such relationship, which has remained rather obscure, is that between the English painter, archaeologist and dealer Gavin Hamilton and the young Swiss-Austrian painter Angelica Kauffmann during the 1760's. My re-evaluation of their artistic connections will emphasize the influence which paintings of Gavin Hamilton exercised upon Angelica Kauffmann, specifically with the image of Hebe and its transformations.

  • Oil-Sketches in Rubens's Collection

    By Jeffrey M. Muller
  • Some Niello Plaques for the 'Crucifixion'

    By Ilaria Toesca
  • A Blake Sketch for Hayley's Ballad 'The Lion' and a Connection with Fuseli

    By P. A. Tomory
  • Gold Embedded in Nepalese Mandala Scroll Paintings

    By Robert Bruce-Gardner
  • Recent Museum Acquisitions: Greek Antiquities in Oxford

    By Michael Vickers
  • Forthcoming Lectures

  • Back Matter

  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: General

    By Benedict (B. N) Nicolson
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London

    By Keith Roberts
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: The Grosvenor House Antiques Fair

    By Keith Roberts
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: Chinese Jade at the Victoria and Albert Museum

    By Margaret Medley
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London Impressionists and Wolmark

    By Richard Shone
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: 'Art and Its Images' at the Bodleian

  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: Paris

    By Edith (E. H.) Hoffmann
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: Manuscripts and Treasures from San Lorenzo: An Exhibition at the Laurentian Library

    By Detlef Heikamp
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: Francis Bacon at the Metropolitan Museum

    By Norman W. Canedy
  • Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: 'Monumenta Annonis' at Cologne

    By Janet Backhouse
  • Current ad Forthcoming Exhibitions: Monet in Chicago

    By Joel Isaacson
  • Current ad Forthcoming Exhibitions: The Changing Image: Prints by Francisco Goya

    By Paul Hulton