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October 2021

Vol. 163 | No. 1423

Art in twentieth-century China


Art history in the Anthropocene

On 31st october delegates from almost two hundred countries will assemble in Glasgow for COP26 – the twenty-sixth ‘Conference of the parties’, referring to the parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.

Editorial read more
Exhibition Review

The Colours of Nadia

Paris exerted a powerful magnetic draw on young artists in the 1920s. Eager to engage with the city’s avant-garde artistic traditions, they flocked from all over Europe and beyond to create the cosmopolitan mix of talents that became known as the École de Paris.

Exhibition Review read more
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    The Empress Dowager Cixi’s Japanese screen and late Qing imperial cosmopolitanism

    By Mei Mei Rado
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    The nude male form in Chen Yanqiao’s woodblock prints and cartoons, 1934–35

    By Elizabeth Emrich-Rougé
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    The fate of Chinese history painting in an age of ideology

    By Yiqiang Cao
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    The restoration of ‘Young woman reading a letter at an open window’ by Johannes Vermeer: final report

    By Uta Neidhardt,Christoph Schölzel
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    Study for ‘Worn out’: a newly discovered Van Gogh drawing

    By Teio Meedendorp
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    John Ayers (1922–2021)

    By Rose Kerr
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    Jane Roberts (1949–2021)

    By Martin Clayton