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Browsing Tips

  • Click on each heading to display lists in alphabetical order

  • Click on the desired letter of the alphabet

  • Once a name or term of the A–Z list has been selected the search can be refined again by adding another search criteria.
    For example, to search for articles about the Medici family as patrons of Botticelli:

  • Click on the heading ‘Patrons’

  • Select the letter M and scroll down to find ‘Medici family’

  • Click on ‘Medici family’
    This will result in every article which relates to the Medici as patrons

  • You can add another search criterion by clicking on the cross next to the magnifying glass icon
    In the field: select Subject
    Search terms: type Botticelli
    This will result in the articles about Botticelli with Medici as patrons.

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