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1 articles
The Quatercentenary of Leonardo Da Vinci
05/1919 | 194 | 34
Pages: 186-187+190-195+198-201+203
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Attributed works:
Plate I. Leonardo da Vinci: Quaderni d'anatomia. A Vol. v, 22 recto
Attributed works:
Plate I. The Lady with the Ermine; A Composition by Leonardo da Vinci. A The Lady with the Ermine. By Leonardo da Vinci (Czartoryski Gallery, Cracow). B La Belle Ferronière; Engraved by Lacroix after (?) Boltraffio. C La Belle Ferronière. By (?) Boltraffio (Louvre)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Leonardo da Vinci: Quaderni d'anatomia. B Vol. v, 6 verso. C Vol. iv, 9 recto. D Vol. vi, 13 recto
Attributed works:
Plate II. The Lady with the Ermine; A Composition by Leonardo da Vinci D Head of the Virgin; From the Adoration of the Magi, by Leonardo da Vinci (Uffizi). E Head of an Angel. By Leonardo da Vinci (Turin). F Portrait; By Ambrogio de Predis (Ambrosiana). G The Emperor Maximilian I. By Ambrogio de Predis (Vienna)
Attributed works:
Plate III. Leonardo da Vinci: Quaderni d'anatomia. E Vol. vi, 16 recto. F Vol. v, 19 recto. G Vol. v, 13 recto