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1 articles
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Designs by Filippo Juvarra for the Convent of S. Maria dell'Umiltà, Rome
02/2000 | 1163 | 142
Pages: 101-103
related names
Manfredi, Tommaso (Manfredi, Tommaso)
Attributed works:
56. First Design for the Cloister of the Convent of S. Maria dell'Umiltà, Rome, by Filippo Juvarra. Pen and Ink, 17.8 by 6.5 cm. (Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin).
Attributed works:
57. Second Design for the Cloister of the Convent of S. Maria dell'Umiltà, Rome, by Filippo Juvarra, Probably Dateable 1714. Pen and Ink, 17.6 by 5.3 cm.
Attributed works:
58. Eastern Arcade of the Cloister of the Convent of S. Maria dell'Umiltà, Today Casa S. Maria dell' Umiltà of the Collegio Americano del Nord.
Attributed works:
59. Detail of the Map of Rome by Giovanni Battista Falda, Showing the Area of S. Maria dell'Umiltà. 1676.
Attributed works:
60. Design for the Enlargement of the Palazzina del' Orologio in Villa Garzoni at Collodi. 1714. Pen and Brown Ink over Black Chalk, 18 by 22.3 cm. (Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg).
Attributed works:
61. Detail of the Map of Rome by Giovanni Battista Nolli, Showing the Area of S. Maria dell'Umiltà (No.296). 1748.
Attributed works:
62. Design for a Fountain in the Villa of Coriolano Orsucci at Segromigro, by Filippo Juvarra. 1714. Pen and Ink with Wash, 24.1 by 15.9 cm. (Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin).