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1 articles
The First Papal Medal: Sources and Meaning
12/1991 | 1065 | 133
Pages: 820-824
related names
Whitman, Nathan T. (Whitman, Nathan T.)
Attributed works:
10. Pope Nicholas in a Boat, by Andrea Guacialoti, 1455. Plaster Cast of Cast Lead Original, Reverse, 7.8 cm. diam. (Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen, Berlin).
Attributed works:
11. King Alfonso of Naples, by Pisanello. 1449. Cast Bronze Medal, Obverse, 10.85 cm. diam. (Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
12. King Alfonso as a Boar Hunter, by Pisanello, 1449. Cast Bronze Medal, Reverse, 10.85 cm. diam. (Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
13. Giotto's Navicella, Engraving, Here Reversed, by Nicolaus Béatrizet after the Mosaic of c. 1310. 1550, 23 by 16 cm. (Vatican Library).
Attributed works:
7. Pope Nicholas V, by Andrea Guacialoti. 1455. Cast Bronze Medal, Obverse, 7.7 cm. diam. (University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor).
Attributed works:
8. Pope Nicholas in a Boat, by Andrea Guacialoti. 1455. Cast Bronze Medal, Reverse, 7.7 cm. diam. (University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor).
Attributed works:
9. Leon Battista Alberti, by Matteo de'Pasti. c. 1446-50. Cast Bronze Medal, Obverse, 9.3 cm. diam. (Kress Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Western art unattributed:
14. Wax Seal of Pope Martin V, c. 1425. (Reproduced from K. A. Fink: 'Untersuchungen', Römische Quartalschrift, 43 [1935], pl.V).
Western art unattributed:
15. Wax Seal of Pope Nicholas V, 14th June 1449 (Archivio Gonzaga, Mantua, Busta 834, fol.36).
Western art unattributed:
16. Wax Seal of Pope Nicholas V, 29th October 1449 (Archivio Gonzaga, Mantua, Busta 834, fol.43).