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1 articles
Short Notice
On a Project Ascribed to Carlo Fontana for the Facade of S. Giovanni in Laterano
02/1975 | 863 | 117
Pages: 105-106+109+111
related names
Hager, Hellmut (Hager, Hellmut)
collectors and dealers:
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Attributed works:
57. Engraving after Carlo Fontana's Project of 1683 for the Façade of S. Marcello al Corso, Rome. (Insignum Romae Templorum Prospectus.)
Attributed works:
58. Project for the Façade of S. Carlo al Corso, Rome, by Carlo Francesco Bizzaccheri. (Accademia di S. Luca, Rome.)
Attributed works:
59. Copy of a Project by Carlo Fontana for the Façade of S. Giovanni Laterano. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.)
Attributed works:
60. SS. Stimmate di S. Francesco, Rome. Copy of an Elevation for the Façade by Joh. Conrad Schlaun, 1722. (Kunstbibliothek, Berlin, Hdz.4859.)