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1 articles
Pilgrimage scenes in newly identified medieval glass at Canterbury Cathedral
09/2019 | 1398 | 161
Pages: 708-715
related names
Koopmans, Rachel (Koopmans, Rachel)
Attributed works:
5. Plan of the eastern arm of Canterbury Cathedral, showing the location of the window discussed in the present article. (Plan adapted from R. Willis: The Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, London, 1845).
Attributed works:
7. John Lydgate and pilgrims on the road to Canterbury, from the prologue to Lydgate’s Siege of Thebes. c.1510–20. Parchment, sheet 39.5 by 28 cm. (British Library, London, Royal MS 18 D ii, fol.148r; Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
1. Pilgrims on the road to Canterbury, in a window in the north aisle of the Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral. Here dated mid-1180s, with early twentieth-century restorations. Stained glass, 75 by 68.5 cm. (Canterbury Cathedral, window nV 13; photograph N. Tees).
Western art unattributed:
10. The first mixing of the Becket blood and water relic at Canterbury Cathedral (the miracle of William of London), in a window in the north aisle of the Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral. Mid-1180s, with early twentieth-century restorations. Stained glass, 75 by 68.5 cm. (Canterbury Cathedral, window nV 7; photograph N. Tees).
Western art unattributed:
2. Window nV, north aisle, Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral. Here dated mid-1180s, with early twentieth-century restorations. Stained glass, 5.8 by 1.525 m. (Photograph Cathedral Studios, Canterbury).
Western art unattributed:
3. Distribution of the Becket blood and water relic to pilgrims in Canterbury Cathedral, in a window in the north aisle of the Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral. Here dated mid-1180s, with early twentieth-century restorations. Stained glass, 75 by 68.5 cm. (Canterbury Cathedral, window nV 14; photograph N. Tees).
Western art unattributed:
4. The north aisle of the Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral, showing window nV in the centre, before restoration and rearrangement of the glass. 1861. Photograph, 28.5 by 23.5 cm. (Canterbury Cathedral Archives; reproduced courtesy the Chapter, Canterbury Cathedral).
Western art unattributed:
6. The squire, detail from the Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer. c.1400–10. Parchment, sheet 10 by 15 cm. (Huntington Library, San Marino, California, MS EL 26 C 9, fol.115v).
Western art unattributed:
8. Detail of Fig.3.
Western art unattributed:
9. A Canterbury pilgrim’s ampulla. c.1220. Lead/tin alloy, 9.8 by 8.1cm. (Musée de Cluny, Paris; courtesy RMN-Grand Palais).