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1 articles
'The Story of Theodosius the Younger': a rediscovered tapestry set by Jacob Jordaens and his studio
06/2007 | 1251 | 149
Pages: 376-382
related names
Brosens, Koenraad (Brosens, Koenraad)
Attributed works:
1. The mock petition, by the Eggermans or Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool ad silk, 314 by 283 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
2. Theodosius receives the apple from a peasant, by the Eggermans workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 307 by 313 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
3. Theodosius gives the apple to Eudocia, by the Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 309 by 234 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
4. Eudocia passes on the apple to Paulinus, by the Eggermans or Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 311 by 197 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
5. Theodsius reveals the apple to Eudocia, by the Eggermans workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 311 by 370 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
6. Battle scene, by the Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 307 by 367 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
7. Bertruda obtains from the king of the Lombards his daugther as a wife for her son Carolus, by the Roelants workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 345 by 351 cm. (Museum Nicolas Rockox, Antwerp).
Attributed works:
8. Queen Artemisia in her room, by the Cordys workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 425 by 320 cm. (Present whereabouts unknown).
Attributed works:
9. Alexander the Great wounded in the thigh at the battle of Issus, by the Geubels workshop. c. 1630. Wool and silk, 420 by 770 cm. (Palazzo Marino, Milan).