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2 articles
'The Story of Theodosius the Younger': a rediscovered tapestry set by Jacob Jordaens and his studio
06/2007 | 1251 | 149
Pages: 376-382
related names
Brosens, Koenraad (Brosens, Koenraad)
Attributed works:
1. The mock petition, by the Eggermans or Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool ad silk, 314 by 283 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
2. Theodosius receives the apple from a peasant, by the Eggermans workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 307 by 313 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
3. Theodosius gives the apple to Eudocia, by the Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 309 by 234 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
4. Eudocia passes on the apple to Paulinus, by the Eggermans or Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 311 by 197 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
5. Theodsius reveals the apple to Eudocia, by the Eggermans workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 311 by 370 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
6. Battle scene, by the Le Clerc workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 307 by 367 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
7. Bertruda obtains from the king of the Lombards his daugther as a wife for her son Carolus, by the Roelants workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 345 by 351 cm. (Museum Nicolas Rockox, Antwerp).
Attributed works:
8. Queen Artemisia in her room, by the Cordys workshop. c. 1660. Wool and silk, 425 by 320 cm. (Present whereabouts unknown).
Attributed works:
9. Alexander the Great wounded in the thigh at the battle of Issus, by the Geubels workshop. c. 1630. Wool and silk, 420 by 770 cm. (Palazzo Marino, Milan).
Book Review
Carlo Saraceni
05/1970 | 806 | 112
Pages: 312-315
related names
Nicolson, Benedict (B. N) (Nicolson, Benedict (B. N); N., B.)
Reviewed Items
Carlo Saraceni | author: Ottani Cavina, Anna
Attributed works:
49. The Death of the Virgin, by Carlo Saraceni. Copper, 48.4 by 28 cm. (Private Collection, Chicago.). 51. St Sebastian. Copy after Carlo Saraceni. Copper, 12.7 by 18.4 cm. (Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow.). 52. Venus (?) Bathing, Here Attributed to Carlo Saraceni. (Formerly Collection Aldo Briganti, Rome.)
Attributed works:
53. Community of the Blessed Adoring the Holy Trinity, by Carlo Saraceni. Copper, 53.4 by 45.8 cm. (Collection Julius H. Weitzner, London.)