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2 articles
Kung Hsien: A Professional Chinese Artist and His Patronage
07/1981 | 940 | 123
Pages: 400+402-410
related names
Silbergeld, Jerome (Silbergeld, Jerome)
Attributed works:
13. Gathered Peaks Like Ten-Thousand Ceremonial Tablets, by Kung Hsien. Dated 1655. Hanging scroll, Ink on Paper. (S. H. Hwa Collection, Taipei).
Attributed works:
14. Imitating Li Liu-fang's 'Uncultivated Willows Picture', by Kung Hsien. Hanging Scroll, Ink on Paper. (Private Collection, Japan).
Attributed works:
15. Landscape, by Kung Hsien. Hanging Scroll, Ink on Satin. (University Art Museum, Berkeley).
Attributed works:
16. Leaf from an Instructional Album, Published as Hsi T'ieh-sheng shu-mu shan-shui hua-fa, by Kung Hsien. Ink on Paper. (Collection Unknown). 17. Leaf from an Instructional Album, Published as Kung Pan-ch'ien shou-t'u hua-kao, by Kung Hsien. Ink on Paper. (Collection Unknown). 18. Inscribed Leaf from a Collective Album for Chou Liang-kung, by Kung Hsien. Dated 1669. Ink on Paper. (National Palace Museum, Taipei). 19. Postscript to an Album, by Kung Hsien. Dated 1688. Ink on Paper. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.)
Attributed works:
20. Landscape With Trees Painted for Wang Shih-chen, by Kung Hsien. Hanging Scroll, Ink on Satin. (Coll. Ching Yüan Chai, Berkeley).
Attributed works:
21. Postscript to an Album, Published as Kung Pan-ch'ien shan-shui ching-p'in, by Kung Hsien. Dated 1676. Ink on Paper. (Collection Unknown).
Attributed works:
22. Streams, Mountains and Sparse Trees, from a Collective Album for Chou Liang-kung, by Kung Hsien. Ink on Paper. (National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan).
Short Notice
Chinese Paintings and Ceramics of the Ch'ing Period in the British Museum
06/1952 | 591 | 94
Pages: 168+170-171
related names
Bulling, Anneliese (Bulling, Anneliese; Bulling, A.)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
18. Section of Scroll: Chrysanthemum, Bamboo and Orchids, by Chêng Hsieh. 1755. Ink on Paper. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
19. Lady and Maid, by Kao Ch'i-p'ei. From an Album of Sketches. Ink and Light Colour on Paper. (British Museum, Presented by General Sir George S. de Barrow, G. C. B., K. C. M. G.)
Non-western art unattributed:
20. Swallows and Plum-Blossom. Poem by Jui-lin. Seventeenth-Century Colour Print. (British Museum, from the Kaempfer Collection.)