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4 articles
Short Notice
Wren, Hawksmoor and Les Invalides revisited
04/2008 | 1261 | 150
Pages: 250-252
related names
Downes, Kerry (Downes, Kerry)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
45. Revised design for the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1699. Pen and graphite on four separate pieces of paper pasted onto a base sheet, 46.8 by 30.5 cm. (St Paul’s collection, Guildhall Library, London)
Attributed works:
46. South elevation of St Paul’s Cathedral, from the office of Christopher Wren. c.1675–85. Pen and grey ink and grey wash with pencil and red crayon additions, 48.6 by 68.3 cm. (All Souls, Oxford)
Attributed works:
47. South elevation of St Paul’s Cathedral. 1702. Engraving by William Emmett. Detail of the corner bastion of the dome, reversed
Attributed works:
48. South elevation of St Paul’s Cathedral. Detail of the corner bastion of the dome. Measured drawing from A.F.E. Poley: St Paul’s Cathedral, London, Measured, Drawn and Described, London 1927, p.8
The revised design for St. Paul's Cathedral, 1685-90: Wren, Hawksmoor and Les Invalides
08/2004 | 1217 | 146
Pages: 534-547
related names
Higgott, Gordon (Higgott, Gordon)
Attributed works:
30. The Warrant design, main floor plan of St Paul's Cathedral (with plan of dome superimposed), by Christopher Wren. 1675. Black ink and wash, 33.5 by 52.3 cm. (Wren collection, All Souls College, Oxford; II.10).
Attributed works:
32. South elevation of St Paul's Cathedral, preparatory for engraving, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1686-87. Grey-black ink and grey wash, over pencil with crayon markings, 48.2 by 63.8 cm. (Wren collection, All Souls College, Oxford; II.29).
Attributed works:
33. West elevation of St Paul's Cathedral, preparatory for engraving (detail), by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1686-87. Grey-black ink and grey wash, with pencil notes and amendments, 43.2 by 63.8 cm. (Wren collection, All Souls College, Oxford; II.37).
Attributed works:
34. (left to right): a. Corinthian capital and swag from design for internal transept elevation. St Paul's Cathedral, by Christopher Wren. c.1675; b. Corinthian capital from design for same elevation, with scale bar, by Edward Pearce. 1678-79; c. Corinthian capital from design for same elevation, with scale bar, by an unidentified draughtsman. 1678-79; d. Detail of cartouche and swag from elevation of transept portal, by Edward Pearce. c.1678-85. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 30-32 and 128).
Attributed works:
36. Samples of Nicholas Hawksmoor's annotations (top to bottom): a. Detail from sheet formerly attached to Fig.40. c.1685-86 (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 45). b. Detail from Fig.32, bottom right. c.1686-87; c. Detail from Hawksmoor's design for Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire. 1688 (Staffordshire Record Office, Stafford; D (W) 1855, p.296); d. Detail from design for the St Paul's Morning Prayer Chapel. c.1696-97 (Wren collection, All Souls College, Oxford; IV.95).
Attributed works:
37. (left to right): a. Detail of scale bar on part-elevation for the east front of Hampton Court Palace, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. 1689-90. Brown ink. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London; 110/12); b. Detail of scale bar on elevation for the Great Portal from the Clock Court to the Fountain Court, Hampton Court Palace, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. 1690-91. Brown ink. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London; 110/53); c. Detail of scale bar on the elevation shown in Fig.39.
Attributed works:
38. Elevation of the upper transept front of St Paul's Cathedral, with revisions on flap (detail), by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1685-86. Brown ink, pencil and red crayon, 48.2 by 34.6 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 44).
Attributed works:
39. North elevation of the western body of St Paul's Cathedral, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1685-86. Brown ink and pencil, 49 by 66.5 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 14).
Attributed works:
40. Detail of upper transept front in Fig.32.
Attributed works:
41. Half-section through St Paul's Cathedral at triforium level, showing screen wall and alternatives for flying buttress, by Edward Pearce. c.1685-86. Brown ink and pencil, 51.6 by 60.4 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 57).
Attributed works:
43. Engraving by Jean Marot of the east side elevation of 'l'église de l'Hostel royal des Invalides' from L.J. de Boulencourt: Description Generale De l'Hostel Royal Des Invalides établi Par Louis Le Grand dans la Plaine de la Grenelle prés Paris [...], Paris 1683, 29.5 by 26.5 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
44. Detail of a bird's-eye view of Les Invalides from the south, showing the domed church, by Daniel Marot. Engraving from L.J. de Boulencourt: Description Generale De l'Hostel Royal Des Invalides établi Par Louis Le Grand dans la Plaine de la Grenelle prés Paris [...], Paris 1683, 20 by 14 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
45. Revised ground plan with proposals for underground drains, by Christopher Wren. c.1686. Ink, with pencil and red crayon, 25.1 by 36.3 cm. (All Souls College, Oxford, Wren collection; II.33).
Attributed works:
46. Side (west) elevation of 'l'église de l'Hostel royal des Invalides', by Pierre Lepautre. 1687. Engraving, 56 by 126 cm. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Va. 444, format 6).
Attributed works:
47. St Paul's Cathedral, north transept front. 2003. (Photograph: Nigel Corrie, English Heritage, London).
Attributed works:
48. Elevation of revised central bay, north transept front, St Paul's Cathedral, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1687-88. Brown ink and pencil, 31.2 by 43 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 10).
Attributed works:
49. Revised south elevation (fragment), by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1687-88. Brown ink with grey wash and pencil, 21 by 32.4 cm. John R. Redmill).
Attributed works:
50. East-west section of St Paul's Cathedral, proof state of c.1687-88, by unidentified engravers. Engraving with contemporary brown ink notes and sketches by Nicholas Hawksmoor, 49.5 by 72.3 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 94).
Attributed works:
51. Revised design for the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, in four separate pieces, pasted onto a base sheet, by Nicholas Hawksmoor. c.1690 (section and plan), with reused elevation pieces from c.1687-88. Brown inks and pencil, 46.8 by 30.5 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 95).
Attributed works:
52. Diagonal section of the dome of 'l'église de l'Hostel royal des Invalides', by Pierre Lepautre. 1687. Engraving, 134.5 by 92.5 cm. (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Va. 444, format 6).
Western art unattributed:
31. St Paul's Cathedral. South elevation and half plan as built, from A. Poley: St Paul's Cathedral, London, Measured, Drawn and Described, London 1927, pls.8 and 23, shaded to indicate main phases of construction from 1675 by 1688. (Richard Lea, English Heritage, London).
Western art unattributed:
35. Half section through the choir at the level of the triforium, St Paul's Cathedral (detail), by an unidentified draughtsman. c.1678-80. Brown ink and pencil, 22.2 by 40.5 cm. (St Paul's collection, Guildhall Library, London; KD 6).
Western art unattributed:
42. North elevation of St Paul's Cathedral, proof state of c.1687-88, with later cut-outs from prints of the executed dome pasted on, by unidentified engravers. Engraving, 45 by 72 cm. (Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral, London, Trophy Room; SP.105).
Publication Received
L'Hotel et l'eglise des Invalides
04/1992 | 1069 | 134
Pages: 260
Reviewed Items
L'Hotel et l'eglise des Invalides | author: Jestaz, Bertrand
Book Review
The Two Churches of the Hotel des Invalides: A History of Their Design
07/1966 | 760 | 108
Pages: 378-379
related names
Smith, Peter (Smith, Peter)
Reviewed Items
The Two Churches of the Hotel des Invalides: A History of Their Design | author: Reuterswärd, Patrik