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1 articles
Exhibition Review
Two Additions to the Work of Giovanni Angelo Canini
10/1978 | 907 | 120
Pages: 668+670-671+673
related names
Turner, Nicholas (Turner, Nicholas)
Attributed works:
32. Apotheosis of St Peter, by Giovanni Angelo Canini. Pen and Brown Wash over Black Chalk, 37.5 by 23.6 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome).
Attributed works:
33. Apotheosis of St Peter, by Giovanni Angelo Canini (Retouched). (S. Pietro, Sambuci).
Attributed works:
34. Apotheosis of St Peter, by Giovanni Angelo Canini. Verso, 27.3 by 20.8 cm. (University Art Museum, Berkeley).
Attributed works:
35. Apotheosis of St Peter, by Giovanni Angelo Canini. Recto of Fig. 34. Pen and Brown Wash over Red Chalk.
Attributed works:
36. The Virgin in Glory with Sts Dominic and Michael Archangel, by Giovanni Angelo Canini. (S. Benedetto, Venice).
Attributed works:
37. Study for the Figure of Lucifer, by Giovanni Angelo Canini. Black Chalk Heightened with White, 41.5 by 52.9 cm. (Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf).