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4 articles
Chinese Jade
08/1914 | 137 | 25
Pages: 294-295+297-299
related names
Maxwell, I. B. (Maxwell, I. B.)
Non-western art unattributed:
(A) Chueh Chih. A pair of rulers of oblong shape used in order to assist in obtaining a correct and a uniform position of characters when writing. In bluish white jade with light brown spots scattered broadcast. Decoration in high relief, dragon watching over its young. Length, circ. 27.3 cm. Han. Various Chinese Jades
Non-western art unattributed:
(A) Hollow disc in bluish white jade with clayish patina. Decoration conventional t'ao-t'ieh' on the one side and grain pattern on the other. Diameter, circ. 8.3 cm. Han. Chinese Jade Discs
Non-western art unattributed:
(B) Hollow disc in grey transparent jade with black stains, almost like lacca black, in some parts. Decoration cloud pattern. It is of very delicate workmanship throughout, and engraved on the edge is a tribute by Emperor Chien Lung consisting of forty-six characters formed in a most graceful style, appended with two seals and date corresponding to 1787. Diameter, circ. 11.5 cm. Han or earlier. Chinese Jade Discs
Non-western art unattributed:
(B) Huang. A pendant in yellowish jade stained all over with russet spots. In shape it is curved somewhat like a crescent, but without the tapering ends. A small hole is perforated near one end. Decoration, a dragon in bas-relief. This may be the jade huang said to be used in the worship of the north, or a piece of a girdle pendant. Length, circ. 18.8 cm. Han. Various Chinese Jades
Non-western art unattributed:
(C) Chueh. A hollow disc in yellowish jade with brown stains and raised spots, carved to represent a coiled dragon. The top is represented by the head and tail, which meet, the remainder of the circle consisting of the body divided into four sections. These sections are decorated alternately with scale and cloud patterns. The tail terminates with a small outward twist. Diameter, circ. 17.2 cm. Chou. Hollow discs, which have a small strip completely cut out in a transverse direction, and also those carved into designs which are not symmetrical, are, according to the "Ku yü t'u p'u", classed under the name Chueh, but it is probable that they belong to quite a different category, and the second-mentioned may have belonged to the class of pi. An opinion advanced that this jade was probably used in times of drought to pray for rain, as the dragon-form might well suggest, and accordingly giving it the name of "lung", cannot be accepted without reserve. According to the "Kuang yün", when an exile is presented with huan he is summoned back, but when he is presented with chueh he is cast out. This latter was the case when Hsien Kung of Chin gave his son Shensheng a chueh (B. C. 655). Also if a vassal be anxious to return to his lord he wears huan, but if otherwise he wears chueh. But this is quite unreliable, the idea perhaps having originated by reason of the similarity in the pronunciation of huan and chueh, to return and separate respectively. Great care should be exercised before adopting the ideas and suggestions culled from native literature, which is full of groundless speculations and fictitious creations. Chinese Jade Discs
Non-western art unattributed:
(C) I. A sacrificial vase for wine, or by some authorities believed to be a finger-bowl used by royalty, in bluish white jade, with brown mist. Carved in such manner as to present a body of rectangular shape, rim or upper section terminating in spout, handle, and four feet or legs, of tusk-like shape, pointed downwards and outwards. The body is decorated with grain pattern, the rim with phœnix dragon and two pillars or ears, the handle with t'ao-t'ieh and silk-work pattern, and the legs with key pattern. There are also ornamental ridges at the corners and sides of each section. Height, circ. 13 cm. Probably Chou. Various Chinese Jades
Non-western art unattributed:
(D) Incense burner, brown jade with speckled lid with five circular holes and one rectangular hole in the centre. Four panels of dragon decoration. Diameter, circ. 8¼ cm. Probably Sung. Various Chinese Jades
Short Notice
Recent Prints and Reproductions
08/1914 | 137 | 25
Pages: 311-314
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B., T. (B., T.; Borenius, T.; Borenius, Dr.; Borenius, Tancred)
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Briggs, Martin S. (Briggs, Martin S.; B., M. S.; Briggs, M. S.; Bricgs, Martin S.; Briggs, S. Martin)
Child, Harold (Child, Harold; Child, Harold Hannyngton; C., H.; C., H. H.)
G., F. (G., F.)
Hind, Arthur Mayger (Hind, Arthur Mayger; H., A. M.; Hind, A. M.; Hind, Arthur M.)
L., G. (L., G.)
Maxwell, I. B. (Maxwell, I. B.)
P., M. M. (P., M. M.)
Mr. Charles Davis, M. V. O.
07/1914 | 136 | 25
Pages: 260
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Maxwell, I. B. (Maxwell, I. B.)
collectors and dealers:
Short Notice
07/1914 | 136 | 25
Pages: 259-260
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Cust, Lionel (L. C.) (Cust, Lionel (L. C.); C., L.)
Maxwell, I. B. (Maxwell, I. B.)