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2 articles
Francesco Albani’s New Year’s greetings in an unpublished letter
01/2014 | 1330 | 156
Pages: 21-25
related names
Cacho Casal, Marta (Cacho Casal, Marta)
Attributed works:
30. St John the Baptist in the desert, by Pietro del Po after Annibale Carracci. c.1650-92. Etching and engraving, 42.8 by 33.2 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
31. View of the north side of the Farnese Gallery with frescos by Annibale Carracci, engraved by Pietro Bettelini, etched by Giovanni Volpato. c.1775-77. Etching and engraving, 49.1 by 84 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
32. Diana and Endymion, by Annibale Carracci. c.1597-1608. Fresco. (Farnese Gallery, Palazzo Farnese, Rome).
Attributed works:
33. The Indies present Neptune with seeds of Indian flowers, by Johann Friedrich Greuter after Guido Reni. Engraving, approx. 20.8 by 15 cm. (From G.B. Ferrari: Jo. Bapt. Ferrarii [...] De Florum Cultura libri IV, Rome 1633; Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid).
Attributed works:
34. The Indies present Neptune with seeds of Indian flowers, school of Guido Reni(?). c.1620-60. Canvas, dimensions unknown. (Present whereabouts unknown; photograph Fondazione Zeri, Bologna).
Attributed works:
35. A monkey on a man's shoulders, by Annibale Carracci. ca.1588-90. Red chalk, 17.4 by 17.9 cm. (British Museum, London).
Short Notice
Gonzalo Argote de Molina and his museum in Seville
10/2006 | 1243 | 148
Pages: 689-693
related names
Cacho Casal, Marta (Cacho Casal, Marta)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
30. Portrait of Gonzalo Argote de Molina, by Francisco Pacheco. c.1599. Black and red chalk on paper, 18.9 by 14.9 cm. Libro de descripción de verdareros retratos de ilustres y memorables varones, fol.72r. (Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid).
Attributed works:
33. Portrait of Philip II, by Alonso Sánchez Coello. 1570–71. Canvas, 109.5 by 92.5 cm. (Pollok House, Glasgow).
Attributed works:
34. Portrait of Süleyman I, the Magnificent, by Theodor de Bry. c.1596. 15.3 by 13 cm. From Vitae et Icones Sultanorum Turcicorum, Frankfurt 1596, fol.172. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
35. Portrait of Carlos de Negrón, by Francisco Pacheco. c.1599. Black and red chalk on paper, 18.9 by 14.9 cm. From Libro de descripción de retratos de ilustres y memorables varones, fol.74r. (Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid).
Western art unattributed:
31. Impresa of Gonzalo Argote de Molina. c.1572. Engraving, 18.3 by 15 cm. From Geronimo Ruscelli: Le imprese illustri con esposizioni e discorsi, Venice 1572, fol.253v. (By permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library).
Western art unattributed:
32. Armadillo, by an anonymous Italian artist. c.1574. Woodcut, 10.8 by 6.1 cm. From Geronimo Ruscelli: Le imprese illustri con esposizioni e discorsi, Venice 1572, fol.254r. (By permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library).