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1 articles
The Art of Conservation: X Pietro Edwards: The restorer as 'philosophe'
04/2017 | 1369 | 159
Pages: 308-317
related names
Darrow, Elizabeth (Darrow, Elizabeth)
art literature:
Attributed works:
44. Pope Pius VI blessing the crowd at Campo SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, by Francesco Guardi. 1782 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
Attributed works:
45. Plan of SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Venice. 1856. From P. Beroaldi: Quadro storico-statistico dello Spedale Civile Provinciale di Venezia..., Venice 1856 (Biblioteca Marciana, Venice). Nos.10 and 14 on the first floor are thought to be refectories and one or both were Pietro Edward's laboratory
Attributed works:
46. Chymie, Laboratoire et Table des Rapports, by Robert Bénard. 1763. From D. Diderot and J. Le Rond d'Alembert: Encyclopédie; ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des metiers, 1751-72, III, pl.1 (Wellcome Library, London)
Attributed works:
47. Feste e spettacoli allestiti in piazza San Marco in onore dei conti del Nord, engraved by Alessandri and Scattaglia after Antoino Baratti. 1782 (Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles)
Attributed works:
48. Martyrdom of St Lawrence, by Titian. 1558, after the restoration in 2012 (Church of the Gesuiti, Venice)