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3 articles
An ‘Enfant malade’ by Medardo Rosso from the collection of Louis Vauxcelles
11/2010 | 1292 | 152
Pages: 727-735
related names
Hecker, Sharon (Hecker, Sharon)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
30. Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. c.1893–95. Wax cast with plaster interior in original glass vitrine, sculpture: 17 by 15 by 25.5 cm.; glass case: 40.5 by 25.5 by 38.5 cm.; base: 45 by 30 by 8.5 cm. (Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid; photographed in 2007 by Peter Freeman in the Vauxcelles family home, Paris).
Attributed works:
31. Another view of Fig.30 showing ‘halo’ ridge and front and back
Attributed works:
32. Detail of the interior cavity in Ecce puer, by Medardo Rosso. 1906. Wax cast with plaster core, 49 by 28 by 33 cm. (Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ricci-Oddi, Piacenza; photograph courtesy of Henry Lie, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge MA).
Attributed works:
33. Another view of Fig.30 showing interior cavity
Attributed works:
34. Another view of Fig.30 showing pock and hole casting imperfections
Attributed works:
35. Another view of Fig.30 showing base with wooden wedge
Attributed works:
36. Medardo Rosso (left) in his Milan studio, by Medardo Rosso? 1883. Photograph. (Copy of print in Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Attributed works:
39. Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. c.1893–95. Wax cast with plaster interior, 28 by 25 by 15 cm. (Staatliche Kustsamm­lungen, Skulpturensammlung, Dresden).
Attributed works:
40. Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. c.1893–95. Wax cast with plaster interior and base, 27 by 18.4 by 25.4 cm. (Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas).
Attributed works:
41. Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. c.1893–95. Bronze, 25.5 by 14.5 by 16.5 cm. (Galleria nazionale d’arte moderna, Milan; photograph courtesy of Henry Lie, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge MA).
Attributed works:
42. Etha Fles in her Rome apartment with Enfant malade on piano, by Medardo Rosso. 1908–13. Photograph. (Courtesy of Margaret Scolari Barr).
Attributed works:
43. Photograph of Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. 1906–09. Aristotype on gloss paper; enlarged from a photograph blocked out with tempera, 7.9 by 6.3 cm. (Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Attributed works:
44. Undated ensemble of two photographs of Enfant malade, by Medardo Rosso. Above (without ‘rialzo’): 1895–1902. Mixed media print, 39.9 by 30 cm. Below (with ‘rialzo’): see Fig.43. (Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Western art unattributed:
37. Medardo Rosso installation at Salon d’Automne, Paris, by an unknown photo­grapher. 1904. Photograph. (Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Western art unattributed:
38. Medardo Rosso’s studio in boulevard des Batignolles, Paris, showing Enfant malade in vitrine (centre); Impression de boulevard: Paris la nuit (back; composed of two figures) and Madame Noblet (front left), by Medardo Rosso. Mid- to late 1890s. Photograph. (Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Short Notice
Ambivalent Bodies: Medardo Rosso's Brera Petition
12/2000 | 1173 | 142
Pages: 773-777
related names
Hecker, Sharon (Hecker, Sharon)
Attributed works:
47. L'Allucinato, by Medardo Rosso, 1881. ?Unfired Clay; (Right) Dopo una scappata, by Medardo Rosso, 1882. ?Bronze. (Location Unknown; Photograph Probably Taken by Rosso or under His Direction, c.1882).
Attributed works:
48. Copy of Jean-Antoine Houdon's La Petite frileuse, by Medardo Rosso. Painted Plaster, 28.5 by 8 by 8 cm. (Museo Medardo Rosso, Barzio).
Attributed works:
49. Woman on a Bed, by Medardo Rosso. Pen on Paper, 13 by 18 cm. (Private Collection, Milan. Originally Given by Rosso as a Gift to Ardengo Soffici).
Attributed works:
50. Female Nude Lying down, by Medardo Rosso. Ink on Paper, 11 by 18 cm. (Carrà Collection, Milan. Originally Given by Rosso as a Gift to Carlo Carrà).
Short Notice
Medardo Rosso's First Commission
12/1996 | 1125 | 138
Pages: 817-822
related names
Hecker, Sharon (Hecker, Sharon)
Attributed works:
51. Pencil Drawing for the Installation La Riconoscenza. 1885. (Archivio Ufficio Servizio Mortuario, Comune di Milano).
Attributed works:
52. Photograph of Bronze Cast of La Riconoscenza, by Medardo Rosso. Photograph c. 1883-85. (Archivio Ufficio Servizio Mortuario, Comune di Milano).
Attributed works:
53. Funerary Monument for Tomb of Luigi Candiani, by Orazio Grossoni. 1899. Bronze. (Cimitero Monumentale, Zona centrale, sp. 48, Milan).
Attributed works:
54. Funerary Monument for Curletti Family Burial Chapel, by Enrico Butti. 1905. Bronze. (Cimitero Monumentale, Portico inferiore, Galleria AB levante, Prono del Famedio, Milan).
Attributed works:
55. Funerary Monument for Tomb of Elisa Rognoni Faini, by Medardo Rosso. 1888. Bronze. (Cimitero Monumentale, Circondante di levante, giardino 174, Milan).