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1 articles
A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
09/1934 | 378 | 65
Pages: 98-101+103-105+108-110+113
related names
Beenken, Hermann (Beenken, Hermann; Beenken, H.)
Attributed works:
Madonna and Child with Four Saints. Polyptych, Here Ascribed to Giotto. Panel. Height to the Points of the Gables, 91-97 cm.; Breadth of the Whole, 340 cm. (Museum of S. Croce, Florence). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child (Detail of Plate I). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna and Child with Saints (Detail), by Giotto (Uffizi Gallery, Florence). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-St. John (Detail of Plate I). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate II. D-Madonna and Child, by Taddeo Gaddi? Panel, 33 by 24 cm. (The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Heads of Saints. (Detail of The Madonna and Child with Saints), by Giotto (Uffizi Gallery, Florence). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-St. Nicholas (Detail of Plate I). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate III. C-St. Peter (Detail of Plate I). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate IV. A-St. Benedict (Detail of Plate I). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate IV. B-The Birth of the Virgin (Detail), by Giotto (The Arena Chapel, Padua). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate IV. C-St. Stephen. School of Giotto, Panel, 84 by 54 cm. (The Horne Collection, Florence). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto
Attributed works:
Plate IV. D-The Naming of St. John the Baptist (Detail), by Giotto (S. Croce, Florence). A Polyptych Ascribed to Giotto