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2 articles
Publication Received
Stefano Bardini ‘Principe degli Antiquari’: Prolegomenon to a Biography. By Anita Fiderer Moskowitz
05/2018 | 1382 | 160
Pages: 438
related names
Levi, Donata (Levi, Donata)
collectors and dealers:
A Marble in Manhattan: The Case for Michelangelo
10/1996 | 1123 | 138
Pages: 644-659
related names
Brandt, Kathleen Weil-Garris (Brandt, Kathleen Weil-Garris; Weil-Garris, Kathleen; Posner, Kathleen Weil-Garris)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
1. Marble Figure of Boy, Attributed to Michelangelo, as Illustrated in Stefano Bardini's Sale Catalogue, Christie's, London, 1902, pl. 35.
Attributed works:
10. Marble Boy, Three-Quarter View, from the Front.
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Bacchus, by Michelangelo. Marble, 203 cm. High (Whole) (Museo del Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
12. Marble Boy, Detail of Lower Abdomen.
Attributed works:
13. Marble Boy, Front View.
Attributed works:
14. Apollo or Orpheus, by Bertoldo. Bronze, 43.7 cm. High (Museo del Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig. 14, Showing the Head. [Apollo or Orpheus, by Bertoldo. Bronze, 43.7 cm. High (Museo del Bargello, Florence).]
Attributed works:
16. Marble Boy, Detail of the Head Seen from below.
Attributed works:
17. Bacchus, Detail of the Head.
Attributed works:
18. Marble Boy, Detail of the Head Seen from the Front.
Attributed works:
19. Detail of the Head of Christ from the Taddei Tondo, by Michelangelo. Marble. (Royal Academy, London).
Attributed works:
2. The Marble Boy Mounted on a Square Base When in Bardini's Collection (From A. Parronchi: Opere Giovanili di Michelangelo, Florence [1992], IV, Fig. 27a).
Attributed works:
20. St Proculus, by Michelangelo. Marble, 55.9 cm. High (S. Domenico, Bologna).
Attributed works:
21. Crucifix from S. Spirito, by Michelangelo. Polychromed Wood, 135 cm. High (Casa Buonarroti, Florence).
Attributed works:
22. Marble Boy, Seen from behind.
Attributed works:
23. Bacchus, Seen from the Back, by Michelangelo. Marble. (Museo del Bargello, Florence).
Attributed works:
24. Marble Boy, Detail of the Head as Seen from the Front.
Attributed works:
25. Detail of the Madonna's Head from the Vatican Pietà, by Michelangelo. Marble, 174 cm. High (Whole). (St Peter's, Rome).
Attributed works:
26. Crucifix, Detail Showing the Torso.
Attributed works:
27. Bacchus, Detail of the Torso.
Attributed works:
28. Marble Boy, Detail of Torso, Seen from the Front.
Attributed works:
29. Marble Boy, Detail of Head Seen in Profile.
Attributed works:
3. The Marble Boy, Here Attributed to Michelangelo, as Installed by Stanford White in the Vestibule of the Payne Whitney House, New York (Services Culturels de l'Ambassade de France, New York).
Attributed works:
30. Detail of Fig. 31, Showing the Angel's Heads. [Manchester Madonna, by Michelangelo. Tempera on Panel, 105.4 by 76.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).]
Attributed works:
31. Manchester Madonna, by Michelangelo. Tempera on Panel, 105.4 by 76.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
4. Marble Boy, Side View. Marble, 100 cm. High (Excluding Base).
Attributed works:
5. Marble Boy, Side View from the Figure's Right.
Attributed works:
6. Marble Boy, Three-Quarter View, from the Back.
Attributed works:
7. Marble Boy, Front View.
Attributed works:
8. Marble Boy, Detail of Head and Torso Showing Site of Old Repair and of Metal Pin.
Attributed works:
9. Marble Boy Showing Detail of Head and Torso with Lion's Paw.