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8 articles
Short Notice
Robert Adam-His Influence on Furniture Design
03/1942 | 468 | 80
Pages: 73-75
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Western art unattributed:
A-Sideboard and Flanking Pedestals and Urns. Sideboard 3′ 5½″ × 8′. (Messrs. F. Partridge and Sons Ltd.). Shorter Notice: Robert Adam-His Influence on Furniture Design
Western art unattributed:
B-Wine Cooler. Height 20½″. (Messrs. F. Partridge and Sons Ltd.) Shorter Notice: Robert Adam-His Influence on Furniture Design
Western art unattributed:
C-One of Two Side Tables. Height 2′ 9½″. (Messrs. F. Partridge and Sons Ltd.) Shorter Notice: Robert Adam-His Influence on Furniture Design
Short Notice
Chinese Art at Harrogate
08/1941 | 461 | 79
Pages: 61+65
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Non-western art unattributed:
C-Bronze hu with Inscription Inside the Neck. Chou Dynasty. Height, 45 cm. (Messrs. John Sparks). Shorter Notice: Chinese Art at Harrogate.
Non-western art unattributed:
D-Bronze Kuei. Inscription on Both, Vessel and Cover. Chou Dynasty. Height, 23.5 cm. (Messrs. John Sparks). Shorter Notice: Chinese Art at Harrogate.
Non-western art unattributed:
E-White Jade Vase. Chia Ch'ing Mark at Base (1796-1821 A. D.). Height, 24.8 cm. (Messrs. John Sparks). Shorter Notice: Chinese Art at Harrogate.
Short Notice
An English Kitchen by F. van Aken
03/1941 | 456 | 78
Pages: 98+100
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Attributed works:
Kitchen Scene. by F. van Aken. Signed. Canvas, 36.8 by 33 cm. (Messrs. P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., Ltd.). Shorter Notices: An English Kitchen by F. van Aken
Silver and Glass
02/1941 | 455 | 78
Pages: 60+64-65
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Cut Glass Candlestick on Porcelain Base. Late Eighteenth Century. (Messrs. A. Churchill Ltd.). B-Tea Kettle. By James Wickes. 1729. C-Pierced Sugar Castor. By Anthony Nelme. 1714. (Messrs. S. J. Phillips). Silver and Glass.
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Silver Flagon. 1683. Saved from St. James's Church, Piccadilly. E-Chair of Beech Wood Covered in Scarlet Lacquer. One of a Set of Twenty-Four. (Messrs. M. Harris & Sons.) F-Silver Gilt Steeple Cup. By F. Terry. 1625-6. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Silver and Glass.
Short Notice
A. T. E. Lawrence Portrait by Augustus John
10/1940 | 451 | 77
Pages: 132-134
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Attributed works:
C-T. E. Lawrence As Aircraftsman Shaw. By Augustus John. Canvas, 91.4 by 66 cm. (Messrs. Arthur Tooth & Son). Shorter Notices: A. T. E. Lawrence Portrait by Augustus John
Short Notice
The London Art Market in War-Time
05/1940 | 446 | 76
Pages: i-iii
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Attributed works:
6. General the Hon. Charles Stuart. By George Romney (1734-1802). Painted 1779. Canvas 49½ by 39½ in. (Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd., 43 Old Bond Street, London, W.1.) Collection: General Stuart-Wortley. Engraved by J. Grozer 1794 and by S. W. Reynolds 1803. Nos. 6 and 8 will be on view at Agnew's in the forthcoming Old Masters Exhibition.
Attributed works:
7. Montmartre. Le Sacre Cœur. By Utrillo. Signed. Painted 1915. Panel 23$frac{7}{8}$ by 19$frac{5}{8}$ in. (Messrs. Alex Reid & Lefevre Ltd., 1a King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Attributed works:
8. The Woodland Farm. By John Sell Cotman (1782-1842). Canvas 17 by 13 in. (Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd., 43 Old Bond Street, London, W.1.) Nos. 6 and 8 will be on view at Agnew's in the forthcoming Old Masters Exhibition.
Attributed works:
9. Portrait of a Woman. By Willem de Poorter (floruit 1630-45). Panel, 20 by 16 in. (Mr. Paul Larsen, 34 Duke Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Non-western art unattributed:
2. Bronze "Lien" or receptacle for holding toilet requisites. Southern China. c. A. D. 1st Century. Height 20¼ in., diameter 22½ in. (Messrs. Spink & Son Ltd., 5-7 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Non-western art unattributed:
3. Vase and Cover with design of ascending and descending prunus sprays in white on a "cracked-ice" brilliant blue ground. Reign of K'ang Hsi. Height 10 in. (Messrs. Frank Partridge & Sons Ltd., 26 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Non-western art unattributed:
4. Wooden Figure of a Seated Lohan with traces of lacquer at the edge of robes. Ming Dynasty. Height 3 ft. 7½ in. (Messrs. John Sparks Ltd., 128 Mount Street, London, W.1.
Non-western art unattributed:
5. Blue and White Vase with Elizabethan silver mounts. Ming Dynasty. Height 9 in. (Messrs. S. J. Phillips, 113 New Bond Street, London, W.1.)
Western art unattributed:
1. Specimens of an old Worcester Porcelain Service. Dr. Wall period. c. 1760. Square and crescent marks. Exotic birds with landscapes and buildings enclosed in gilt borders upon a deep blue ground. (Messrs. Albert Amor Ltd., 15 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Short Notice
The London Art Market in War-Time
04/1940 | 445 | 76
Pages: i-iii
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Attributed works:
1. Seascape. By William Van de Velde the Younger (1633-1707). Canvas. 17½ in. by 26½ in. (Messrs. Spink & Son Ltd., 5-7 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.)
Attributed works:
2. Flemish Tapestry. By William Pannemaker. Date c. 1535. 10 ft. 8 in. by 13 ft. 9 in. (Messrs. S. & R. Rosenberg Ltd., 44 Conduit Street, London, W.1.) Exhibited, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1936. William Pannemaker was responsible for many tapestries of this character for the Emperor Charles V. Collections: E. M. Hodgkins, 1917; Salting.
Attributed works:
3. "Courtship." Drawing by William Williams. One of a pair, "Courtship" and "Marriage," engraved in aquatint by F. Jukes. 14 by 11¼ in. (From the Arthur N. Gilbey collection, to be sold at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods on April 26th.) Collections: E. M. Hodgkins, 1917; Salting.
Attributed works:
4. Portrait of the Duchess of Rutland By John Downman, A. R. A. (1750-1824). Signed and dated 1783. 20¼in. by 13¼ in. (From the Arthur N. Gilbey collection, to be sold at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods, on April 26th.) Collections: E. M. Hodgkins, 1917; Salting.
Attributed works:
5. Still Life. By J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851). Canvas. 30 by 25 in. (Messrs. G. T. Nicholson Ltd., 45 St. James's Place, London, S. W.1.) Collection. John Ruskin.
Attributed works:
6. Hepplewhite Mahogany Fret Corner China Bracket. Height 3 ft. 2 in. overall. Depth of side at lower shelf 1 ft. 3 in. Between shelves 11 in., 10 in. and 7 in. (Messrs. Leonard Knight Ltd., 75 Jermyn Street, London, S. W.1.)
Attributed works:
7. Portrait of a Man. By Govert Flinck (1615-1660). Panel. 26½ by 20 in. (Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd., 43 Old Bond Street, London, W.1.)
Attributed works:
8. "Willows." By John Crome (1768-1821). Panel. 10¼ by 8 in. (Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd., 43 Old Bond Street, London, W.1.)
Short Notice
The London Art Market in War-Time
03/1940 | 444 | 76
Pages: i-v
related names
Davis, Frank (Davis, Frank; D., F.)
Attributed works:
1. Haymaking. By Francis Wheatley (1747-1801). Signed and dated 1795. Canvas. 40 by 50 in.(?). (Mr. Frank T. Sabin, 49 Woodville Gardens, Ealing, London, W.5.) Sky, deep blue with white clouds. Horses, brown and chestnut. The greens range from deep grass green to olive. The figures in the right foreground are in shades of red, pink, and light and dark blue.
Attributed works:
3. The Virgin and Child with an Angel in a land-scape. By The Master of Hoogstraeten. Panel, 35 by 28$frac{3}{8}$ in. (Tomas Harris Ltd., 6 Chesterfield Gardens, Curzon Street, London, W.1.) From the Fr. Lippmann Collection, Berlin. The Virgin is in a dark blue frock and a red pleated coat. Max. J. Friedländer, Sale catalogue, R. Lepke, Berlin, November 26th, 27th, 1912.
Attributed works:
4. "Harling Gate," By John Crome (1768-1821). Canvas. 21 by 16$frac{3}{4}$ in. (Messrs. Leggatt Brothers, 30 St. James's Street, London, S. W.1.) Collections: Mr. Fison, Earl Stonham, Mr. C. W. Gray, Lord Curzon. Illustrated in "Crome," by C. H. Collins Baker: Plate XXXIX and recorded on page 138.
Attributed works:
6. Nottingham Alabaster Carving. St. George and the Dragon. Height, 14$frac{3}{4}$ in. First half of the fourteenth century. (Messrs. Frank Partridge & Sons Ltd., 26 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.) Collections: Sir Guy Laking, Clarence H. Mackay. There are traces of red and gold on the armour. The dragon is red. The background represents the conventional flowery meadow, in red, white and green.
Attributed works:
9. River Landscape. By A. Van der Neer (1604-1677). Signed with monogram. Canvas. 22½ by 29½ in. (Messrs. Mondschein & Co. Ltd., Seamore Court, Curzon Street, London, W.1.) An early work comparable to the early Van der Neer in the National Gallery.
Non-western art unattributed:
5. Porcelain Vase in the form of a jade t'sung, covered with a crackled celadon glaze. From Lung Chuan. Height, 16 in. Sung Dynasty A. D. 960-1279. (Messrs. John Sparks Ltd., 128 Mount Street, London, W.1.) The repetition of this ancient jade form, symbol of the earth, in porcelain is a remarkable instance of Chinese conservatism. When this Sung Dynasty piece came from the kiln, the T'sung was already a ritual object known for at least a thousand years-and the shape is a popular product of the potter's art even to-day. A similar specimen is shown in the "Catalogue of the David Collection" -Plate XLII, page 43, by R. L. Hobson.
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Rare Onion-Green and Brown Soapstone Carving of a mythical creature of the Han Dynasty. (Messrs. Spink & Son Ltd., 5-7 King Street, London, S. W.1.) This animal corresponds both in colour, size and weight to the well-known example in jade in The Field Museum which is illustrated in colour (Plate 43) in Berthold Laufer's "Jade," and there seems to be no adequate reason why it should not be ascribed to the same early period.
Western art unattributed:
2. Louis XV Rectangular Gold Snuffbox, enamelled top, base and sides with scenes in the manner of Loutherbourg. Diamond floral thumbpicce. In the interior is a miniature of Henriette de Bourbon, daughter of Louis XV, by Nattier. (Messrs. S. J. Phillips, 113 New Bond Street, London, W.1.) This box was given by Louis XV to Catharine II, who in turn gave it to Prince Orloff. Exhibited at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1936.
Western art unattributed:
7. Walnut Armchair of the Chippendale Period. About the middle of the eighteenth century. (Messrs. Liberty & Co. Ltd., Regent Street, London, W.1.) The normal chair of this style and date, with pierced back and high shoulders, is in mahogany.