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2 articles
Raphael's Heliodorus Vault and Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling: An Old Controversy and a New Drawing
03/1990 | 1044 | 132
Pages: 195-204
related names
Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia (Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia; Ferino Pagden, Sylvia)
Attributed works:
40. Noah's Thanksgiving after the Flood, by Raphael. Pen and Ink over Traces of Black Chalk, 21.5 by 31 cm. (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm).
Attributed works:
41. Noah's Thanksgiving after the Flood, by Raphael. Fresco, Section of the Vault of the Stanza di Eliodoro. (Vatican, Rome).
Attributed works:
42. Noah's Thanksgiving after the Flood, by Marcantonio Raimondi after Raphael. Engraving.
Attributed works:
43. Death of Adonis, by Raphael. Pen and Ink over Black Chalk, 26.5 by 33 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
44. Death of Adonis, by the 'Calligraphic Forger'. Pen and Ink. (Formerly in the Habich Collection, Kassel).
Attributed works:
45. Two Winged Putti, by Raphael. Pen and Ink over Traces of Stylus. Verso of Fig.40.
Attributed works:
46. Detail of Fig.41. [Noah's Thanksgiving after the Flood, by Raphael. Fresco, Section of the Vault of the Stanza di Eliodoro. (Vatican, Rome).]
Attributed works:
47. Half of the Jacob/Joseph Lunette, by Michelangelo. Fresco. (Sistine Chapel, Vatican).
Attributed works:
48. Studies for the Madonna and Child, by Raphael. Red Chalk, Pen and Ink, 26 by 19.2 cm. (Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
49. God the Father Appearing to Moses, by Raphael. Pen and Ink over Traces of Chalk, 27.1 by 40.1 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
50. Sheet of Studies Including Angels for God the Father Appearing to Moses, by Raphael. Pen and Ink, Brush and Wash over Traces of Black Chalk, 26.4 by 36.5 cm. (Uffizi, Florence).
Short Notice
Pintoricchio, Perugino or the Young Raphael? A Problem of Connoisseurship
02/1983 | 959 | 125
Pages: 86-89
related names
Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia (Ferino-Pagden, Sylvia; Ferino Pagden, Sylvia)
Attributed works:
27. Study of a Woman, by Perugino or Raphael? Pen and Ink, 16.3 by 12 cm. (N. 366 E r, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
28. Compositional Sketch for the Nativity of the Virgin (Part of the Predella of the Fano Altar-Piece). Pen and Ink, 16.3 by 12 cm. (N. 366 E v, Uffizi, Florence). By Perugino or Raphael?
Attributed works:
29. Study of a Woman, by Perugino or Raphael? Pen and Ink, 17.3 by 10.2 cm. (N. 368 E r, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
30. Figural Sketches, by Perugino or Raphael? Pen and Ink, 17.3 by 10.2 cm. (N. 368 E v, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
31. Nativity of the Virgin (Part of the Predella of the Fano Altar-Piece, by Perugino. Panel, Height 28 cm. (Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino).
Attributed works:
32. Study for the Cumaean Sybil, by Perugino. Pen and Ink, 20.3 by 8.6 cm. (N. 399 E, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
33. Compositional Sketch for the Altar-Piece of the Coronation of St Nicolas of Tolentino, by Raphael. (N. Pl. 474-475, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille).