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2 articles
New documents for the chronology and patronage of the cappella del Rosario in S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome
08/2010 | 1289 | 152
Pages: 517-522
related names
Tosini, Patrizia (Tosini, Patrizia)
Attributed works:
10. Portrait of Cardinal Alessandro de’ Medici as Archibishop of Florence, by Francesco Morandini, called il Poppi. c.1584–85. Canvas, 135 by 110 cm. (Museo Diocesano di arte sacra, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. Noli me tangere with the portrait of a donor, by Marcello Venusti. c.1578–79. Canvas, 250 by 160 cm. (Chapel of the Baptistery, S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome).
Attributed works:
12. St Catherine drinking from Christ’s wound with the portrait of a donor, by Giovanni De’ Vecchi and Francesco Vanni. c.1583–85. Canvas, c.200 by c.120 cm. (S. Lorenzo in Miranda, Rome).
Attributed works:
6. Scenes from the life of St Catherine of Siena, by Giovanni De’ Vecchi. 1583–86. Fresco. (Lateral walls of the cappella Capranica, S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome).
Attributed works:
7. The Mysteries of the Rosary, by Marcello Venusti. 1578–79. Canvas and fresco. (Vault of the cappella Capranica, S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome).
Attributed works:
8. St Catherine of Siena with the founders of religious Orders, by Giovanni De’ Vecchi. 1586. Pen and brown ink, 29.5 by 42.2 cm. (Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, inv.7370F).
Attributed works:
9. St Catherine of Siena, with the founders of religious Orders, joins the Dominicans; St Catherine drinks from Christ’s wound, by Giovanni De’ Vecchi. 1583–86. Fresco. (Cappella Capranica, S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome)
The Oratorio del SS. Crocifisso in Rome Revisited
10/2000 | 1171 | 142
Pages: 613-623
related names
Eitel-Porter, Rhoda (Eitel-Porter, Rhoda; Eitel, Rhoda; Porter, Rhoda Eitel-)
Attributed works:
10. Heraclius Carrying the Cross Barefoot, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, Parts Squared in Red Chalk, 25.2 by 18.2 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. Heraclius Carrying the Cross Barefoot (Below) and The True Cross Surrounded by a Glory of Cherubs and Two Angels and Flanked by Two Ignudi with Palm Fronds, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Fresco. (Third Bay of Left Wall, Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome).
Attributed works:
12. Seated Mother and Child, with a Soldier Holding a Horse in the Background, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, Squared in Black Chalk, 30.3 by 14.7 cm. (Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, Siena).
Attributed works:
13. The Coronation of the Virgin with Partial Sketch of a Cross Surrounded by Cherubs and Flanked by an Ignudo, Here Attributed to Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink, Brown Wash, 22 by 19 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown).
Attributed works:
14. Prophet and Seated Sibyl, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Fresco. (Last Bay of Left Wall, Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome).
Attributed works:
15. Seated Sibyl in a Rectangular Niche, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink, Brown and Grey Wash, 20.8 by 15.4 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge MA).
Attributed works:
16. Sheet of Studies with Scenes from the Legend of the Cross, Here Attributed to Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink, 43.7 by 29.3 cm. (Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome).
Attributed works:
17. The Angel Appearing to Heraclius, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, 14.7 by 9.6 cm. (National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh).
Attributed works:
18. Recto of Fig. 16 Showing Jesus before Herod, Here Attributed to Cesare Nebbia.
Attributed works:
19. Jesus before Herod, by Cesare Nebbia and Workshop. c.1587-88. Fresco. (Scala Santa, Rome).
Attributed works:
20. Jesus before Herod, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1587. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, Squared in Black Chalk, 18.7 by 17.9 cm. (Sotheby's, London).
Attributed works:
21. Design for the Left Wall of the Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome, Here Attributed to Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink, Brown Wash over Black Chalk, 27.1 by 25.7 cm. (Private Collection, England).
Attributed works:
22. The Raising of the True Cross, by Cesare Nebbia. c.1579-82. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, over Black Chalk, 29.7 by 16.2 cm. (Art Institute of Chicago).
Attributed works:
4. Interior of the Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome, with Frescoes by Giovanni de' Vecchi, Cesare Nebbia and Niccolò Circignani. c.1578-82.
Attributed works:
5. Diagram of the Interior of the Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome, Showing the Scenes Painted by Each Painter.
Attributed works:
6. Allegories of Faith and Hope, Here Attributed to Giovanni de' Vecchi. 1582. Pen and Brown Ink, Purple Wash, Heightened with White, on Blue Paper, 18.8 by 27.1 cm. (Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati, Siena).
Attributed works:
7. The Finding of the Three Crosses (Below) and Allegories of Faith and Hope (Above), by Giovanni de' Vecchi. 1582. Fresco. (Central Bay of Right Wall, Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome).
Attributed works:
8. The Raising of the True Cross, by Giovanni de' Vecchi. c.1578-79. Pen and Brown Ink, Purple Wash, Heightened with White, on Blue Paper, 30.2 by 22.1 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
9. The Angel Appearing to Heraclius, by Niccolò Circignani. 1582. Fresco. (Oratorio del Crocifisso, Rome).