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4 articles
The Pesellino Altarpiece: A Postscript
05/1929 | 314 | 54
Pages: 222-225
related names
Borenius, Tancred (Borenius, Tancred; B., T.; Borenius, Dr.; Borenius, T.)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-St. Zeno Exorcising the Daughter of the Emperor Gallienus; B-St. Mammas Thrown to the Lions. Predella Panels. (Mr. Felix Warburg, New York). The Pesellino Altarpiece: A Postscript
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Execution of St. James the Greater. Predella Panel. (Mr. Felix Warburg, New York). The Pesellino Altarpiece: A Postscript
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-St. Jerome Extracting a Thorn from the Lion's Paw. Predella Panel. (Mr. Felix Warburg, New York). The Pesellino Altarpiece: A Postscript
Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
11/1927 | 296 | 51
Pages: 214-217+221
related names
Vavalà, Evelyn Sandberg (Vavalà, Evelyn Sandberg; Sandberg-Vavalà, Evelyn; Vavala, E. Sandberg)
art literature:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-The Angel Gabriel; B-St. Mamas; C-The Virgin Annunciale. Panels by Francesco dei Franceschi. A and C, 46 by 26 cm.; B, 63 by 46 cm. (Museo Civico, Verona). Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
Attributed works:
Plate I. D-La Maddalena; E-Sta. Chiara. Parts of the Polyptych by Francesco dei Franceschi. (Museo Civico, Padua). Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Polyptych, by Michele Giambono. (Accademia, Venice). Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-St. Christopher; St. Michael. Parts of the Polyptych by Francesco dei Franceschi. (Museo Civico, Padua). Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-St. John the Baptist, by Michele Giambono. Panel, 85 by 35 cm. (Museo Bardini, Florence). Michele Giambono and Francesco dei Franceschi
Exhibition of Pictures of the Early Venetian School at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
03/1912 | 108 | 20
Pages: 346+350-354+356-357+359
related names
Fry, Roger E. (Fry, Roger E.; Fry, Roger (R. F.; R. E. F.); F., R. E.; Fry, R. E.; F., R.; F.)
Attributed works:
The Legend of S. Mamas, by Michele Giambono-Plate I. The Supposed Order of the Panels. (A) S. Mamas Enthroned Accompanied by His Lion. Central Panel. (62 × 45 cm). Exhibition of Early Venetian Pictures at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
Attributed works:
The Legend of S. Mamas, by Michele Giambono-Plate II. (B) Mr. J. Annan Bryce's Collection. Exhibition of Early Venetian Pictures at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
Attributed works:
The Legend of S. Mamas, by Michele Giambono-Plate II. (C) Mr. J. Annan Bryce's Collection. Exhibition of Early Venetian Pictures at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
Attributed works:
The Legend of S. Mamas, by Michele Giambono-Plate III. (D) The Museo Municipale E Correr, Venice. Exhibition of Early Venetian Pictures at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
Attributed works:
The Legend of S. Mamas, by Michele Giambono-Plate III. (E) The Museo Municipale E Correr, Venice. Exhibition of Early Venetian Pictures at the Burlington Fine Arts Club-I
S. Mammes
01/1910 | 82 | 16
Pages: 233
related names
Steele, Robert (Steele, Robert)