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1 articles
English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
03/1941 | 456 | 78
Pages: 86-87+90-92
related names
Roberts, J. F. A. (Roberts, J. F. A.; Roberts, John Frank Arnold; R., J. F. A.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. Engraving by the Master of the Die after Michiel Coxie. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Attributed works:
"Psyche at Her Toilet." Engraving by the Master of the Die after Michiel Coxie. (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Psyche at Her Toilet and Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. Paintings on Plaster, about 1570. (Formerly at Hill Hall, Essex). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Section of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall, Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Section of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall, Psyche at Her Toilet. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Section of Border of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings