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9 articles
Sets and pendants by J.-B.-M. Pierre and François Boucher in the collections of Madame de Pompadour and the Marquis de Marigny
07/2010 | 1288 | 152
Pages: 452-460
related names
Gordon, Alden R. (Gordon, Alden R.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. Psyche rescued by nymphs, by Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre. 1750. Canvas, 83.8 by 115.5 cm. (Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery).
Attributed works:
11. Venus disarming Cupid, by François Boucher. c.1751. Canvas, 130 by 93.5 cm. (Collection of Lynda and Stewart Resnick, Los Angeles).
Attributed works:
12. L’Amour désarmé, by Etienne Fessard, after François Boucher. 1761. Etching, with engraving, 40.2 by 26.6 cm. From A. Ananoff: Boucher, Lausanne and Paris 1976, II, p.76, no.375/1, fig.1097.
Attributed works:
13. Copy of Fig.11. (Photograph reproduced in T. Carr Howe, Jr.: Salt Mines and Castles: The Discovery and Restitution of Looted European Art, New York 1946, facing p.161).
Attributed works:
14. Detail of dove’s wing on the tacking strip of Fig.11. (Photograph by the author).
Attributed works:
6. Nymphs adorning Cupid, by Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre. Mid-1750s. Canvas, 89.5 by 134 cm. (Château de Menars).
Attributed works:
7. Cupid and Psyche, by Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre. Mid-1750s. Canvas, 89 by 134 cm. (Château de Menars).
Attributed works:
8. Installation view of Fig.6 at the Château de Menars. (Photograph by the author).
Attributed works:
9. Installation view of Fig.7 at the Château de Menars. (Photograph by the author).
Short Notice
The 'Story of Psyche' in Brussels tapestry c.1700: new information on Jan van Orley, Jan-Baptist Vermillion and Victor Janssens
06/2005 | 1227 | 147
Pages: 401-406
related names
Brosens, Koenraad (Brosens, Koenraad)
Attributed works:
53. Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, by the Van den Hecke workshop after Jan van Orley. c.1730. Wool and silk, 365 by 316 cm. (Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa).
Attributed works:
54. Psyche's father consulting the oracle of Apollo, by the Vermillion workshop after Victor Janssens. c.1725. Wool and silk, dimensions unknown. (Present whereabouts unknown).
Attributed works:
55. Psyche's father consulting the oracle of Apollo, by the Van der Borcht workshop after Jan van Orley. c.1755. Wool and silk, 230 by 260 cm. (Formerly Galerie Chevalier, Paris).
Attributed works:
56. Zephyr carries Psyche to an enchanted palace, by the Vermillion workshop after Victor Janssens. c.1725. Wool and silk, 377 by 383 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
57. Zephyr carries Psyche's sisters to the palace, by the Vermillion workshop after Victor Janssens. c.1725. Wool and silk, 370 by 304 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
58. Psyche discovers Cupid's identity, by the Vermillion workshop after Victor Janssens. c.1725. Wool and silk, 370 by 257 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
59. Aristides' offering, by the Leyniers workshop after Victor Janssens. c.1721-30. Wool and silk, 372 by 400 cm. (Schloss Bruschal, Baden-Württemberg).
'The Enchanted Castle' by Claude: Subject, Significance and Interpretation
11/1988 | 1028 | 130
Pages: 812-820
related names
Levey, Michael (Levey, Michael; Levey, Mr.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Psyche Seated outside Cupid's Palace ('The Enchanted Castle') by Claude Lorrain. 87 by 151 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
2. The Enchanted Castle, by François Vivarès and William Woollett after Claude. 1782. Engraving. 48.5 by 59.5 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
3. Psyche Saved from Drowing Herself, by Claude Lorrain. 91 by 155 cm. (Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne).
Attributed works:
4. Psyche Transperted by Zephyrus; Seated on the Ground; and Received at Cupid's Palace, by the Master of the Die after Michiel Coxie. Engraving. 19.4 by 22.8 cm.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig. 1. [Psyche Seated outside Cupid's Palace ('The Enchanted Castle') by Claude Lorrain. 87 by 151 cm. (National Gallery, London).]
Attributed works:
6. Psyche seated outside Cupid's Palace, by Claude Lorrain. Pen and wash, Heightened in white, on blue paper, 19.5 by 25.9 cm. Liber Veritatis, No.162. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7. Landscape with Psyche seated, by Claude Lorrain. Signed and dated 1663. Chalk and brown wash, 15.4 by 21 cm. (Stefan Zweig Collection, London).
Attributed works:
8. Landscape with Psyche Seated near Cupid's Palace, by Claude Lorrain. Pen and Brown Wash, with Red Chalk, 18.2 by 34.5 cm. (Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe).
Attributed works:
9. Detail from View of Culzean Castle, by Alexander Nasmyth. (The National Trust for Scotland, Culzean Castle, Ayrshire).
Short Notice
A Study for the Farnesina 'Toilet of Psyche'
08/1987 | 1013 | 129
Pages: 510-513
related names
Davidson, Bernice F. (Davidson, Bernice F.; Davidson, Bernice)
Attributed works:
25. Study for the Toilet of Psyche (Recto), Here Attributed to Giulio Romano. Pen and Brown Ink over Black Chalk, 20.6 by 13.7 cm. (Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto).
Attributed works:
27. Copy after the Toilet of Psyche, by Alberto Alberti. Pen and Brown Ink, Pencil, 29.3 by 41 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome).
Attributed works:
28. Study for the Toilet of Psyche, by Raphael (?) Red Chalk, 27.8 by 18.6 cm. (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh).
Attributed works:
29. Study for the Toilet of Psyche, by Raphael (?) Red Chalk, 36.4 by 25.1 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
30. The Toilet of Psyche, (?), by Giulio Bonasone. Engraving, 21.6 by 15.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
31. Study for Psyche before Venus, by Raphael. 10.5 by 8 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
32. Bath of Mars and Venus, by Giulio Romano. Fresco. (Palazzo del Te, Mantua).
Western art unattributed:
26. Study for Psyche Bathing (?) (Verso of Fig.25). Pen and Brown Ink over Black Chalk, 20.6 by 13.7 cm. (Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto).
Book Review
La 'Fabella' di Psiche e altra mitologia secondo l'interpretazione pittorica di Giulio Romano nel Palazzo del Te a Mantova
08/1984 | 977 | 126
Pages: 505-506
related names
McGrath, Elizabeth (McGrath, Elizabeth; McG., E.)
Reviewed Items
La 'Fabella' di Psiche e altra mitologia secondo l'interpretazione pittorica di Giulio Romano nel Palazzo del Te a Mantova | author: Signorini, Rodolfo
Short Notice
G. B. Castello's Designs for the 'Cupid and Psyche' Tapestries
04/1975 | 865 | 117
Pages: 234-239
related names
Clifford, Timothy (Clifford, Timothy)
Attributed works:
60. Venus Admonishing Cupid, Here Attributed to Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Pen and Brown Ink over Traces of Black Chalk, 30.1 by 26.4 cm. (National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh).
Attributed works:
62. Venus Seeking Vengeance on Psyche, Here Attributed to Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Pen and Brown Ink over Traces of Black Chalk, 30.5 by 26.8 cm. (Messrs P. & D. Colnaghi, London, 1960).
Attributed works:
64. Psyche Bringing the Phial to Venus and Psyche Assisted by Jove's Eagle, by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Pen and Brown Ink over Traces of Black Chalk, 27.4 by 24.7 cm. (Christ Church, Oxford).
Attributed works:
65. Psyche Watching the Sleeping Cupid, by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Ceiling Fresco. (Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino, Now Camera di Commercio, Genoa).
Western art unattributed:
59. Venus Admonishing Cupid. Here Described as Flemish, on Designs by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Tapestry, 365.8 by 317.5 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Western art unattributed:
61. Venus Seeking Vengeance on Psyche. Here Described as Flemish, on Designs by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Tapestry, 362 by 318.7 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Western art unattributed:
63. Psyche Bringing the Phial to Venus and Psyche Assisted by Jove's Eagle. Here Described as Flemish, on Designs by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Tapestry Detail, c.375 by 310 cm. (Vaisse Sale, Paris, May 1885).
Western art unattributed:
66. Psyche Watching the Sleeping Cupid. Here Described as Flemish, on Designs by Giovanni Battista Castello, il Bergamasco. Detail from Tapestry. (Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington D. C.).
The Drawings of George Romney
02/1957 | 647 | 99
Pages: 42-48
related names
Crookshank, Anne (Crookshank, Anne)
Attributed works:
10. Venus Commanding Psyche, by George Romney. 1776. Black Chalk, Heightened with White, 101 by 126.5 cm. (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.)
Attributed works:
11. The Angels Ithuriel and Zephon Surprising Satan at the Ear of Adam and Eve (Paradise Lost, Bk. IV, Lines 799-813), by George Romney. 1792-4. Pencil. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
12. Sketch for a Portrait Group of Flaxman Modelling a Bust of Hayley with Thomas Alphonso Hayley, by George Romney. 1795-6. Pencil. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
13. The Witches, Macbeth, by George Romney. Pen and Wash. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
14. The Witches from the Heath Scene, Macbeth, by George Romney. Pencil. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
15. Howard Relieving Prisoners, by Francis Wheatley. Signed with Initials and Dated 1787. Canvas, 105 by 130 cm. (The Earl of Harrowby.)
Attributed works:
16. The Temptation of Christ (Paradise Regained, Bk. IV, Lines 422-5), by George Romney. Pencil. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
17. Howard Visiting a Prison, by George Romney. Pen, Pencil, and Wash. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
18. The Spirit of God Moving on the Face of the Waters, by George Romney. 1773-5. Pen and Wash. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
7. Psyche Being Rowed across the Styx, by George Romney. 1776. Pen and Ink. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.)
Attributed works:
8. Charon Rowing the Spirits across the Styx, by John Flaxman. Engraving, No.3 from His Illustrations to Dante, Published 1793.
Attributed works:
9. The Dream of Atossa, by George Romney. 1777-80. Black Chalk Heightened with White, 100.5 by 126 cm. (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.)
Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
12/1941 | 465 | 79
Pages: 186-187+189-191
related names
Oppé, A. P. (Oppé, A. P.; Oppé, Adolf Paul; Oppé, Paul,; O., A. P.; Oppe, Paul)
Attributed works:
Plate I. Cupid and Psyche. 198 by 190 cm. (Hampton Court Palace). By Gracious Permission of His Majesty the King. Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Unfinished Landscape. Pen, Brown Ink and Water-Colour. 22.9 by 33 cm. (The Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth). Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Landscape. Pen, Brown Ink and Water-Colour. 27.4 by 34 cm. (The Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth). Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Landscape with Trees, Sails and Masts of Shipping in the Background. Body Colour over Pen and Brown Ink, 18.9 by 26.6 cm. (Barker Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham). Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
Attributed works:
Plate II. D-The Earl and Countess of Arundel and Family. About 1632-3. Brush and Sepia Drawing, Heightened with White. 16.2 by 23.3 cm. (British Museum). Sir Anthony van Dyck in England
English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
03/1941 | 456 | 78
Pages: 86-87+90-92
related names
Roberts, J. F. A. (Roberts, J. F. A.; Roberts, John Frank Arnold; R., J. F. A.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. Engraving by the Master of the Die after Michiel Coxie. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Attributed works:
"Psyche at Her Toilet." Engraving by the Master of the Die after Michiel Coxie. (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Psyche at Her Toilet and Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. Paintings on Plaster, about 1570. (Formerly at Hill Hall, Essex). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Section of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall, Psyche Giving Presents to Her Sisters. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Section of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall, Psyche at Her Toilet. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Section of Border of Wall-Painting from Hill Hall. (Victoria and Albert Museum). English Wall-Paintings after Italian Engravings