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4 articles
Short Notice
The Stoclet 'Man of Sorrows': A Thirteenth-Century Italian Diptych Reunited
02/1999 | 1151 | 141
Pages: 107-112
related names
Cannon, Joanna (Cannon, Joanna)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
59. Detail of the St Francis Panel by Maestro di S. Francesco Showing the Head of the Left Angel and of St Francis (S. Maria degli Angeli, Assisi).
Attributed works:
61 and 62. Detail of Christ and the Virgin from the Crucifix by Giunta Pisano. Panel 174 by 131 cm. (Whole). (S. Maria degli Angeli, Assisi).
Attributed works:
63. Crucifix by Maestro di S. Francesco, from S. Francesco al Prato, Perugia, 1272. Panel, 489 by 352 cm. (Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia).
Non-western art unattributed:
57. Recto and Verso of a Double-Sided Icon with the Virgin Hodegetria and the Man of Sorrows, Byzantine, Second Half of the Twelfth Century. Panel, 115 by 77.5cm. (Byzantine Museum, Kastoria).
Western art unattributed:
53. Rear View of the Panel of Fig.54. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
54. Virgin and Child, Umbrian c.1250-60. Panel, 32.2 by 22.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
55. Man of Sorrows, Umbrian c.1250-60. Panel, 32.4 by 22.8 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
56. Rear View of the Panel of Fig.55. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
58. Infra-Red Photograph of Fig.54 Showing Incisions.
Western art unattributed:
60. Upper Terminal of the Crucifix of Abbess Benedicta. 1255-60. Panel, 415 by 300 cm. (S. Chiara, Assisi).
Short Notice
Recent Museum Acquisitions: The Stoclet Bell. British Museum
01/1966 | 754 | 108
Pages: 22-23
related names
Watson, William (Watson, William; W., W.)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Non-western art unattributed:
29. Bell. Chinese, Huai Style, Fifth-Fourth Century B. C. Bronze; Height, 54 cm. (British Museum.) By Courtesy of Messrs Sotheby.
Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
11/1930 | 332 | 57
Pages: 223-225+228-231+234-236
related names
Richter, George Martin (Richter, George Martin; Richter, G. M.; Richter, Georg Martin; Richter, G.M.; R., G. M.; Richter, George M.)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Dossale, by Megliore di Jacopo. (Pinacoteca, Parma). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-The Madonna with St. Peter and St. Paul; Altar-Frontal, by Megliore di Jacopo. (Panzano). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Angel appearing to St. Peter in prison; B-Crucifixion of St. Peter; C-St. Paul strikes the magician Elymas with blindness; D-Beheading of St. Paul. Details from the altar-frontal, by Megliore di Jacopo, shown on Plate I, B. (Panzano). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-St. Francis, Probably by One of Megliore's Pupils. (S. Francesco, Pistoia). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-St. Peter (Dossale, Parma); C-St. Peter (Panzano); D-Madonna (Dossale, Parma); E-Madonna (Stoclet Collection); F-Madonna (Panzano), all by Megliore di Jacopo; G-Madonna, by Bonaventura Berlinghieri (Acton Collection). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate IV. Madonna and Child, Here Identified as by Megliore di Jacopo. (Stoclet Collection, Brussels). Megliore di Jacopo and the Magdalen Master
Simone Martini Problems. The Stoclet Madonna
04/1929 | 313 | 54
Pages: 164+166-167+170-173
related names
Richter, George Martin (Richter, George Martin; Richter, G. M.; Richter, Georg Martin; Richter, G.M.; R., G. M.; Richter, George M.)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Madonna, Here Identified as by Simone Martini. Panel, 25 by 16.5 cm. (Mr. Stoclet, Brussels)
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna, by Simone Martini. (Uffizi, Florence). Simone Martini Problems
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna, by Simone Martini. (Antwerp Museum). Simone Martini Problems
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Madonna, Attributed to Simone Martini, Perhaps by Paolo di Giovanni Fei. (Formerly in the Stroganoff Collection, Now in the Hermitage, Leningrad). Simone Martini Problems
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Madonna and Child, by Paolo di Giovanni Fei. (Duomo, Siena). Simone Martini Problems