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2 articles
A Dismembered Altar-Piece and a Forgotten Master - II
03/1969 | 792 | 111
Pages: 112-121
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
art literature:
Attributed works:
10. Madonna, St Peter Martyr, King David and Donor, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Signed and Dated 1502. Panel, 138 by 136 cm. (Brera, Milan.)
Attributed works:
11. Polyptych: Descent of the Holy Spirit, with Saints, by Ambrogio Bergognone. Dated 1508. Panels. (S. Spirito, Bergamo.)
Attributed works:
12. Head of Eternal (Fragment), by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 19 by 16 cm. (Collection Count Cini, Venice.)
Attributed works:
13. Tabernacle: Piccinelli Madonna, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Tempera on Canvas with Gold Embroidered Material, 47 by 41 cm. (Castello Sforzesco, Milan.)
Attributed works:
14. Head of St Jerome (Fragment), by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 19 by 16 cm. (Collection Count Cini, Venice.)
Attributed works:
15. Madonna Adoring the Child, Possibly a Repainted Panel by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. (Pinacoteca Civica, Pavia.)
Attributed works:
16. Banner: Madonna Adoring the Child, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Canvas, 152 by 107 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Dresden.)
Attributed works:
17. Madonna Adoring the Child, by Ambrogio Bergognone. (Berenson Collection, Florence.) Reproduced by Permission of the President and Fellows of Harvard College
Attributed works:
18. Tabernacle: Madonna and Angels, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel and Embroidery, 145 by 90 cm. (Collection Barone Bagatti Valsecchi, Milan.)
Attributed works:
2. Triptych: Madonna Enthroned, Worshipped by St Vitus, between St Modestus and St Crescentia, by Giovanni and Matteo Chiesa. Panels. (S. Vito, Somma Lombardo.)
Attributed works:
3. Triptych: Resurrection, St John the Baptist, St John the Evangelist, with Donors Count and Countess Melzi, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, c.275 by 180 cm. (S. Maria La Bianca, Casoretto, Milan.)
Attributed works:
4. St Bernardino da Siena and St John the Baptist, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 95 by 61 cm. (Museum, Luxembourg.)
Attributed works:
5. St Jerome and St Francis, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 95 by 61 cm. (Museum, Luxembourg.)
Attributed works:
6. St Sebastian, St Roch and St Christopher, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Signed and Dated 1485. Fresco. (S. Vittore, Landriano.)
Attributed works:
7. Madonna, St John the Baptist, St Benedict and Donor, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 33 by 25 cm. (Lochis Collection, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo.)
Attributed works:
8. Madonna Enthroned between Two Music-Making Angels, by Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 84 by 61 cm. (Formerly Collection Lord Conway of Allington.)
Attributed works:
9. Madonna, by the Master of the Pala Sforzesca. (Ehemals Staatliche Galerien, Berlin-East.)
A Dismembered Altar-Piece and a Forgotten Master-I
02/1969 | 791 | 111
Pages: 70-79
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
Attributed works:
17. Saints Romanus and Babilas, Here Attributed to Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 109.9 by 59 cm. (Waddesdon Manor.)
Attributed works:
18. Saints Ambrose and Sebastian, Here Attributed to Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. Panel, 109.9 by 59 cm. (Waddesdon Manor.)
Attributed works:
19. Saints Anne and Joseph, by the Master of the Pala Sforzesca. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.)
Attributed works:
20. Reconstruction of Polyptych, Here Attributed to Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua. (Panels Top Left and Right, Museum, Luxembourg; Central Panel, Museum, Dijon; Panels Bottom Left and Right, Waddesdon Manor.)
Attributed works:
21. Madonna and Music-Making Putti, St Benedict and Donor Mariotto Obiano, St Anthony Abbot and Donor Antonia Obiano; Above, Dead Christ, St Sebastian and St Roch, by Giovanni Donato da Montórfano. Canvas. (Cappella di S. Antonio, S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan.)
Attributed works:
22. St Anthony Abbot Exorcises a Woman Possessed by the Devil, by Giovanni Donato da Montórfano. Fresco. (Cappella di S. Antonio, S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan.)
Attributed works:
23. St Joseph and the Virgin, Attributed to Giovanni Donato da Montórfano. Fresco. (Cappella Della Vergine o di S. Giuseppe, S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan.)