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2 articles
Alfred Gilbert's Memorial to Queen Alexandra
01/1980 | 922 | 122
Pages: 47-54
related names
Dorment, Richard (Dorment, Richard)
Attributed works:
65. Memorial to Queen Alexandra, by Alfred Gilbert. 1926-32. Bronze. (Marlborough Gate, London).
Attributed works:
66. Model for the Memorial to Queen Alexandra, by Alfred Gilbert. From a Photograph Taken c.1927. (Royal Academy Library).
Attributed works:
67. Model for the Memorial to Queen Alexandra, by Alfred Gilbert. c.1927. Wood and Plasticine, 36.8 by 45.7 cm. (Museum of London).
Attributed works:
68. Detail of Fig. 65.
Attributed works:
69. Charity Guiding a Child. Detail of Fig.65.
Attributed works:
70. Faith or Hope. Detail of Fig 65.
Attributed works:
71. Faith or Hope. Detail of Fig. 65.
Attributed works:
72. An Allegorical Figure (Religion?), by Alfred Gilbert. c. 1930. Plaster, Height 35.5 cm. (Museum of London).
Attributed works:
73. An Allegorical Figure (Truth?), by Alfred Gilbert. c. 1930. Plaster, Height 35.5 cm. (Museum of London).
Attributed works:
74. Memorial to Antony Ashley Cooper, Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, by Alfred Gilbert. 1886-93. (Piccadilly Circus, London).
Attributed works:
75. An Offering to Hymen. by Alfred Gilbert. 1884-86. Bronze and Silver, Height 29 cm. (City Art Gallery, Manchester).
Attributed works:
76. St Catherine of Alexandria, Detail from the Memorial to H. R. H. The Duke of Clarence and Avondale, K. G. 1925-28. Bronze, Height 49.5 cm. (Albert Memorial Chapel, Windsor Castle). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
77. Truth and Charity, Detail from the Memorial Candlestick to Lord Arthur Russell, by Alfred Gilbert. 1892-1900. Bronze. (St Michael, Chenies, Buckinghamshire).
Attributed works:
78. Sir William Lawrence Memorial Medal, by Alfred Gilbert. Awarded to C. E. West. 1897-1901. Gilt Bronze, Diameter 7.6 cm. (St Bartholomew's Hospital, London).
Attributed works:
79. The Lamentation of the Women at the Foot of the Cross, by Alfred Gilbert. c.1889. Body Colour on Paper, 13 by 34.3 cm (St Alban's Cathedral Archives).
Attributed works:
80. La Passion (Fragment) by Carlos Schwabe. c.1900. (Dimensions and Location Unknown).
Short Notice
A Chinese Bowl Purchased by H. M. the Queen for the New Government House, Delhi
03/1916 | 156 | 28
Pages: 245-247
related names
Rackham, Bernard (Rackham, Bernard; R., B.; Rackham, B.; R.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Goldfish-Bowl, Early Chi'en Lung (?) 1736-95, Blue-and-White, 2 Views, from the Collection of Wajīd Alī Shāh of Oudh. A Chinese Bowl Purchased by H. M. the Queen for the New Government House, Delhi