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3 articles
Fetti's 'Portrait of an Actor' Reconsidered
02/1978 | 899 | 120
Pages: 59-65
related names
Askew, Pamela (Askew, Pamela)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
2. Portrait of an Actor, by Domenico Fetti. (Hermitage, Leningrad). Photo: Hermitage Museum.
Attributed works:
3. Lute Player, by Annibale Carracci. (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden). Photo: Deutsche Fotothek Dresden.
Attributed works:
4. Giovanni Gabrielli, by Agostino Carracci. Engraving.
Attributed works:
5. Claudio Monteverdi. Frontispiece to G. B. Marinoni, Fiori poetici raccolti nel funerale del Molto Illustre e Molto Reverendo Signor Claudio Monteverdi, Venice, 1644.
Attributed works:
6. Xylographic Insignia of Girolamo Mascheroni, Bologna. Photo: Biblioteca Comunale, Bologna.
Attributed works:
7. Claudio Monteverdi, Attributed to Bernardo Strozzi (Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck).
Attributed works:
8. Portrait of an Actor. Copy after Domenico Fetti. (Accademia, Venice.) Photo: Soprintendenza.
Fetti's 'Martyrdom' at the Wadsworth Atheneum
06/1961 | 699 | 103
Pages: 245-252
related names
Askew, Pamela (Askew, Pamela)
Attributed works:
67. Martyrdom of SS. Fermo and Rustico. Attributed to Domenico Fetti. Panel(?), c. 63 by 81 cm. (Formerly Ferrario Collection, Milan.)
Attributed works:
68. Martyrdom of SS. Fermo and Rustico, by Domenico Fetti. Panel, 63.5 by 80.7 cm. (Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn.)
Attributed works:
69. St Simon, by Domenico Fetti. From a Series of Twelve Half-Length Figures of Christ and the Apostles. Canvas. (Palazzo Ducale, Mantua.)
Attributed works:
70. St Jude (Thaddeus), by Domenico Fetti. From a Series of Twelve Half-Length Figures of Christ and the Apostles. Canvas. (Palazzo Ducale, Mantua.)
Attributed works:
71. Saints of the Grotta Family, by Giambattista Tiepolo. Canvas. (Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt.)
Attributed works:
72. Reception of the Bodies of SS. Fermo and Rustico on Their Return to Verona, by Pasquale Ottino. Canvas, 315 by 171 cm. (Museo Civico, Castelvecchio, Verona.)
Perino del Vaga's Decorations for the Palazzo Doria, Genoa
02/1956 | 635 | 98
Pages: 46-51+53
related names
Askew, Pamela (Askew, Pamela)
Attributed works:
18. Juno Visiting the Cave of Aeolus, and Neptune Calming the Tempest, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash, 22.3 cm. diam. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle, No.975.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
19. Shipwreck of Aeneas, by Perino del Vaga. Study for Perino's Ceiling Decoration, Now Lost, in the Sala di Enea, Palazzo Doria, Genoa. Pen and Wash with White Heightening. (Louvre Inv. 636.)
Attributed works:
20. Fall of the Giants, by Perino del Vaga. 1535. Fresco decoration on Ceiling. (Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)
Attributed works:
21. Study for Part of the Fresco on the Ceiling of the Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, Here Identified as by Perino del Vaga. Pen. (Uffizi, Florence, No.14596.)
Attributed works:
22. Study for Gods and Goddesses in the Spandrels Surrounding Ceiling Decoration in the Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, by Perino del Vaga. Pen. (Szepmuveszeit Museum, Budapest.)
Attributed works:
23. Study for Gods and Goddesses in the Spandrels Surrounding Ceiling Decoration in the Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, by Perino del Vaga. Pen. (Szepmuveszeit Museum, Budapest.)
Attributed works:
24. Preliminary drawing for the Ceiling of the Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa, by Perino del Vaga. Pen and Wash. (Palazzo Reale, Turin.)
Attributed works:
25. Triumph of the Roman Consul, Aemilius Paulus, by Perino del Vaga. 1530. Part of Fresco Decoration on Ceiling. (Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)
Attributed works:
26. Triumph of the Roman Consul, Aemilius Paulus, by Perino del Vaga. 1530. Part of Fresco Decoration on Ceiling. (Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)
Attributed works:
27. Triumph of the Roman Consul, Aemilius Paulus, by Perino del Vaga. 1530. Part of Fresco Decoration on Ceiling. (Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)
Attributed works:
28. Triumph of Bacchus in India, by Perino del Vaga. 1530. Part of Fresco Decoration on Ceiling. (Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)
Attributed works:
29. Gods and Goddesses, by Perino del Vaga. 1530. Detail from Arches and Spandrels Surrounding Ceiling Decoration. (Sala dei Trionfi, Palazzo Doria, Genoa.)