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6 articles
The St Agatha Master, the Carmine Madonna Master, and Certain Questions of Method
12/1950 | 573 | 92
Pages: 354-357
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV. An Unknown Madonna near Florence: The S. Primerana Master
11/1947 | 536 | 89
Pages: 299-303
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child, Annunciation, Flagellation, Crucifixion. By the S. Primerana Master. About 1255-65. Tabernacle, 33 by 42 cm. (Private Collection, New York). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Madonna. By an Unknown Pisan Master. About 1240-50. Left Terminal of Crucifix by Giunta Pisano. (Pinacoteca, Pisa; From S. Ranierino). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-Madonna and Child. By the S Primerana Master. About 1260-80. Panel, 110 by 62 cm. (S. Primerana. Fiesole). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child with Four Saints. By the Montaione Master. About 1275-85. Low Dossal, 100 by 190 cm. (Private Collection, Rome). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna and Child. By the Montaione Master. About 1285-95. Panel, 165 by 80 cm. (Church, Montaione). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Detail of A. Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-IV.
Post-War Discoveries-III: The Madonna "Di Sotto Gli Organi"
10/1947 | 535 | 89
Pages: 274+276-279+281
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child. By Berlinghiero. About 1230. Panel, 76 by 50 cm. (J. I. Straus Collection, New York). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-III.
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Madonna and Child. By Berlinghiero. 1200-1220. Panel, 95 by 55 cm. (Cathedral, Pisa). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-III.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-St. Peter. Detail of Crucifix Signed by Berlinghiero. (Pinacoteca, Lucca). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-III.
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna. Detail of Crucifix Signed by Berlinghiero. (Pinacoteca, Lucca). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-III.
Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II
08/1947 | 533 | 89
Pages: 210-217
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Madonna and Child with the Two Saint Johns. Pisan, 1280-90. Panels. (Whereabouts Unknown). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Madonna and Child. By the Master of the Castellare Crucifix. Fragment. Panel, 117 by 89 cm. (SS. Eufrasia E Barbara, Pisa). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-The Man of Sorrows. Venetan, about 1300. Panel, 41 by 43 cm. (Museo Provinciale, Torcello). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-The Man of Sorrows. Venetan, 1310-20. Panel (Part of Tabernacle). (Formerly Museo Civico, Trieste). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-The Man of Sorrows. Cimabuesque, End of Thirteenth Century. Panel. (Formerly Museo Civico, Arezzo; Destroyed in 1941). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Painted Crucifix. Aretine, 1250-60. 130 by 90 cm. (Private Collection Rome). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-II.
Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I
06/1947 | 531 | 89
Pages: 147-152
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child with Passion Scenes. By the "Master of the Castellare Crucifix" Third Quarter of the Thirteenth Century. Panel, 110 by 71 cm. (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Madonna and Child. by the "Bagnano Master." 1280-85. Panel, 100 by 60 cm. (A. Stoclet Collection, Brussels). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna and Child. By the "Bagnano Master." About 1275. Panel, 116 by 56 cm. (S. Maria a Bagnano). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Madonna and Child. By the "Bagnano Master." 1280-85. Panel, about 150 by 75 cm. (S. Stefano, Montefioralle). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Madonna and Child. Late Twelfth Century. Fresco, Detail. (S. Ermete, Rome). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-Madonna and Child. Roman School, Late Twelfth Century. Panel, 87 by 50 cm. (Private Collection). Post-War Discoveries: Early Italian Paintings-I.
A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
09/1946 | 522 | 88
Pages: 214+216-223
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Madonna and Child with Angels between the Crucifixion and the Stigmatization of St. Francis. Siena about 1300. Panels, 35.6 by 45.7 cm. (Christ Church Library, Oxford). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Half Closed. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Entirely Closed. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Open. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Enamel Tabernacle, Middle or End Fourteenth Century. (Formerly Schatzkammer, Munich). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. E-Metal Tabernacle. Thirteenth Century (Abbaye de Charroux, France). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. F-Mosan Gilt-Bronze and Enamel Tabernacle Reliquary of the True Cross. Middle of the Twelfth Century. (Collection of the Ducs D'arenberg, Nordkirchen). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Mosan True-Cross Reliquary, Gilt-Bronze and Champleve Enamel. Early Thirteenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Reliquary Panel. About 1220. (Musee du Cinquantenaire, Brussels). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Center-Panel of Sienese Tabernacle. Second Half Fourteenth Century. (Whereabouts Unknown). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford