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8 articles
Neither a Rose nor an Apple but a Fig
07/1962 | 712 | 104
Pages: 305
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Cozzarelli, and Fetti's 'Martyrdom' at Hartford
09/1961 | 702 | 103
Pages: 396+398
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
42. Madonna enthroned with SS. Simon and Thaddeus (Jude), by Guidoccio Cozzarelli. Signed and Dated 1486. Panel, 284 by 206 cm. (S. Bernardino, Sinalunga.)
The Earliest Italian Representation of the Coronation of the Virgin
10/1957 | 655 | 99
Pages: 328-332
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
2. The Coronation of the Virgin, Here Attributed to Guido da Siena. Panel, 56 by 164 cm. (Lee of Fareham Collection.)
Attributed works:
4. Madonna and Child with Saints, by Guido da Siena. Signed and Dated 127... Panel, 85 by 186 cm. (Pinacoteca, Siena.)
Attributed works:
7. The Coronation of the Virgin, by Jacopo Torriti. 1295. Mosaic. (S. Maria Maggiore, Rome.)
Western art unattributed:
3. Christ and the Crowned Virgin Enthroned in Paradise. French, Early Thirteenth Century. Tympanum Relief, Detail. (Notre-Dame, Chartres.)
A New Attribution to the Monte Oliveto Master and Some Observations concerning the Chronology of His Works
07/1955 | 628 | 97
Pages: 203-207
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
26. Madonna and Child with a Female Devotee, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Tabernacle Centre, Panel, 34.9 by 18.7 cm. (Collection M. Knoedler and Co., New York.)
Attributed works:
27. Madonna and Child with Angels and Annunciation, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Tabernacle Centre, Panel, 120 by 62 cm. (Monastery, Monte Oliveto Maggiore.)
Attributed works:
28. Madonna and Child with Angels, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Left Half of Diptych, Panel, 33 by 22 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven.)
Attributed works:
29. Crucifixion, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Right Half of Diptych, Panel, 33 by 20 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven.)
Attributed works:
30. Madonna and Child with Angels, Saints and Scenes from the Passion, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Tabernacle, Panel, 77 by 83 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.)
Attributed works:
31. Madonna and Child with Saints and Scenes from the Life of Christ, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Tabernacle Centre, Panel, 54 by 37 cm. (Collection Viscountess Lee of Fareham, Avening.)
Attributed works:
32. Crucifixion, by the Monte Oliveto Master. Right Half of Diptych, Panel, 33 by 23 cm. (Art Museum, Cincinnati.)
Some Unknown Representations by the Magdalen Master
03/1951 | 576 | 93
Pages: 71+73-79
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
11. Annunciation, Nativity, Presentation in the Temple, by the Magdalen Master. Panel (Probably Left Wing of Tabernacle), 58 by 17 cm. (Private Collection, London.)
Attributed works:
12. Detail from St Mary Magdalen with Eight Scenes from Her Life, by the Magdalen Master. (Accademia, Florence.)
Attributed works:
13. Head of St James the Great. Detail of Altar Frontal of Madonna and Saints and other Scenes, by the Magdalen Master. (Accademia, Florence.)
Attributed works:
14. Adoration of the Magi, Crucifixion, Stigmatisation of St Francis, by the Magdalen Master. Panel (Probably Right Wing of Tabernacle), 58 by 17 cm. (Private Collection, London.)
Attributed works:
15. Madonna and Child, by the Magdalen Master. Panel, Fragment (Probably from Centre of Tabernacle), 22 by 19 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Mass.)
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig. 14: Adoration of the Magi.
Attributed works:
17. Detail of Fig. 11: Nativity.
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig. 14: Crucifixion.
Attributed works:
19. Last Supper, by a Follower of the Magdalen Master. Panel, 39 (51 to Apex) by 162 cm. (Musée Benoit Molin, Chambéry.)
Attributed works:
20. Detail of Fig. 19: Showing Christ with SS James the Great, John the Evangelist and Peter.
The St Agatha Master, the Carmine Madonna Master, and Certain Questions of Method
12/1950 | 573 | 92
Pages: 354-357
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Two Additions to the Works of a Florentine Dugento Atelier
04/1950 | 565 | 92
Pages: 94-97
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
2. St John the Evangelist. Here Attributed to the Workshop of the 'Carmine Madonna Master'. Panel, 47 by 38 cm. (Private Collection, Florence.)
Attributed works:
4. Madonna and Child. Detail. Here Attributed to the 'Carmine Madonna Master'. Panel, about 215 by 112 cm without Arched Addition. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.)
Attributed works:
5. St Agatha. Here Attributed to the Workshop of the 'Carmine Madonna Master'. Obverse of Processional Standard. Panel, 70 by 48 cm. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence.)
Attributed works:
6. Madonna and Child. Fragment. Here Attributed to the 'Carmine Madonna Master'. Panel. (Russian Museum, Leningrad.)
Attributed works:
7. Madonna and Child. Here Attributed to the 'Carmine Madonna Master'. Tabernacle Centre, 98 by 60 cm. (Uffizi, Florence.)
Western art unattributed:
3. St Thomas. Italian Mosaic, Second-Third of the Thirteenth Century. (Baptistery, Florence.)
A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
05/1947 | 530 | 89
Pages: 119-127+129
related names
Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude (Coor-Achenbach, Gertrude; Achenbach, Gertrude Coor-; Coor, Gertrude)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Madonna and Child with Two Saints and Two Angels. By the Magdalen Master. Panel, about 163 by 73 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-St. Mary Magdalen with Eight Scenes from Her Life. By the Magdalen Master. Panel, 164 by 76 cm. (Accademia, Florence). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-Detail of A. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Detail of Plate I, A. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Madonna and Child with Two Saints and Two Angels. By the Magdalen Master. Panel 34 by 30 cm. (Acton Collection, Florence). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. C-Madonna and Child. By Bonaventura Michaelis. Panel, 163 by 58 cm. (S. Francesco, Mercatello). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. D-Madonna and Child with Two Angels. By Coppo di Marcovaldo, 1261. Panel, 220 by 125 cm. (S. Maria Dei Servi, Siena). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. E-Madonna and Child with Two Angels. By the Magdalen Master. Panel, 157 by 89 cm. (Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, Berlin). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate II. F-Madonna and Child with Two Angels. By the Magdalen Master. Panel. (Acton Collection, Florence). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. A-Madonna and Child with Two Angels. By the Magdalen Master. Panel, 190 by 74 cm. (S. Fedele, Poppi). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. B-Detail of Plate I, B. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. C-Detail of Plate I, B. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. D-Detail of Plate I, B. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. E-Madonna and Child with Two Angels. By Coppo di Marcovaldo. Panel, 238 by 136 cm. (S. Maria Dei Servi, Orvieto). A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master
Attributed works:
Plate III. F-Detail of Plate I, A. A Neglected Work by the Magdalen Master