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2 articles
What Goes with What?
12/1967 | 777 | 109
Pages: 668-674
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
Attributed works:
10. Dead Christ, by Allegretto Nuzi. Panel of Diptych (with Fig.9.). (Formerly Fornari Collection, Rome.)
Attributed works:
11. Fragment of a Madonna, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Attributed works:
12. Triptych, by Allegretto Nuzi. Signed and Dated 1369. Panel. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Macerata.)
Attributed works:
13. Fragment of a Scene from the Life of St James the Great(?), Here Attributed to Allegretto Nuzi. Panel. (Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
14. Fragment of Coronation, Here Attributed to Allegretto Nuzi. Panel. (Collection Frederich Fairchild Sherman, New York.)
Attributed works:
15. St James the Great Converting Philetus, by Altichiero and Avanzo. Before 1379. Fresco. (Chapel of S. Felice, Basilica del Santo, Padua.)
Attributed works:
16. St Francis, Here Attributed to Guariento. Fragment from Altar-Piece. Panel. (D'Atri Collection, Paris, 1917.)
Attributed works:
2. St Peter, Here Attributed to Meo da Siena. Panel, 73 by 43.2 cm. (Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
3. St Ansanus. Supposedly Upper Panel from Polyptych by Meo. (see Fig 4). Panel. (Detroit Institute of Arts.)
Attributed works:
4. Polyptych, by Meo da Siena. Signed. (Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia.)
Attributed works:
5. St Francis, Here Attributed to the Master of Città di Castello. Panel. (Formerly Lanckoronki Collection, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
6. St Peter, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel, 72 by 36 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery.)
Attributed works:
7. St John the Baptist, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel, 72 by 36 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery.)
Attributed works:
8. St Francis, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel from Polyptych. (Pinacoteca, Siena.)
Attributed works:
9. Madonna, by Allegretto Nuzi. Panel of Diptych (with Fig.10). (Formerly Fornari Collection, Rome.)
A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
09/1946 | 522 | 88
Pages: 214+216-223
related names
Garrison, Edward B. (Garrison, Edward B.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Madonna and Child with Angels between the Crucifixion and the Stigmatization of St. Francis. Siena about 1300. Panels, 35.6 by 45.7 cm. (Christ Church Library, Oxford). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Half Closed. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Entirely Closed. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Reconstruction: Tabernacle Open. A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Enamel Tabernacle, Middle or End Fourteenth Century. (Formerly Schatzkammer, Munich). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. E-Metal Tabernacle. Thirteenth Century (Abbaye de Charroux, France). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. F-Mosan Gilt-Bronze and Enamel Tabernacle Reliquary of the True Cross. Middle of the Twelfth Century. (Collection of the Ducs D'arenberg, Nordkirchen). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Mosan True-Cross Reliquary, Gilt-Bronze and Champleve Enamel. Early Thirteenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Reliquary Panel. About 1220. (Musee du Cinquantenaire, Brussels). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Center-Panel of Sienese Tabernacle. Second Half Fourteenth Century. (Whereabouts Unknown). A Ducciesque Tabernacle at Oxford