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5 articles
Exhibition Review
Painting in the Hispanic Kingdoms. Madrid and Mexico City
04/2011 | 1297 | 153
Pages: 286-287
related names
Bassegoda i Hugas, Bonaventura (Bassegoda i Hugas, Bonaventura; Hugas, Bonaventura Bassegoda i)
Reviewed Items
Pintura de los Reinos. Iden­tidades compartidas en el mundo hispánico | institution: Museo Nacional del Prado , institution: Palacio de Cultura Banamex , institution: Palacio Real de Madrid
Attributed works:
94. Allegory of the name of the Virgin Mary, by Cristóbal de Villalpando. c.1690–1700. Canvas, 183 by 291 cm. (Museo de la Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe, Mexico City; exh. Palacio de Cultura Banamex, Mexico City).
Attributed works:
95. The Immaculate Conception, by Alonso Vázquez. c.1590. Canvas, 283 by 206 cm. (Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville; exh. Palacio de Cultura Banamex, Mexico City).
Exhibition Review
Charles IV of Spain and the decorative arts. Madrid
10/2009 | 1279 | 151
Pages: 714-715
related names
González-Palacios, Alvar (González-Palacios, Alvar; Palacios, Alvar González-)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Carlos IV Mecenas y Coleccionista | institution: Palacio Real de Madrid
Attributed works:
56. The Gabinete de Platino, Casa del Labrador, Aranjuez, showing large allegories by Anne-Louis Girodet. Designed by Percier and Fontaine. Paris, 1800–06.
Western art unattributed:
57. Armchair made in the Royal Manufactory of Ebanisteria. 1801. Mahogany, satinwood and other woods, 91 by 60 by 48 cm. (Palacio Real, Madrid).
Exhibition Review
Baroque tapestry. New York and Madrid
01/2008 | 1258 | 150
Pages: 59-61
related names
Mulherron, Jamie (Mulherron, Jamie)
Reviewed Items
Tapestry in the Baroque: Threads of Splendor | institution: Metropolitan Museum of Art , institution: Palacio Real de Madrid
Attributed works:
72. The triumph of the Church over Ignorance and Blindness. From a twenty-piece set of The triumph of the Eucharist. Designed by Peter Paul Rubens. Woven in the workshop of Jan Raes II, Brussels. c.1626–33. Wool and silk, 490 by 752 cm. (Patrimonio Nacional, Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, Madrid; exh. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Attributed works:
73. Detail of The audience with Cardinal Chigi. From a fourteen-piece set of the History of the king. Designed by Charles Le Brun, cartoon by Antoine Mathieu the Elder; cartoon for the border attributed to Jean Lemoyne le Lorrain. Woven in the workshop of Jean Lefebvre, at the Manufacture Royale des Gobelins, Paris. 1665–72. Wool, silk and silver and gilt-metal wrapped thread, 510 by 715 cm. (Moblier National, Paris, on deposit at the Musée du Louvre, Paris; exh. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Attributed works:
74. Detail of Diana and Apollo slaying the children of Niobe. From an eight-piece set of the Story of Diana. Cartoon attributed to Toussaint Dubreuil or to Henri Lerambert, after a design by Toussaint Dubreuil. Woven in the Faubourg Saint-Marcel workshop, Paris. c.1620–30. Wool, silk and gilt-metal wrapped thread, 415 by 540 cm. (Kunstkammer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; exh. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Exhibition Review
Juan van der Hamen y León. Madrid and Dallas
04/2006 | 1237 | 148
Pages: 297-299
related names
Cherry, Peter (Cherry, Peter)
Reviewed Items
Juan van der Hamen y León and the Court of Madrid | institution: Meadows Museum , institution: Palacio Real de Madrid
Attributed works:
70. Lorenzo van der Hamen y León, by Juan van der Hamen y León. c.1620. 55 by 43 cm. (Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, Madrid; exh. Meadows Museum, Dallas).
Attributed works:
71. Great fruit bowl with plates of cakes and sweets, by Juan van der Hamen y León. c.1621. 84 by 104 cm. (Banco de España collection, Madrid; exh. Meadows Museum, Dallas).
Attributed works:
72. Plate of pears and grapes, by Juan van der Hamen y León. 1626. 34 by 48.5 cm. (Private collection; exh. Meadows Museum, Dallas).
Exhibition Review
Courts of the Baroque. Madrid and Rome
03/2004 | 1212 | 146
Pages: 203-205
related names
Brown, Jonathan (Brown, Jonathan; Brown, Jonathan M.)
Elliott, John (Elliott, John)
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Courts of the Baroque | institution: Palacio Real de Madrid , institution: Scuderie Papali al Quirinale
Attributed works:
75. Christina of Sweden attended by scholars and other famous contemporaries, by Louis Michel Dumesnil. c.1730. 97 by 126 cm. (Chateaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Versailles; exh. Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome).
Attributed works:
76. Orpheus playing to the animals, by Luca Giordano. c.1697. 176 by 353 cm. (Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real de Aranjuez; exh. Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome).
Attributed works:
77. Charles II as Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, by Juan Carreño de Miranda. 1677. 216.5 by 140 cm. (Graf Harrach'sche Familiensammlung, Schloss Rohrau; exh. Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
74. Meeting of Philip IV and Louis XIV on the Isle of Pheasants. c, 1665-68. Wool, silk and good, 515 by 697 cm. (Mobilier national, Paris; exh. Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome).