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2 articles
Short Notice
The Maestro Daddesco and the Cathedral of Florence: A New Manuscript
03/2000 | 1164 | 142
Pages: 165-170
related names
Tacconi, Marica S. (Tacconi, Marica S.)
Attributed works:
45. Nativity of Christ in an Initial P, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Archivio dell'Opera di Maria del Fiore, Florence, Gradual M.2 n.1, fol.25r).
Attributed works:
46. All Saints in an Initial G, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Archivio dell'Opera di Maria del Fiore, Florence, Gradual M.2 n.1, fol.103v).
Attributed works:
47. All Saints in an Initial G, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Missal Edili 107, fol.424v).
Attributed works:
48. The Apostles in an Initial E, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Archivio dell'Opera di Maria del Fiore, Florence, Antiphonary L.2 n.2, fol.3r).
Attributed works:
49. Pentecost in an Initial D, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven CT, Antiphonary, MS 178, fol.179r).
Attributed works:
50. Pentecost in an Initial S, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Museo della Collegiata di San Lorenzo, Montevarchi, Gradual, Cor. C, fol.171r).
Attributed works:
51. Nativity of Christ in an Initial P, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Missal Edili 107, fol.22r).
Attributed works:
52. Nativity of Christ in an Initial H, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven CT, Antiphonary, MS 178, fol.32r).
Attributed works:
53. Nativity of Christ in an Initial P, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (S. Croce in Gerusalemme, Rome, Gradual Cor. A, fol.6v).
Attributed works:
54. Miracle and Bust of St Zenobius, by the Maestro Daddesco. Tempera on Parchment. (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence, Missal Edili 107, fol.367r).
Western art unattributed:
55. Detail of the Madonna della Misericordia, with a View of Florence, Showing the Cathedral. 1342. Fresco (Museo del Bigallo, Florence).
Short Notice
The Iconography of the Resurrection: A Re-Examination of the Risen Christ Hovering above the Tomb
01/1984 | 970 | 126
Pages: 20-24
related names
Berserik, Kees (Berserik, Kees)
Cassee, Elly (Cassee, Elly)
Hoyle, Michael (Hoyle, Michael)
Attributed works:
42. R Initial, by 'Maestro Daddesco.' Cod. 41, Folio 167v. (Biblioteca Laurentiana, Florence). [Resurrection with Risen Christ Hovering above the Tomb]
Attributed works:
45. A Initial, Ms. 1.7. (Lat. 1002), Folio 92r, by Niccolò da Bologna. (Biblioteca Estense, Modena). [Resurrection of Christ]
Attributed works:
46. A Initial. Antiphonary Cod. D, Folio 87v. (Museo Comunale, Montepulciano). [Resurrection of Christ]
Western art unattributed:
39. A Initial, Antiphony 35E, Folio 165v. (Opera del Duomo, Siena). [Resurrection of Christ]
Western art unattributed:
40. Resurrection Miniature, Stammheim Missal. (Collection Count Stammheim). [with other Saints]
Western art unattributed:
41. R Initial. (Collection Goldschmidt, Heidelberg). [Resurrection with Risen Christ Hovering above the Tomb]
Western art unattributed:
43. R Initial. Bolognese. Thirteenth Century. (Collezione Cini 2025-32). [Resurrection with Risen Christ Hovering above the Tomb]
Western art unattributed:
44. R Initial. Gradual God. A, Folio 166v. (Museo Comunale, Montepulciano). [Resurrection with Risen Christ Hovering above the Tomb]