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11 articles
Book Review
Ancient Cambodian sculpture
04/1971 | 817 | 113
Pages: 223
related names
Watson, William (Watson, William; W., W.)
Reviewed Items
Ancient Cambodian sculpture | author: Lee, Sherman E.
Short Notice
Recent Museum Acquisitions: Buddha Sheltered by Mucalinda (Cleveland Museum of Art)
05/1966 | 758 | 108
Pages: 258+261+263
related names
Marcus, Margaret F. (Marcus, Margaret F.)
Non-western art unattributed:
64. Buddha Sheltered by Mucalinda, the Serpent King. Cambodia, Mid-Twelfth Century, Early Anghor Wat Style. Bronze; Height, 58.4 cm. (The Cleveland Museum of Art; John L. Severance Fund.)
Non-western art unattributed:
65. Another View of the Buddha Reproduced in Fig. 64. [Buddha Sheltered by Mucalinda, the Serpent King. Cambodia, Mid-Twelfth Century, Early Anghor Wat Style. Bronze; Height, 58.4 cm. (The Cleveland Museum of Art; John L. Severance Fund.)]
Sources of the Art of Gauguin from Java, Egypt and Ancient Greece
04/1951 | 577 | 93
Pages: 118-123
related names
Dorival, Bernard (Dorival, Bernard)
Attributed works:
14. Detail from Groupe avec un Ange, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1902. Canvas. Maitrakanyaka.
Attributed works:
16. Ia Orana Maria, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1891. Canvas, 114 by 89 cm. (Samuel A. Lewisohn Collection, New York.)
Attributed works:
17. Detail from Faa Iheihe, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1898. Canvas. (Tate Gallery.)
Attributed works:
19. Ta Matete, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1892. Canvas, 73 by 91.5 cm. (Museum, Basle.)
Attributed works:
22. Detail from Fig. 19. 'Ta Matete' by Gauguin
Attributed works:
23.....Et l'Or de leurs Corps, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1901. Canvas, 67 by 76 cm. (Louvre, Paris.)
Attributed works:
24. La Guerre et la Paix, by Paul Gauguin. Signed. 1901. Wood-Carving.
Attributed works:
25. Detail from L'Appel by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1902. Canvas. (Cleveland Museum of Art.)
Attributed works:
27. Detail from Fig. 24. Sculpture by Gauguin.
Non-western art unattributed:
15. Above: The Meeting of Buddha and the Three Monks on the Benares Road; Below: The Arrival of Maitrakanyaka at Nandana. Photograph, 24.5 by 30 cm., Found among Gauguin's Possessions, of Fragment from Decoration of Javanese Temple of Bârâboudour. (Mme Joly-Segalen.)
Non-western art unattributed:
18. Guests at a Banquet. Photograph, Slightly Cut, Original Size 23 by 28 cm., Found among Gauguin's Possessions, of a Theban Tomb Fresco of the XVIIIth Dynasty in the British Museum. (Mme. Joly-Segalen.)
Non-western art unattributed:
20. Above; Assault on Mâra; Below: Scene from the Life of the Bhallâtiya-Jataka. Photograph, 24.5 by 30 cm., Found among Gauguin's Possessions, of Fragment from decoration of Javanese Temple of Bârâboudour. (Mme. Joly-Segalen.)
Non-western art unattributed:
21. Detail from Fig. 18. Guests at a banquet.
Western art unattributed:
26. A Marshal. Detail from Photograph, Found among Gauguin's Possessions, of the East Side of the Parthenon Frieze. (Mme Joly-Segalen.)
Ornamental Khmer Bronzes
10/1941 | 463 | 79
Pages: 111-113
related names
Le May, Reginald (Le May, Reginald; M., R. le; May, Reginald Le)
Non-western art unattributed:
A-Pair of Wrestlers. About 12th Century A. D. Height, 6.4 cm.; B-Hook for a Palanquin. 10th-12th Century A. D. Height, 20.3 cm. C-Two Hooks for a Palanquin, and Two Finals for Chariot-Poles. About 10th-12th Century A. D. (Thai National Museum, Bangkok); D-Ring and Hook (B and F) Combined. Ornamental Khmer Bronzes
Non-western art unattributed:
E-Ring for a Palanquin. About 10th-12th Century A. D. (Thai National Museum, Bangkok); F-Ring for a Palanquin. About 10th-12th Century. Height, 19.7 cm. Ornamental Khmer Bronzes
Book Review
Memoires Archeologiques. Tome II. Le Temple d'Angkor Vat. Troisieme Partie: La Galerie des Bas-reliefs
01/1934 | 370 | 64
Pages: 48-49
related names
Yetts, W. Perceval (Yetts, W. Perceval; Yetts, Walter Perceval; Yetts, W. Percival; Y., W. P.; Yetts, Perceval; Y., P.; Yetts, W. P.)
Reviewed Items
Memoires Archeologiques. Tome II. Le Temple d'Angkor Vat. Troisieme Partie: La Galerie des Bas-reliefs | :
The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
10/1933 | 367 | 63
Pages: 156-157+159-161+164-166
related names
Le May, Reginald (Le May, Reginald; M., R. le; May, Reginald Le)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Jar of Brown-Glazed Reddish Stoneware of Khmer Type. Twelfth Century or Earlier. Height, 29.8 cm. (Mr. Reginald le May; On Loan to the Victoria and Albert Museum). (Both in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Covered Jar of Early Sawankalōk Type. (Pre-Chinese.) Height, c. 25.4 cm., without Stand (The P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). (Both in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-Glazed Interior of Dish of Early Sawankalōk Type. (Pre-Chinese.) Diameter, c. 17.7 cm. (Both in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-Covered Jar of Early Sawankalōk Type. (Pre-Chinese.) Height, c. 17.7 cm. (Both in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. E-Exterior of C, Unglazed. Flat Base. (Both in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. A and B-Covered Jars of Early Sawankalōk Type. (Pre-Chinese.) Height of A, 19 cm. (Mr. Reginald le May; On Loan to the Victoria and Albert Museum); Height of B, 13.9 cm. (Mr. Reginald le May). (All Five in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Bowls of Suk'ot'ai Ware of Tzu Chou Type, Showing Chinese Influence. Coarse Quality. Early Fourteenth Century. Diameter, c. 12.7 cm. (All Five in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection) The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Interiors of Similar Bowls to C. (All Five in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. E-Bowl of Suk'ot'ai Ware of Tzu Chou Type, Showing Chinese Influence. Fine Quality. Early Fourteenth Century. Diameter, c. 15.2 cm. (All Five in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. F-Interior of E. (All Five in the P'ya Nakon Prarām Collection). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Pontil on Which Suk' ot'ai Wares Were Fired; B-Interior of Suk'ot'ai Bowl, Showing Spur-Marks of Pontil (Mr. Reginald le May). (The British Museum; Presented by Mr. Reginald le May). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Early Chinese Design of Lotus-Buds Painted in a Free, Primitive Manner on Sawankalōk Ware (The British Museum; Presented by Mr. Reginald le May). (The British Museum; Presented by Mr. Reginald le May). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. D-Later Conventional Chinese Designs on Sawankalōk Ware. (The British Museum; Presented by Mr. Reginald le May). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. E-Purely Siamese (T'ai) Designs on Sawankalōk Ware. (The British Museum; Presented by Mr. Reginald le May). The Ceramic Wares of North-Central Siam-I
Book Review
Memoires Archeologiques
02/1933 | 359 | 62
Pages: 98
related names
Yetts, W. Perceval (Yetts, W. Perceval; Yetts, Walter Perceval; Yetts, W. Percival; Y., W. P.; Yetts, Perceval; Y., P.; Yetts, W. P.)
Reviewed Items
Memoires Archeologiques | :
An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
11/1929 | 320 | 55
Pages: 212-213+216-221+224-226
related names
Le May, Reginald (Le May, Reginald; M., R. le; May, Reginald Le)
Non-western art unattributed:
Map of Siam Showing Centres of Schools of Art
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Head of Buddha, in Granite. Môn-Indian (Dvaravati (b)). Sixth to Ninth Century A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Head of Buddha, in Sandstone. Khmer, from Lopburi. Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-Head of Buddha, in Sandstone. Khmer, from Lopburi. Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-Head of Buddha, in Ruolite, Perhaps by a Provincial Khmer Sculptor, from Lopburi. Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. A - Vishnu, in Sandstone, Dvaravati (c). Fifth and Sixth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Bodhisattva, in Bronze, Ascribed to the Kingdom of Crivijaya. Seventh to Twelfth Century A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Bodhisattva, in Bronze, Ascribed to the Kingdom of Crivijaya. Seventh to Twelfth Century A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Buddha on Naga, in Lacquered Sandstone. From Lopburi, in Imitation of Khmer. Thai, Probably Fourteenth or Early Fifteenth Century. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Buddha, in Bronze. Sukhodaya School (? Cingalese Influence). Thai. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Buddha, in Sandstone, from Lopburi. Thai. Seventeenth Century A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Buddha, in Bronze. School of U Thong. Thai. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. D-Buddha, in Bronze. School of Ayudhya. Thai. Fifteenth Century A. D. Onwards. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A-Buddha, in Bronze. Chieng Saen School (1st Type). Thai. Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IV. B-Buddha, in Bronze. Chieng Saen School (2nd Type). Thai. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IV. C-Votive Tablet, in silvered lead. Supanburi. Thai. Fourteenth century. A. D.; D-Head of Saint, in sandstone. From Chieng Rai.? Early Thai.? Ninth to twelfth century A. D.; E-Buddha, in silver. Chieng Saen School (3rd type). Thai. Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries A. D. An Introduction to Sculpture in Siam
Book Review
Memoires Archeologiques. Tome II. Le Temple d'Angkor Vat
11/1929 | 320 | 55
Pages: 258
related names
Arnold, Thomas W. (Arnold, Thomas W.; Arnold, T. W.; A., T. W.; Arnold, Thomas)
Reviewed Items
Memoires Archeologiques. Tome II. Le Temple d'Angkor Vat | :
Book Review
Guide archeologique aux Temples d'Angkor
04/1928 | 301 | 52
Pages: 202
related names
Briggs, Martin S. (Briggs, Martin S.; B., M. S.; Briggs, M. S.; Bricgs, Martin S.; Briggs, S. Martin)
Reviewed Items
Guide archeologique aux Temples d'Angkor | author: Marchal, Henri
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