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6 articles
Bicci di Lorenzo’s altarpiece for the Compagni family chapel in S. Trinita, Florence
01/2019 | 1390 | 161
Pages: 36-43
related names
Gordon, Dillian (Gordon, Dillian)
Attributed works:
1. Hypothetical reconstruction of the altarpiece for the Compagni chapel in S. Trinita, Florence, by Bicci di Lorenzo with the assistance of Stefano d’Antonio. Reconstruction by the author with the help of Rachel Billinge. Panels photographed by John Hammond. The main tier, roundels and pilasters are illustrated as Fig.2 and the predella panels as Figs.3, 4 and 9.
Attributed works:
2. Altarpiece of the Virgin and Child with Saints for the Compagni chapel in S. Trinita, Florence, by Bicci di Lorenzo, assisted by Stefano d’Antonio, 1434. Egg tempera on wood, 207 by 299.4 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; WA 0045; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster).
Attributed works:
3. St John Gualberto and the destruction of the Abbey of Moscheta, by Bicci di Lorenzo. 1434. Egg tempera on panel, 27.5 by 31 cm. (Private collection; courtesy the Salamon Gallery, Milan).
Attributed works:
4. The baptism of Christ, by Bicci di Lorenzo. 1434. Egg tempera on panel, 27.9 by 31 cm. (York Art Gallery; courtesy York Museums Trust).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.3, showing the head of St John Gualberto.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.4, showing the head of Christ.
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.1, showing the pilaster figure of St Benedict. (Photograph by John Hammond; © The Dean and Chapter of Westminster)
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.9, showing the Virgin and Child.
Attributed works:
9. Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds, by Bicci di Lorenzo. 1434. Egg tempera on panel, 25.5 by 62 cm. (Private collection.)
The Art of Conservation: IX, The history of painting conservation at the Yale University Gallery
02/2017 | 1367 | 159
Pages: 122-131
related names
Aronson, Mark (Aronson, Mark)
McClure, Ian (McClure, Ian)
Passeri, Irma (Passeri, Irma)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
45. The lamentation over the dead Christ, by Taddeo Gaddi. c.1335-40 (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven)
Attributed works:
46. Fig.45 after cleaning in 1954
Attributed works:
47. Hypothetical reconstruction of Fig.45 after the 1954 cleaning
Attributed works:
48. Detail of Fig.45 showing the cross-hatched visible inpainting technique used by Andrew Petryn in 1954
Attributed works:
49. The Virgin and Child enthroned with four saints, by Ugolino di Nerio. c.1305-10. Photographed in 1912 after Icilio Federico Ioni's restoration (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven)
Attributed works:
50. Fig.49, c.1953
Attributed works:
51. Fig.49 after Andrew Petryn's restoration in 1954-55 where he used a neutral colour for the large losses and a cross-hatched technique in areas of loss that were reconstructed
Attributed works:
52. Fig.49 after restoration in 1968
Attributed works:
53. Fig.49 after restoration in 2006-07
Attributed works:
54. The Virgin and Child with Sts Vincent Ferrer and Jerome, by Piero di Cosimo. c.1510-15. Conservation state of the altarpiece in 1928 (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven)
Attributed works:
55. Fig.54 after restoration in 1957-59
Attributed works:
56. Detail of Fig.54, showing the original paint layer in remarkably good condition on the stone base of the throne after removal of multiple layers of oil-based overpaint. The foreground was cleaned by Petryn in 1957-59
Attributed works:
57. Fig.54 during current restoration with the nineteenth-century top additions removed
Attributed works:
58. Fig.59 after filling, before restoration. Photographed in 2014
Attributed works:
59. Education of the Virgin, attributed to Diego Velázquez. c.1617. After cleaning, varnishing, filling and inpainting of losses in 2014 (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven)
Exhibition Review
Stories in gold. Berlin
03/2006 | 1236 | 148
Pages: 217–20
related names
Teuffel, Christa Gardner von (Teuffel, Christa Gardner von; Gardner von Teuffel, Christa)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Geschichten auf Gold: Bilderzählungen in der frühen italienischen Malerei | institution: Gemäldegalerie
Attributed works:
82. St Peter, with Sts James the Great and Philip, by Ugolino di Nerio. 1325/26. Panel, c.190 by 57 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).
Attributed works:
83. Virtual reconstruction of the high altarpiece by Ugolino di Nerio in S. Croce, Florence. (Photomontage: Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).
Attributed works:
84. St Jerome appearing to St Augustine, by Giovanni di Paolo. c.1465. Panel, 37 by 48 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).
What Goes with What?
12/1967 | 777 | 109
Pages: 668-674
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
Attributed works:
10. Dead Christ, by Allegretto Nuzi. Panel of Diptych (with Fig.9.). (Formerly Fornari Collection, Rome.)
Attributed works:
11. Fragment of a Madonna, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel. (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena.)
Attributed works:
12. Triptych, by Allegretto Nuzi. Signed and Dated 1369. Panel. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Macerata.)
Attributed works:
13. Fragment of a Scene from the Life of St James the Great(?), Here Attributed to Allegretto Nuzi. Panel. (Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
14. Fragment of Coronation, Here Attributed to Allegretto Nuzi. Panel. (Collection Frederich Fairchild Sherman, New York.)
Attributed works:
15. St James the Great Converting Philetus, by Altichiero and Avanzo. Before 1379. Fresco. (Chapel of S. Felice, Basilica del Santo, Padua.)
Attributed works:
16. St Francis, Here Attributed to Guariento. Fragment from Altar-Piece. Panel. (D'Atri Collection, Paris, 1917.)
Attributed works:
2. St Peter, Here Attributed to Meo da Siena. Panel, 73 by 43.2 cm. (Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
3. St Ansanus. Supposedly Upper Panel from Polyptych by Meo. (see Fig 4). Panel. (Detroit Institute of Arts.)
Attributed works:
4. Polyptych, by Meo da Siena. Signed. (Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia.)
Attributed works:
5. St Francis, Here Attributed to the Master of Città di Castello. Panel. (Formerly Lanckoronki Collection, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
6. St Peter, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel, 72 by 36 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery.)
Attributed works:
7. St John the Baptist, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel, 72 by 36 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery.)
Attributed works:
8. St Francis, by the Master of Città di Castello. Panel from Polyptych. (Pinacoteca, Siena.)
Attributed works:
9. Madonna, by Allegretto Nuzi. Panel of Diptych (with Fig.10). (Formerly Fornari Collection, Rome.)
Book Review
Dipinti Inediti e Sconosciuti di Pietro Lorenzetti, Bernardo Daddi, etc. in Siena e nel Contado
12/1939 | 441 | 75
Pages: 250-251
related names
Pope-Hennessy, John (Pope-Hennessy, John; Hennessy, John Wyndham Pope-; Pope-Hennessy, J.; P.-H., J.)
Reviewed Items
Dipinti Inediti e Sconosciuti di Pietro Lorenzetti, Bernardo Daddi, etc. in Siena e nel Contado | author: Bacci, Péleo
Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
12/1912 | 117 | 22
Pages: 138-139+142-143+145-147
related names
Nicola, Giacomo de (Nicola, Giacomo de)
Attributed works:
Plate II. (B) Here Ascribed to Duccio. Montepulciano. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Attributed works:
Plate II. (D) By Niccolò di Segna Mr. Charles Loeser's Collection, Florence. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Attributed works:
Plate III. (F) Madonna and Child with Kneeling Donor; Here Ascribed to Ugolino. Compagnia di Misericordia, San Casciano. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. (A) Centre of Triptych; School of Duccio. Galleria di Siena. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. (C) School of Duccio. Asciano. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. (E) Madonna and Child with Saints, Polyptych; School of Ugolino. Pieve of Monterongrifoli. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. (G) Mater Misericordle; School of Duccio. Pieve of Vertine. Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena