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6 articles
'Aśokan' Pillars: A Reassessment of the Evidence - IV: Symbolism
11/1976 | 884 | 118
Pages: 734+736-751+753
related names
Irwin, John (Irwin, John; Irwin, J.)
Non-western art unattributed:
10. Base of Garuda-Pillar in Temple Compound, Nepal, Showing Shaft Resting on Tortoise. Photo: Robert Skelton.
Non-western art unattributed:
11. Drawing for Wall-Painting at Wedding Ceremony. Mithila District North Bihar. Contemporary Folk-Art. Photo: National Museum, New Delhi.
Non-western art unattributed:
12. The Teaching Buddha. Gandhāra, North-West India. Second-Fourth Century A. D. Carved Schist.
Non-western art unattributed:
13. The Buddha Preaching to the Bodhisattvas. Relief Outside Kārlī Cave-Temple, Deccan. About Fifth Century A. D. Photo: Dr. Gritli v. Mitterwallner.
Non-western art unattributed:
14. The Sānchī Lion Capital. (Sānchī Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
15. Bronze Image of Four Addorsed Lions Found by Cunningham at Mānikyāla.
Non-western art unattributed:
16. Celebration of Indra Festival Showing Indra Worshipped as Pillar.
Non-western art unattributed:
17. Close-Up of Lion Emblem on Vaiśālī Pillar (Pre-Aśokan Type). (Still in Situ at Vaiśālī, Bihar).
Non-western art unattributed:
18. Close-Up of One of the Four Lions on Sārnāth Capital. (Sārnāth Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
19. Gold Rhyton. Achaemenid, c.500 B. C.
Non-western art unattributed:
20. Standard-Bearer Carrying a Dhvaja. Relief from Bhārhūt.
Non-western art unattributed:
21. The Rāmpurvā Bull-Capital (Pre-Aśokan Type).
Non-western art unattributed:
22. The Sankīsā Elephant-Capital (Pre-Aśokan).
Non-western art unattributed:
23. The Sārnāth Capital. (Sārnāth Museum). Probably the Last Aśokan Pillar.
Non-western art unattributed:
7. Relief Depicting Pillar of Law. Amārāvatī, First Century B. C. or Later. Limestone. (British Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Relief Depicting Lion-Pillar. Amārāvatī, First Century B. C. or Later. Limestone. (British Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
9. Sacred Pillar in Irrigation Pond. North Bihar.
Non-western art unattributed:
C. Marriage Pillar (Manistambha) of Painted Wood, in a Water-Pot of Painted Earthenware. From Maharashtra Modern.
Non-western art unattributed:
F. Left: King Ashurbanipal (668-626 B. C.) Hunting. Detail from a Limestone Relief from Nineveh. (British Museum). Right: The Horse from the Abacus of the Sārnāth Pillar.
Western art unattributed:
A. The Cosmic Pillar.
Western art unattributed:
B. The Rain Cycle.
Western art unattributed:
D. The Cosmic Pillar Founded in the Cosmic Ocean, at the Navel of the Earth.
Western art unattributed:
E. Diagram to Show the Reason for the Indian Tendency to Focus Southward with Sunrise on the Left.
Short Notice
The Monuments of Sanchi
11/1942 | 476 | 81
Pages: 278-279+281
related names
Buchthal, Hugo (Buchthal, Hugo; Buchthal, H.)
Non-western art unattributed:
A-Nativity of the Buddha. Top Lintel from Southern Gateway, Sanchi. Shorter Notice: The Monuments of Sanchi
Non-western art unattributed:
B-Nativity of the Bodhisattva. Relief (Museum, Lahore). Shorter Notice: The Monuments of Sanchi
Non-western art unattributed:
C-Head, Probably from Northern Gateway, Sanchi (Sanchi Museum). Shorter Notice: The Monuments of Sanchi
Non-western art unattributed:
D-Head of Bodhisattva. Gandhara Artists' Work. (British Museum). Shorter Notice: The Monuments of Sanchi
The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
10/1937 | 415 | 71
Pages: xxiii-xxix+xxxi
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Bodhisattva. Pre-T'ang. Marble; Height, 83.8 cm. (Messrs. Bluett & Sons). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Buddha. Greco-Aryan. About A. D. 200. Hornblende Schist; Height, 127 cm. (Messrs. Spink & Son Ltd.). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-Tsun. Chou Dynasty. Bronze; Height 25.4 cm. (Messrs. John Sparks). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
A Fifteenth-Century Hispano Mauresque Dish: Gold Lustre, Decorated with Blue Design. Diameter 17½ Inches. Now on Exhibition at the Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition at Grosvenor House, Stand No. 7 (The Spanish Art Gallery Ltd.)
Western art unattributed:
A Fifteenth-Century Hispano Mauresque Dish: Gold Lustre, with Painted Shield in Centre Showing a Deer and a Tree in Blue. Diameter 17 Inches. Now on Exhibition at the Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition at Grosvenor House, Stand No. 7 (The Spanish Art Gallery Ltd.)
Western art unattributed:
A Flemish Fifteenth-Century Virgin and Child, Showing Remains of Polychrome. Height 4 ft. 8 in. Now on Exhibition at the Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition at Grosvenor House, Stand No. 7 (The Spanish Art Gallery Ltd.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-Drug Jar. Hispano-Moresque. Fifteenth Century. Height, 29 cm. (The Spanish Art Gallery). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Side Table. About 1750. Mahogany; Length 1.8 m. (Messrs. M. Harris & Sons). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Table. About 1690. Walnut Veneer with Marquetry Panels; Length, 95 cm. (Messrs. Frank Partridge & Sons Ltd.). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Carved Chimney-Piece. Mid-Eighteenth Century. Pinewood; Height 1.6 m. (Messrs. Acton Surgey). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-Sideboard. About 1785. Mahogany; Length 1.8 m. (Messrs. Mallett & Son). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Bureau. 1710. Walnut; Height, 2 m. (Messrs. Edwards & Sons Ltd.). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Cabinet in Red Japan on Gilt Stand. circ. 1690. Height, 2.2 m. (Mr. J. M. Botibol). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Cabinet on Stand. circ. 1700. Walnut; Height, 1.5 m. (Messrs. H. M. Lee & Sons). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A- Punch Bowl. About 1700. Height, 21.5 cm. (Messrs. Arthur Churchill Ltd.). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. B-Spice Box, London, 1621. Silver; Diameter, 10 cm. (How of Edinburgh Ltd.). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. C, E-Pair of Two-Light Candelabra. Irish, about 1790. Height, 70 cm. (Mr. Cecil Davis); D-Wine Fountain. About 1665. Silver; Height, 129 cm. (Messrs. S. J. Philips). The Antique Dealers' Fair and Exhibition
Book Review
Les Fouilles de Hadda. Part I-Stupas et Sites
01/1935 | 382 | 66
Pages: 49
related names
Yetts, W. Perceval (Yetts, W. Perceval; Yetts, Walter Perceval; Yetts, W. Percival; Y., W. P.; Yetts, Perceval; Y., P.; Yetts, W. P.)
Reviewed Items
Les Fouilles de Hadda. Part I-Stupas et Sites | author: Barthoux, J. J.
Book Review
Les Fouilles de Hadda
08/1932 | 353 | 61
Pages: 95
related names
Yetts, W. Perceval (Yetts, W. Perceval; Yetts, Walter Perceval; Yetts, W. Percival; Y., W. P.; Yetts, Perceval; Y., P.; Yetts, W. P.)
Reviewed Items
Les Fouilles de Hadda | author: Barthoux, J. J.
Short Notice
Art in America - Stucco Sculpture from Central Asia
09/1931 | 342 | 59
Pages: 140+144-145
related names
Siple, Ella S. (Siple, Ella S.; S., E. S.; S., E.)
museums and institutions:
Non-western art unattributed:
A, B-Two Views of a Stucco Head from Western Turkestan. Fourth Century, A. D. (Boston Museum). Art in America
Non-western art unattributed:
C-Stucco Head. Greco-Buddhist Style. Fifth Century, A. D. From the Pamir (St. Louis Museum). Art in America
Non-western art unattributed:
D-Stucco Head. From the Pamir (St. Louis Museum). Art in America