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6 articles
'Aśokan' Pillars: A Reassessment of the Evidence - IV: Symbolism
11/1976 | 884 | 118
Pages: 734+736-751+753
related names
Irwin, John (Irwin, John; Irwin, J.)
Non-western art unattributed:
10. Base of Garuda-Pillar in Temple Compound, Nepal, Showing Shaft Resting on Tortoise. Photo: Robert Skelton.
Non-western art unattributed:
11. Drawing for Wall-Painting at Wedding Ceremony. Mithila District North Bihar. Contemporary Folk-Art. Photo: National Museum, New Delhi.
Non-western art unattributed:
12. The Teaching Buddha. Gandhāra, North-West India. Second-Fourth Century A. D. Carved Schist.
Non-western art unattributed:
13. The Buddha Preaching to the Bodhisattvas. Relief Outside Kārlī Cave-Temple, Deccan. About Fifth Century A. D. Photo: Dr. Gritli v. Mitterwallner.
Non-western art unattributed:
14. The Sānchī Lion Capital. (Sānchī Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
15. Bronze Image of Four Addorsed Lions Found by Cunningham at Mānikyāla.
Non-western art unattributed:
16. Celebration of Indra Festival Showing Indra Worshipped as Pillar.
Non-western art unattributed:
17. Close-Up of Lion Emblem on Vaiśālī Pillar (Pre-Aśokan Type). (Still in Situ at Vaiśālī, Bihar).
Non-western art unattributed:
18. Close-Up of One of the Four Lions on Sārnāth Capital. (Sārnāth Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
19. Gold Rhyton. Achaemenid, c.500 B. C.
Non-western art unattributed:
20. Standard-Bearer Carrying a Dhvaja. Relief from Bhārhūt.
Non-western art unattributed:
21. The Rāmpurvā Bull-Capital (Pre-Aśokan Type).
Non-western art unattributed:
22. The Sankīsā Elephant-Capital (Pre-Aśokan).
Non-western art unattributed:
23. The Sārnāth Capital. (Sārnāth Museum). Probably the Last Aśokan Pillar.
Non-western art unattributed:
7. Relief Depicting Pillar of Law. Amārāvatī, First Century B. C. or Later. Limestone. (British Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Relief Depicting Lion-Pillar. Amārāvatī, First Century B. C. or Later. Limestone. (British Museum).
Non-western art unattributed:
9. Sacred Pillar in Irrigation Pond. North Bihar.
Non-western art unattributed:
C. Marriage Pillar (Manistambha) of Painted Wood, in a Water-Pot of Painted Earthenware. From Maharashtra Modern.
Non-western art unattributed:
F. Left: King Ashurbanipal (668-626 B. C.) Hunting. Detail from a Limestone Relief from Nineveh. (British Museum). Right: The Horse from the Abacus of the Sārnāth Pillar.
Western art unattributed:
A. The Cosmic Pillar.
Western art unattributed:
B. The Rain Cycle.
Western art unattributed:
D. The Cosmic Pillar Founded in the Cosmic Ocean, at the Navel of the Earth.
Western art unattributed:
E. Diagram to Show the Reason for the Indian Tendency to Focus Southward with Sunrise on the Left.
'Aśokan' Pillars: A Re-Assessment of the Evidence - III: Capitals
10/1975 | 871 | 117
Pages: 631-643
related names
Irwin, John (Irwin, John; Irwin, J.)
Non-western art unattributed:
10. Gilt-Copper Lion on Pillar, Telleju Temple, Nepal, c. Sixteenth Century A. D. Photo: Robert Skelton.
Non-western art unattributed:
11. Gilt Copper Garuda on Pillar at Bhadgaon, Nepal, Medieval. Photo: Dr John Marr.
Non-western art unattributed:
12. The Sārnāth Capital. Polished Sandstone.
Non-western art unattributed:
13-16. Close-Ups of the Four Quadrupeds on the Abacus of the Sārnāth Capital.
Non-western art unattributed:
17. Painting of Lotus-Plant, by an Unknown Indian Artist, Eighteenth Century. Photo: British Museum of Natural History.
Non-western art unattributed:
18. Wooden Chariot-Wheel Excavated in Precincts of Aśoka's Capital City, Pātaliputra (Modern Patna). Now in Patna Museum.
Non-western art unattributed:
2. The Sankīsā Elephant-Capital. Polished Sandstone. Photo: India Office Library.
Non-western art unattributed:
3. The Rāmpūrvā Bull-Capital. Polished Sandstone.
Non-western art unattributed:
5. The Lauriyā-Nandangarh Lion-Capital. Polished Sandstone. Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Non-western art unattributed:
6. The Kutb Iron Pillar, near Delhi. c. Fourth Century A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Underside of Sankīsā Elephant-Capital (Fig.2 above). Photo: Dr Joanna Williams.
Non-western art unattributed:
9. Bell of a Gupta Pillar at Sondāni, Mandasor, Fifth Century A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
A. Tree Bole, Showing Splits at the Periphery.
Non-western art unattributed:
B. Left, the Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). Centre, the Egyptian Lotus (Nymphea stellata). Right, the Egyptian Lotus as Conventionalized in Egyptian Art.
Non-western art unattributed:
C. The Bells of the Vaiśālī, Lauriyā-Nandangarh, Rāmpūrvā Bull and Sārnāth Capitals Superimposed upon the Persepolitan Base-Bell.
Non-western art unattributed:
D. The Aśokan Form of Bell-Pendants.
Non-western art unattributed:
E. The Abacuses of the Mauryan Capitals: (i) Sankīsā; (ii) Allahābād; (iii) Rāmpūrvā Bull; (iv) Basti; (v) Sānchī; (vi) Lauriyā-Nandangarh; (vii) Rāmpūrvā Lion.
Non-western art unattributed:
G. The Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, Western Asia and India.
Non-western art unattributed:
H. Coomaraswamy's Drawing of the Bharhut 'Lotus-Capital'.
Non-western art unattributed:
I. The Stone Shaft of the Rāmpūrvā Lion Pillar, Showing the Copper Dowel.
Non-western art unattributed:
J. A Copper Dowel in a Wooden Shaft, with Horizontal Binding.
Non-western art unattributed:
K. Diagram Showing the Hypothetical Construction of a Portable dhvaja of the Type Depicted at Bharhut.
Non-western art unattributed:
L. A Capital from the Council Chamber, Persepolis (Restored), Showing the Bell-like Member.
Non-western art unattributed:
M. Symbols on Early Indian Punchmarked Coins.
Non-western art unattributed:
N. The Sārnāth Pillar, Restored.
Non-western art unattributed:
[a I. Early (Pre-Aśokan) group] Rampurva Bull
Non-western art unattributed:
[a II. Early (Pre-Aśokan) group] Sankisa
Non-western art unattributed:
[a III. Early (Pre-Aśokan) group] Kausambi
Non-western art unattributed:
[a IV. Early (Pre-Aśokan) group] Vaiśali
Non-western art unattributed:
[b I. Later group] Sarnath
Non-western art unattributed:
[b II. Later group] Topra
Non-western art unattributed:
[b III. Later group] Louriya-Nandangarh
Non-western art unattributed:
[b IV. Later group] Rampurva Lion
Non-western art unattributed:
[b V. Later group] Gotihawa
Western art unattributed:
4. The Vaiśālī Lion-Capital. Sandstone. Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Western art unattributed:
7. Base-Drum (Or 'Bell') of Achaemenian Column at Persepolis. After E. F. Schmidt.
Western art unattributed:
F. Sources of the 'Anthemion' Ornament on the Mauryan Capitals. (i) Ephesus, 'Leaf-and-Dart' on Column; (ii) Mouldings from Greek Classical Orders of Architecture, with Their Normal Ornament; (iii) Ovolo Ornament, Delphi; (iv) Early Greek Anthemion, Delphi; (v) Mature Greek Anthemion, the Erechtheion, Athens; (vi) The Egyptian Lotus and Lily; (vii) The Assyrian Knop-and-Flower; (viii) Ivory from Nimrud; (ix) Achaemenid Anthemion.
'Aśokan' Pillars: A Reassessment of the Evidence-II: Structure
12/1974 | 861 | 116
Pages: 712-727
related names
Irwin, John (Irwin, John; Irwin, J.)
Non-western art unattributed:
1. The Rāmpūrvā Bull-capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, 2.06 m. From Rāmpūrvā, Champāran District, N. Bihar. (President's Palace, New Delhi.)
Non-western art unattributed:
10. Excavation of the Lion-Pillar at Rāmpūrvā in 1907. Photo: Archaeological Survey of India.
Non-western art unattributed:
11. Drawing of Rāmpūrvā Lion-Pillar Published with the First Excavation Report, 1877, before the Lion-Sculpture Had Been Discovered.
Non-western art unattributed:
12. Excavation of the Bull-Pillar at Rāmpūrvā in 1908. Photo: Archaeological Survey of India.
Non-western art unattributed:
13. The Gotihawa Pillar-Stump, Partly Excavated. (Near Gotihawa Village on the Nepal Side of Indo-Nepalese Border.)
Non-western art unattributed:
14. The Allahābād Pillar-Shaft as Re-Erected and Seen Today; Originally from Kosam (Ancient Kauśāmbī). (Allahābād Fort, Allahābād. Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Non-western art unattributed:
15. The Kosam Pillar-Shaft as Re-Erected and Seen Today. Kosam (Ancient Kauśāmbī), U. P.)
Non-western art unattributed:
16. The Heliodorus Pillar-Shaft (Detail). Erected by the Greek Ambassador to a Local Indian Court at Besnagar, Central India; Late Second Century B. C. Drawing by Margaret Hall.
Non-western art unattributed:
2. The Sārnāth Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, 2.13 m. (Sārnāth Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
3. Horserider with Sacred Standard (Dhvaja). Relief from Bharhut Stūpa, Late Second Century B. C. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
4. The Vaisālī Pillar. Sandstone, with Little Trace of Polish. Present Height above Ground, c.8.23 m, Originally More Than 12.2 m. (Near Basarh Village, Muzaffarpur District, Bihar.) Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Non-western art unattributed:
5. The Lauriyā-Nandangarh Pillar. Polished Sandstone; Total Height above Ground, 12.08 m. (Champāran District, N. Bihar.) Photo: Archaeological Survey of India.
Non-western art unattributed:
6. The Sankīsā Elephant-Capital. Polished Sandstone. (Sankīsā, Farrukhābād District, U. P.) Photo: Archaeological Survey of India.
Non-western art unattributed:
7. The Sānchī Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, 2.43 m. (Sānchī Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
8. The Rāmpūrvā Lion-Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, c.2.43 m. From Rāmpūrvā, Champāran District, N. Bihar. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
9. The Shafts of the Two Rāmpūrvā Pillars as Seen Today. (Rāmpūrvā, Champāran District, N. Bihar.) Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Non-western art unattributed:
A. Egyptian Djed-Talismans Made after the Form of Djed-Pillars
Non-western art unattributed:
D. Base of the Allahābād Shaft, Showing Lugs.
Non-western art unattributed:
E. Insignia on the Base of the Rāmpūrvā Bull-Pillar (Left), and the Kumrahar Pillar (Right).
Non-western art unattributed:
F. The pradakshinā-patha (Processional Pathway). Left (Type i), Laid Directly upon the Ground. Right (Type ii), the Foundations Consolidated with Brick Masonry.
Non-western art unattributed:
G. The pradakshinā-patha. Left (Type iii), the Brick Masonry Partly Raised above Ground to form a Platform or cabutra. Right (Type iv), the cabutra Built with Retaining-Walls of Brick, and the Centre Infilled.
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
H. Excavation of Sārnāth Pillar: Section and Plan.
Non-western art unattributed:
I. Foundation Method 'A'.
Non-western art unattributed:
J. Excavation of Rāmpūrvā Lion-Pillar (Section).
Non-western art unattributed:
K. Foundation Method 'B'.
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
L. The Stump of the Rāmpūrvā Bull-Pillar as It Would Have Appeared in 1877' Located between Tumuli. Reconstruction by D. H. Griffin, A. R. I. B. A., 1974.
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
M. Excavation of Rāmpūrvā Bull-Pillar (Plan).
Non-western art unattributed:
N. Excavation of Rāmpūrvā Bull-Pillar (Section).
Non-western art unattributed:
O. Excavation of Sānchī Pillar (Section).
Non-western art unattributed:
Rampurva Bull
Non-western art unattributed:
Rampurva Lion
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
Non-western art unattributed:
Western art unattributed:
B. Left: The Naxian Sphinx-Pillar at Delphi, Sixth Century B. C. Right: the Sārnāth Pillar, Third Century B. C.
Western art unattributed:
C. Map Showing Location of 'Aśokan' Pillars.
'Aśokan' Pillars: A Reassessment of the Evidence
11/1973 | 848 | 115
Pages: 706-720
related names
Irwin, John (Irwin, John; Irwin, J.)
Attributed works:
3. Drawing of Allahābād Pillar-Shaft as Published in 1834. Originally Sited at Kauśāmbī, (Modern Kosam). Now Standing in Allahābād Fort.
Attributed works:
D. Site Plan of Lauriyā-Nandangarh as Published by Cunningham in 1871.
Non-western art unattributed:
10. The Vaiśālī Pillar. Sandstone, with Little Trace of Polish. Present Height above Ground, about 27 ft.; Originally More Than 41 ft. (Near Basärh Village, Muzaffarpur District, N. Bihār.) Photo: Frederick M. Asher.
Non-western art unattributed:
11. Telescopic Photograph of the Vaiśālī Lion-Capital. Photo: Frederick M. Asher.
Non-western art unattributed:
12. The Rāmpūrvā Lion-capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, Slightly over 7 ft. From Rāmpūrvā, Champāran District, N. Bihār. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
13. The Sankīsā Elephant-Capital. Polished Sandstone; (Sankīsā Farrukhābād District, U. P.) Photo: Archaeological Survey of India.
Non-western art unattributed:
14. Relief Depicting Stūpa-Worship. A Scene Symbolic of the Fourth Great Miracle (Parinirvāna), the Figures Being Mallas of Kuśinagara. Great Stúpa (N. Gate), Sānchī, First Century A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
15. One Side of a Carved Pillar Depicting Sacred-Pillar Worship. Sandstone. From Mathūrā, about First Century B. C. (Lucknow Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
16. The Other Side of the Pillar Illustrated in Fig.15. [Depicting Sacred-Pillar Worship. Sandstone. From Mathūrā, about First Century B. C. (Lucknow Museum.)]
Non-western art unattributed:
17. Relief Depicting Animal-Pillar and Sacred Paraphernalia. Sandstone. Stūpa No.3 (Berm of Balustrade), Sānchī, Second Century B. C.
Non-western art unattributed:
18. Relief Depicting Sacred Pillar and Stùpa Being Separately Worshipped. Sandstone. Bharhut, Second Century B. C. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
19. The Bodhi-Tree Shrine at Bodh-Gayā, as Depicted in a Bharhut Relief of Second Century B. C., Showing Elephant-Pillar. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
2. The Sārnāth Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, 7 ft. (Sārnāth Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
20. The Throne-Altar (Vajrāsana) Excavated at the Site of the Original Bodhi-Tree under Which the Buddha Achieved Enlightenment, Bodh-Gayā. Date Unestablished.
Non-western art unattributed:
21. Śirīsa-Tree Shrine Dedicated to the Former Buddha, Krakucchanda, as Depicted in a Bharhut Relief of Second Century B. C., Showing Elephant-Pillar. (Calcutta Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
5. Abacus of Allahābād Pillar. Polished Sandstone. (Allahābād Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
6. The Sānchi Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height, 7 ft. $11frac{3}{4}$ in. (Sāinch Museum.)
Non-western art unattributed:
7. The Rāmpūrvā Bull-Capital. Polished Sandstone; Height 6 ft. 9 in. From Rāmpūrvā, Champāran District, N. Bihār. (President's Palace, New Delhi.)
Non-western art unattributed:
8. The Lauriyā-Nandangarh Pillar (Nineteenth-Century Photograph). The Tree Beside the Pillar is a Sacred Pipal. Total Height above Ground, 39 ft. 7½ ins. (Champāran District, North Bihār.) Photo: India Office Library.
Non-western art unattributed:
9. Recent Telescopic Photograph of Lauriyā-Nandangarh Lion-Capital. Photo: Elinor Gadon.
Non-western art unattributed:
A. The Sārnāth Pillar, Original Proportions.
Non-western art unattributed:
B. Insignia Engraved on Copper Bolt Found at Rāmpūrvā
Non-western art unattributed:
C. Map Showing Pillar Locations in N. Bihar, on the Line Followed by the Uttarapātha ('Northern Trade Route').
Non-western art unattributed:
E. The Sārnāth Pillar, Showing Sections below and above Ground.
Western art unattributed:
4. Map Showing Locations of 'Aśokan' Pillars.
Book Review
Catalogue of the Museum of Archaeology at Sarnath
04/1916 | 157 | 29
Pages: 29-30
related names
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda; C., A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. R.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda R.)
Reviewed Items
Catalogue of the Museum of Archaeology at Sarnath | author: Sahni, Daya Rama
The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
07/1915 | 148 | 27
Pages: 138-141
related names
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda; C., A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. K.; Coomaraswamy, A. R.; Coomaraswamy, Ananda R.)
Non-western art unattributed:
A. Buddha. Nepalese; copper gilt, c. 9th cent. A. D. Height 3½ in. The hands in dharma-cakra-mudrā (rather than vitarka, as stated in "Visvakarmā", p. 15). (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
B. Avalokitesvara (Padmapānī). Also identified as Maitreya (Grünwedel, Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet, fig. 99). Nepalese, copper gilt and jewelled, c. 10th cent. A. D. Height of incomplete figure 4$frac{7}{8}$ in. A type identical with that of "Visvakarmā", Plate XI. Trivanka stance, the right hand in vara mudrā (charity), the left holding the stalk of an expanded rose lotus (padma). (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
C. Buddha. Badulla, Ceylon; bronze, c. 6th cent. A. D. Height 21 in. Right hand in vitarka mudrā, left hand holding end of robe. (Colombo Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
D. Avalokitesvara (Padmapānī). Ceylonese; copper, c. 9th cent. A. D. Height 3$frac{7}{8}$ in. Seated with right foot extended (lalitāsana), the right hand in vara mudrā, the left holding the rose-lotus (padma) stalk. Pedestal inscribed "Sangha dattah" in characters of the early 9th century. Getty, pp. 54, 59. (British Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
E. Manjusrī. Javanese; bronze, c. 9th-10th cent. A. D. Height 5½ in. Seated in mahārājā līlā pose, on a cushion on a lion throne (simhāsana), a blue lotus (utpala) bud in the right hand and an expanded flower of the same in the left. Getty, p. 96, and cf. also Plate XXI, d. (British Museum.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
F. Vajrapānī. Ceylonese; 9th cent. A. D., copper. Height 4$frac{7}{16}$ in. Seated with right foot extended (lalitāsana), right hand holding vajra, left on thigh. Getty, p. 48. (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
G. Vajra Tārā (not Ushnīshavijaya as identified "Visvakarmā" VI). Stone sculpture of the Pāla period. Sārnāth; c. 12th cent. A. D. Height of part shown, about 16 in. Getty, p. 110. (Sārnāth Museum, B(f)8.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
H. Vajra Tārā. Nepalese; copper gilt and jewelled, c. 16th cent. A. D. Height 4$frac{7}{8}$ in. With four faces and eight arms. Getty, p. 110. (A. K. Coomaraswamy.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Non-western art unattributed:
J. Kurukullā. Nepalese; copper, c. 15th cent. A. D. Getty, p. 112. (Calcutta School of Art.) The Gods of Mahāyāna Buddhism