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3 articles
Book Review
Un rêve d’Italie. La collection du Marquis Campana. Edited by Françoise Gaultier, Laurent Haumesser and Anna Trofimova
01/2020 | 1402 | 162
Pages: 79-80
related names
Greer, Elena (Greer, Elena )
art literature:
collectors and dealers:
Reviewed Items
Un rêve d’Italie. La collection du Marquis Campana Edited by Françoise Gaultier, Laurent Haumesser and Anna Trofimova. 608 pp. incl. 800 col. ills. (Liénart editions, Paris, 2018), £62. ISBN 978–2–35906–250–2. | :
Western art unattributed:
5. Finger (fragment). Roman, 1st or 4th century AD. Bronze, 14 by 38 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris, on long term loan to the Capitoline Museums, Rome; courtesy RMNGrand Palais and Hervé Lewandowski).
A New Museum Is Born
03/1977 | 888 | 119
Pages: 158-167
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
art literature:
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Madonna and Child with Saints Bernard and Catherine of Siena, by Girolamo di Benvenuto. Panel, 57 by 39 cm. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Attributed works:
5. Detail from Theseus Leaves with Phaedra Abandoning Ariadne, by the Master of the Campana Spalliere. Panel. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Attributed works:
6. Madonna and Child, by Taddeo di Bartolo. Panel, 104 by 69 cm. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Attributed works:
7. Madonna and Child, by Sandro Botticelli. Panel, 72 by 51 cm. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Attributed works:
8. Madonna in Glory with Saints Francis and Ambrose, by Bartolomeo Bononi. Panel. 120 by 78 cm. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Attributed works:
9. Saints John the Baptist and Magdalen, by Angelo Puccinelli. Panel, 80 by 52 cm. (Musée du Petit Palais, Avignon).
Western art unattributed:
2. View over the Pont d'Avignon from Hall No.9 of the Petit Palais.
Western art unattributed:
3. Façade of the Petit Palais, Avignon with Della Rovere Coat of Arms.
Western art unattributed:
4. Two Caricatures from Le Musée Campana catalogué par Cham, Paris 1862.
Early Italian Paintings at the Orangerie
09/1956 | 642 | 98
Pages: 309-314
related names
Vertova, Luisa (Vertova, Luisa; Vertova, Luisa Felicita)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
23. Triptych: Coronation, Crucifixion, Annunciation, and Other Scenes, by Jacopino di Francesco. Panel, 136 by 145 cm. (Campana Collection; Museum, Perpignan, 1863-1954.)
Attributed works:
24. Christ Blessing, by Barna da Siena. Panel, 52 by 33 cm. (Museum, Douai.)
Attributed works:
26. Madonna Enthroned, by Bartolommeo Montagna. Panel, 84 by 73 cm. (Museum, Lyon.)
Attributed works:
27. Madonna Enthroned with Angels, by Giovanni Boccati. Panel, 148 by 104 cm. (Muséc Fesch, Ajaccio.)
Attributed works:
28. Detail from Right-Hand Panel of Triptych, Showing Canonized Pope, by Giovanni di Paolo. (Campana Collection; Museum Châlons-sur-Saônc.)
Attributed works:
29. Madonna and Angel, by Sandro Botticelli. Panel, 110 by 70 cm. (Musée Fesch, Ajaccio.)
Attributed works:
30. Entombment, Here Attributed to Fra Filippo Lippi and Sandro Botticelli. Panel, 93 by 64 cm. (Museum, Cherbourg.)
Western art unattributed:
25. Nativity, Attributed to a Sienese Master Active in Avignon. Panel, 59 by 39 cm. (Museum, Aix-en-Provence.)