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3 articles
The permanence of ephemera: a rediscovered fragment by Frans Floris
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 244–251
related names
Galassi, Maria Clelia (Galassi, Maria Clelia; Galassi, M. C.)
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Capture of the heretics, here attributed to Frans Floris. 1549. Oil on canvas, 170 by 112 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
10. Victory taming a barbarian, by Lambert Lombard. After 1536–37. Pen, ink and black chalk on white paper, 25.5 by 12.9 cm (Arenberg and Clérembault albums, Cabinet des Estampes et des Dessins, Liège).
Attributed works:
11. Giants attacking Olympus, by Balthasar Bos after Frans Floris. 1558. Engraving, 44.2 by 43.9 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
2. Victory surrounded by prisoners and trophies, by Frans Floris. 1552. Etching, 31.4 by 43.8 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
3. The triumphal arch of the Genoese nation, after Pieter Coecke van Aelst. 1550. Woodcut, 22.6 by 20.5 cm. (From C. Grapheus: Le triomphe d’Anvers faict en la susception du Prince Philips, Prince d’Espaign[e], Antwerp 1550; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1, showing physiognomies characteristic of Frans Floris’s style.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.1, showing the texture of the palin-weave linen canvas.
Attributed works:
6. Infra-red reflectography of Fig.1. (Photograph Paolo Triolo).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.3, indicating the space allocated for the scene depicting the Capture of the heretics.
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Mars and Venus surprised by Vulcan, by Frans Floris. 1547. Oil on panel. (Formerly Staatliche Museen, Berlin; destroyed in Second Word War).
Attributed works:
9. Column pedestal base on the north side of the Arch of Constantine, Rome, showing Victory taming a barbarian. (Courtesy Roberto Averardi).
The Aragonese Arch
06/1975 | 867 | 117
Pages: 392-394
related names
Hersey, George L. (Hersey, George L.; Hersey, G. L.; Hersey, George)
Attributed works:
96. Castelnuovo Arch, Naples. 1443-75. Photo. Alinari.
Attributed works:
97. Castelnuovo Arch, Naples. Inner Arch, 1465. Photo. Alinari.
Western art unattributed:
95. Festival Arch for Castel Capuano, Naples. c.1446. Drawing. (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam).
Francesco Laurana: Beginnings in Naples
01/1974 | 850 | 116
Pages: 8-16
related names
Kruft, Hanno-Walter (Kruft, Hanno-Walter)
Malmanger, Magne (Malmanger, Magne)
Attributed works:
10. St Jerome and St Gregory, by Francesco Laurana. (Cappella Mastrantonio, S. Francesco d'Assisi, Palermo.)
Attributed works:
11. St Luke, by Francesco Laurana. (Cappella Mastrantonio, S. Francesco d'Assisi, Palermo.)
Attributed works:
12. Putto with Cornucopia, by Francesco Laurana. (Cappella Mastrantonio, S. Francesco d'Assisi, Palermo.)
Attributed works:
13. The Tunisian Legation, by Francesco Laurana. (Triumphal Frieze, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
14. Detail of Fig.13.
Attributed works:
15. Two Genii Holding Coat of Arms, by Francesco Laurana. (Inner Triumphal Arch, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
16. Member of the Tunisian Legation. (Triumphal Frieze, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
17. Detail Showing the Left Figure Reproduced in Fig.15.
Attributed works:
18. Detail Showing the Right Figure Reproduced in Fig.16.
Attributed works:
19. Frieze with Putti, by Francesco Laurana. (Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
20. Detail of the Madonna, by Francesco Laurana. 1474. (Cappella S. Barbara, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
21. Frieze with Putti, by Francesco Laurana. (Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
22. Justitia, by Francesco Laurana. (Triumphal Arch, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
23. Left Warrior Relief Showing Ferrante in the Centre, by Pietro da Milano and Francesco Laurana. (Triumphal Arch, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
24. Virtue(?), by Francesco Laurana. (Triumphal Arch, Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
25. Head of the Justitia Reproduced in Fig.22.
Attributed works:
26. Detail of the Relief in Fig.23.
Attributed works:
7. Detail Showing the Heads of the Courtiers in Fig.9.
Attributed works:
8. Triumphal Arch of King Alfonso. (Castelnuovo, Naples.)
Attributed works:
9. Detail of the Relief Representing the Coronation of Ferrante I, by Pietro da Milano. (Inner Triumphal Arch, Castelnuovo, Naples.)