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2 articles
Federico Zuccari and the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino at Loreto: the design for the altar of the Annunciation
12/2015 | 1353 | 157
Pages: 832-835
related names
Russo, Antonio (Russo, Antonio)
Attributed works:
13. Design for the vault and side walls of the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino, by Federico Brandani. After 1570. Fol.49 of the Largest Talman Album (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
Attributed works:
14. Design for the back wall of the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino, by Federico Brandani. After 1570. Fol.48 of the Largest Talman Album (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
Attributed works:
16. Annunciation, by Federico Barocci. 1572-74 (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City)
Attributed works:
17. Annunciation, by Federico Barocci and workshop. 1596 (S. Maria degli Angeli, Assisi)
Attributed works:
18. Project of the altar for the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino at Loreto, by Federico Zuccari. 1582-83 (Gabinetto Nazionale dei Disegni e delle Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence)
Attributed works:
19. Reconstruction of the chapel of the Dukes of Urbino on the design of Federico Zuccari with Barocci's altarpiece of the Annunciation inserted
Western art unattributed:
15. Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino, or of the Annunciation, basilica of the Holy House of Loreto
Federico Brandani’s paper model for the Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino at Loreto
01/2014 | 1330 | 156
Pages: 04-11
related names
Santucci, Giovanni (Santucci, Giovanni)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1.Design for the elevation of the back wall of a chapel, identified as the Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino in the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto, here attributed to Federico Brandani. After 1570. Pen, brown ink and brown watercolour over red and black chalk underdrawing with white lead, 27.5 by 23.2 cm. Fol.48 of the Largest Talman Album. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of the stucco frames on the left side of the barrel vault of the chapel illustrated in Fig.6, and the Dormition of the Virgin between Faith and Hope, by Federico Zuccari. 1582-83. Fresco.
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.2, showing the mouldings of the cornice of the pedestal of the Corinthian order.
Attributed works:
12. Detail of the cornice of the pedestal of the Corinthian order in Fig.8.
Attributed works:
13. Cartouche on the left side of the vault of the chapel illustrated in Fig.6.
Attributed works:
14. Reconstruction of the original arrangement of Figs.1 and 2, with the eighteenth-century glued strips removed: a. = cuts in paper; b. = original folds in the paper; c. = later accidental folds in the paper.
Attributed works:
15. Assembly of a three-dimentional paper model of Figs.1 and 2 following the original cuts and folds, with eighteenth-century additions removed except for the base of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
16. Design for the elevation of two walls and half a barrel vault for a gallery with the Barberini coat of arms. Here attributed to Pietro da Cortona's workshop. After 1630. Pen, brown ink and brown watercolour over lead pencil with white lead, 25.4 by 40.9 cm. Fol.47v of the Larger Talman Album. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
17. Assembly of a three-dimensional paper model of Fig.16 following the original cuts and folds, with eighteenth-century restorations removed.
Attributed works:
18. Design for the proposed elevation of S. Domenico, Siena, by Baldassarre Peruzzi. After 1531. Pen, brown ink and brown watercolour, 26.5 by 41.1 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.)
Attributed works:
19. Reconstruction of the original cuts and folds of Fig.18: a. = cuts; b. = original folds; c. = later damage.
Attributed works:
2. Design for the elvation of the walls and barrel vault of a chapel, identified as the Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino in the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto, here attributed to Federico Brandani. After 1570. Pen, brown ink over red and black chalk underdrawing with white lead, 21.7 by 73 cm. Fol.49 of the Largest Talman Album. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
20. Reconstruction of Fig.18 as an architectural model, with modern restorations removed.
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.2 showing the 'Tre Mete' emblem on the vault.
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.2 showing the 'Virtus et Honor' emblem on the vault.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.1 showing the 'Tre Mete' emblem above the altar.
Attributed works:
6. The Chapel of the Dukes of Urbino, or of the Annunciation. 1571-84. Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto.
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.2, showing the design for the architectural framework of the chapel's side walls and for the Adoration of the shepherds.
Attributed works:
8. The left side wall of the chapel illustrated in Fig.6, showing the architectural framework and the Marriage of the Virgin, by Federico Zuccaro. 1582-83. Fresco
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.2, showing the design for the stucco frames of the vault.