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6 articles
A Sculpture at Tandragee
11/1934 | 380 | 65
Pages: 223+226-228
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Stone Figure 59.6 cm. (Tandragee, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland). A Sculpture at Tandragee
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Stone Figures. Average Height, 79 cm. (White Island, Castle Archdale Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland). A Sculpture at Tandragee
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A, D-Two Side Views of the Stone Figure on Plate I, A. B-One of the Figures on Plate I, B. C-Bronze Figurine, Found at Castellar de Santisteban, or Despenaperros, Province of Jaén. Height, 8.4 cm. (Fogg Art Museum, U. S. A.) E-Figurine, Found at Aust-on-Severn, Gloucestershire. Height, about 13.9 cm. (British Museum). A Sculpture at Tandragee
Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
03/1928 | 300 | 52
Pages: 111+114-117+120-123+126-127
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Virgin; B-Church of Nuestra Señora from the North-East 1072; C-Western Portal; D-Interior of Church; E-Detail of South End, Cornice of Western Portal, 1072. (Nuestra Señora, Iguácel, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A, B-Capitals of Windows, South Facade, 1072; A-The Damned (?); C-Capital of Window of Apse, 1072. (Nuestra Señora, Iguácel, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-The Damned (?) Capital of Apse Arcade, Interior, 1072; E-Daniel, Capital of Western Portal, 1072; F-Avarice, Capital of Western Portal, 1072; (Nuestra Señora, Iguácel, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Inscription of Western Portal. Detail, 1072. (Nuestra Señora, Iguacel, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-Capital of North Gallery of Cloister, 1073-6. (Santo Domingo de Silos, Burgos). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C, D-Details of Inscription on Western Portal Shown on Plate I, D. 1072. (Nuestra Señora, Iguácel, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. A-Capital of Arcade, Interior of Choir of Church; B-Sacrifice of Isaac. Capital of Portal of Church; C-Interior of Church. D-Moses, Aaron and Ur. Capital of Arcade, Interior of Choir of Church; E-Capital of Arcade of Interior of Apse. All before 1095. (Castillo, Loarre, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. A-Inscription on the Jaṃb of the Portal of the Church, 1005. (Castillo, Loarre, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. B-Capital of the Portal of the Church. Before 1095. (Castillo, Loarre, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. C-Fragment of Sculptured Relief over Portal. Before 1095. (Loarre). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. D-Three Apostles. Fragment of Altar from the Old Cathedral. (Iglesia de la Guia, Vich, Barcelona). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
Western art unattributed:
Plate VI. A-Copy of the Acts of the Council of 1063 written in the eleventh (?) century. (Cathedral Archives No. 2, 471 Huesca). B-Missal written in St.-Ruf of Avignon late in the eleventh or early in the twelfth century. (Cathedral Archives, No. 11, Tortosa, Tarragona). C-Liber Paralipomenon with commentary. 1066. Folio 1 v, earlier miniature. (Cathedral Archives, No. 60, Vich, Barcelona). D-Copy of the Acts of the Council of 1063 written about 1100. (Cathedral Archives, Jaca, Huesca). E, F-Another copy of the Acts of the Council of 1063 written about 1063. (Cathedral Archives, Huesca). Iguácel and More Romanesque Art of Aragón
The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
02/1927 | 287 | 50
Pages: 75-76+78-79+81-85+87-88+91
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Attributed works:
Fig. 1. Sarcophagus of the Archbishop Hincmar (+ 882) Formerly at St.-Remi of Rheims. From an Engraving by Montfaucon.
Western art unattributed:
Fig. 2. South Cross, Castledermot.
Western art unattributed:
Fig. 3. Durrow Abbey Cross, Detail.
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Tomb of St. Agilbert, + 672. (Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Tomb of St. Agilbert, + 672. Detail. (Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. C-Tomb of St. Agilbert, + 672. Detail. The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. D-St. Paul and St. Anthony Dividing Bread. Capital. (Vézelay Abbey). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A, B-Sacramentary of Drogo. Details of Ivory Covers. (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-St. Paul and St. Anthony Dividing Bread. (Ruthwell Cross). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. D-S. Michele, Harpist. (Pavia); E-St. Andrew. Jamb Sculpture. (Chapter House of St. Etienne, Toulouse). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. A-Códice Albendense. (Escorial Library). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. B-St. Gregory Enthroned. Cotton MS. Claudius A. III. (British Museum). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. C-Códice Emilianense. (Escorial Library). The Tomb of Hincmar and Carolingian Sculpture in France
The Tomb of Doña Sancha and the Romanesque Art of Aragon
10/1924 | 259 | 45
Pages: 165-166+168-169+172-173+175-176+179
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-The Infantas Teresa, Sancha and Urraca. Tomb of Doña Sancha. After 1096. (Jaca) B-Adoration of the Magi. Tympanum of Northern Portal. (S. Pedro el Viejo, Huesca). C-Inner Portal. 1094. (Charlieu, Burgundy). D-Panteon de Nobles. Before 1082. (San Juan de la Peña). The Tomb of Doña Sancha and the Romanesque Art of Aragon
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. E-The Soul of Doña Sancha is carried to Heaven. Tomb of Doña Sancha. After 1096. (Jaca). F-Enoch and Elijah. Relief in the Sacristy of the Cathedral. 1107-1117. (Cremona), G-Tympanum. Early twelfth century. (Corneilla-de-Conflent. Pyrénées-Orientales). H-Donation of 1098. Pedro I and the Bishop of Jaca. (Cathedral Archives, Jaca). The Tomb of Doña Sancha and the Romanesque Art of Aragon
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. J-Cavalier. Tomb of Doña Sancha. After 1096 (Jaca). K-St. James. Tomb of S. Alberto, 1095 (Pontida, Lombardy). L-Porta della Pescheria. Detail. 1099-1106. (Modena Cathedral). M-Porte dei Leoni. Detail (S. Niccola, Bari). The Tomb of Doña Sancha and the Romanesque Art of Aragon
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. N-Tomb of Doña Sancha. After 1096. (Jaca). O-Episcopal Throne. 1098. (S. Niccola, Bari). P-Acts of the Council, 1063. Ramiro I and His Two Sons. (Cathedral Archives, Jaca). Q-Donation of 1063. Ramiro I and His Son Sancho. (Cathedral Archives, Jaca). The Tomb of Doña Sancha and the Romanesque Art of Aragon
Bari Modena and St.-Gilles
08/1923 | 245 | 43
Pages: 58+60-61+63-64+67
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Episcopal Throne of Elia. 1098. (S. Niccola, Bari). B-Angel Ministering to Christ, 1102-1124. Detail of Western Tympanum (Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela; Puerta de las Platerias). C-The Sacrifice of Abel, by Guglielmo, 1099-1106. Detail of Frieze of Western Façade (Modena Cathedral). D-Creation of Adam, by Guglielmo, 1099-1106. Detail of Frieze of Western Façade (Modena Cathedral). E-Detail of Frieze, South of Central Western Portal (St.-Gilles Abbey, Gard). Bari Modena and St.-Gilles
Attributed works:
Plate II. F-Isaiah, by Guglielmo, 1107-1117. Jamb Figures of Western Portal (Cremona Cathedral). G-Tomb of S. Alberto, 1095 (S. Giacoma, Pontida). H-Episcopal Throne of Elia. Detail. 1098. (S. Niccola, Bari.) I-Angel, after 1107. Archivolt of Portal, Now in the Sacristy (Monopoli Cathedral, Apulia). K-Detail of Podium, North of Central Western Portal (St.-Gilles Abbey, Gard). Bari Modena and St.-Gilles
The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy: The Tomb of S. Cumiano
03/1917 | 168 | 30
Pages: 98-99+102-103
related names
Porter, Arthur Kingsley (Porter, Arthur Kingsley; Porter, A. Kingsley)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. (A) Tomb of S. Cumiano (S. Colombano, Bobbio). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. (B) Capital of S. Pietro in Ciel d'oro (Museo Civico, Pavia). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. (C) Sarcophagus of Trodote (Museo Civico, Pavia). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. (D) Archivolt of Ciborio of Baptistery (S. Giorgio di Valpolicella). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. (E) Capital in Cloister (Verona Cathedral). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. (F) Capital (S. Satiro, Milan). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. (G) Capital of Crypt (S. Savino, Piacenza). The Chronology of Carlovingian Ornament in Italy