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1 articles
A Valencian tin-glazed and lustred dish for the Duke of Burgundy
08/2024 | 1457 | 166
Pages: 764–780
related names
Kingwill, Susannah (Kingwill, Susannah)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
11. Dish with the arms of the Duke of Burgundy. Valencian, probably Manises workshop. 1404–29. Tin-glazed earthenware with lustre decoration, diameter 47.5 cm. (Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid).
Attributed works:
18. Fragment from the Arcade of the Tomb of John the Fearless and Margaret of Bavaria, by Jean de la Huerta. c.1443–55. Alabaster, 14 by 12.8 by 5.2 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
19. Tile fragment from the Chartreuse de Champmol decorated with the lion of Flanders, by Jean de Giron. 1383–89. Tin-glazed earthen tile decorated with a cobalt glaze, estimated dimensions of original tile 18 by 18 by 3 cm. (Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon).
Attributed works:
2. Detail of fol.188v of the Breviary of John the Fearless, showing the Burgundian duke (left) and duchesses’ (right) arms. Between 1413 and 1419. Illumination on parchment. (British Library, London, MS 2897).
Attributed works:
20. Tile fragment from the Chartreuse de Champmol decorated with the armorial bands of Burgundy, by Jean de Giron. 1383–89. Tin-glazed earthen tile decorated with a cobalt glaze, estimated dimensions of original tile 18.5 by 13 by 3 cm. (Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon).
Attributed works:
4. Dish with the arms of the King of France (centre), the dauphin (top), Philip the Good (lower left) and Isabella of Portugal (lower right). Valencian, probably Manises workshop, c.1456–61. Tin-glazed earthenware decorated with cobalt and lustre glazes, dimensions unknown (formerly in the Rothschild Collection; © Christie’s, London).
Attributed works:
6. The Last Supper of Solsona, by Jaume Ferrer the Elder. 1400–33. Oil on panel, 115 by 327 cm. (Museo Diocesano Y Comarcal, Solsona; Getty Images).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.6, showing the foliage motifs on a lustred dish.
Attributed works:
8. The Portinari Altarpiece, by Hugo van der Goes. 1476–79. Oil on panel, central panel 253 by 304 cm., wings each 253 by 141 cm. (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of the central panel of Fig.8, showing the foliate design on the arbarello. (Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
1. Dish with the arms of the Duke of Burgundy. Valencian. 1404–29. Tin-glazed earthenware decorated with cobalt and lustre glazes, diameter 38.1 cm. (Wallace Collection, London).
Western art unattributed:
10. Dish with the arms of René of Anjou. Valencian, probably Manises workshop. c.1450. Tin-glazed earthenware decorated with cobalt and lustre glazes, diameter 47.6 cm. (British Museum, London).
Western art unattributed:
12. Hanap decorated with the emblems of John the Fearless. French. c.1405–19. Pounced and gilded silver, height 23.7 cm. (Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe; from R. Lightbown: Secular Goldsmiths’ Work in Medieval France: A History, London 1978, plate XXIV).
Western art unattributed:
13. Bowl with the arms of the duke of Burgundy engraved on its base. French, Dijon. Second half of 14th–first third of 15th century. Hammered silver with gilded silver cast decoration, diameter 16.8 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Western art unattributed:
14. Le Livre de Merveilles du Monde, fol.226. c.1410–12. Illumination on parchment, 42 by 29.8 cm. (Bibliotheque Nacional, Paris, MS Fr 2810 fol.226; Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
15. Le Livre de l’information des rois et princes, fol.81r. 1400–19. Illumination on parchment, 36 by 20.8 cm. (Bibliothèque Royale Belgique, Brussels, KRB MS 9475).
Western art unattributed:
16. Sculpted vault, Tour de Jean sans Peur. French. 1409–11. Stone. (Photograph the author).
Western art unattributed:
17. Comparison of the Wallace dish wreath (Fig.1) with the hops from Figs.14, 15, 13 and 16.
Western art unattributed:
3. Reverse of Fig.1. (Photograph the author).
Western art unattributed:
5. Dish with IHS monogram and floral pattern. Valencian, probably Manises workshop, 1430–60. Tin-glazed earthenware decorated with cobalt and lustre glazes, diameter 46 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).