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2 articles
Santi di Tito's studio: the contents of his house and workshop in 1603
05/2002 | 1190 | 144
Pages: 279-288
related names
Brooks, Julian (Brooks, Julian)
Attributed works:
15. The House of Santi di Tito, Designed by the Artist. c.1580. (Via delle Ruote 39, Florence).
Attributed works:
16. Last Supper, by Tiberio Titi. 1603. Panel, c.340 by 205 cm. (Cappella del SS. Sacramento, S. Marco, Florence).
Attributed works:
17. Deposition, by Tiberio Titi. 1603. 380 by 240 cm. (Museo Nazionale di S. Matteo, Pisa).
Attributed works:
18. Deposition, by Tiberio Titi. Pen and Brown Ink with Pale Brown Wash over Black Chalk, 21.8 by 17 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
19. Adoration of the Shepherds, by Tiberio Titi. Pen and Brown Ink with Pale Brown Wash over Red Chalk, 21.8 by 17.2 cm. (Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
20. Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, by Santi di Tito and Tiberio Titi. 1603. Panel, c.320 by 200 cm. (Private Collection, Florence).
Attributed works:
21. Birth of the Virgin, by Tiberio Titi. Black Chalk, 19 by 15.4 cm. (Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome).
Short Notice
Andrea Boscoli and the Rossini Chapel in Macerata Cathedral
03/1999 | 1152 | 141
Pages: 169-170
related names
Brooks, Julian (Brooks, Julian)
Attributed works:
33. Martyrdom of St Andrew, by Andrea Boscoli. c.1600-02. Pen and Brown Ink, Brush with Brown Wash and White Heightening on Blue-Green Paper, 11 by 18.8 cm. (Present Whereabouts Unknown).
Attributed works:
34. Martyrdom of St Sebastian, by Andrea Boscoli. c.1600-02. Pen and Brown Ink, Brush with Brown Wash and White Heightening on Blue-Green Paper, 11.3 by 18.8 cm. (Kunsthalle, Bremen).
Attributed works:
35. Virgin and Child with Sts Sebastian and Andrew, by Andrea Boscoli. c.1600-02. Pen and Brown Ink, Brush with Brown Wash and White Heightening on Blue-Green Paper, 22.5 by 12.3 cm. (Biblioteca Reale, Turin).
Attributed works:
36. Virgin and Child with Sts Sebastian and Andrew, by Andrea Boscoli. c.1600-02. Dimensions Unknown. (Rossini Chapel, Macerata Cathedral).