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111 articles
A newly discovered cabinet miniature by Nicholas Hilliard
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 340–347
related names
Goldring, Elizabeth (Goldring, Elizabeth)
Rutherford, Emma (Rutherford, Emma)
Attributed works:
1. A lady, here identified as Lady Arbella Stuart, by Nicholas Hilliard. 1592. Watercolour and bodycolour on vellum, stuck down on card, 21.1 by 17.6 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
2. Elizabeth I (the Ditchley Portrait), by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger. c.1592. Oil on canvas, 241.3 by 152.4 cm. (National Portrait Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
3. Elizabeth I (an example of the ‘mask of youth’), by Nicholas Hilliard. c.1592–1603. Watercolour on vellum, 6.5 by 5.3 cm. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1, showing the floral wreath.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.1, showing the gold armillary spheres decorating the gown.
Attributed works:
6. A girl, said to depict Lady Arbella Stuart at the age of twenty-three months, by an unknown artist. ?1577. Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 75.1 by 61.5 cm. (National Trust; Hardwick New Hall, Derbyshire).
Attributed works:
7. A girl, said to depict Lady Arbella Stuart at the age of thirteen, by an unknown artist. ?1589. Oil on panel, 162.6 by 87.6 cm. (National Trust; Hardwick New Hall, Derbyshire).
Attributed works:
8. Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, by Nicholas Hilliard. c.1595. Watercolour on vellum, 25.7 by 17.3 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
9. Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, by the Hilliard workshop. c.1595. Watercolour on vellum, 5.2 by 6.4 cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Cross-cultural diplomacy: a Safavid shield in the Medici armoury
10/2022 | 1435 | 164
Pages: 968-975
related names
Rokhgar, Negar Sarah (Rokhgar, Negar Sarah)
Attributed works:
4. Detail of the painted ceiling in the Sala dell’Armeria (Room 21), Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence, depicting a Persian soldier by Ludovico Buti. 1588–89. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
6. Medusa, by Caravaggio. 1595–98. Oil on canvas applied on a wooden shield, 60 by 55 cm. (Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence).
Non-western art unattributed:
1. Shield. Persia, late 16th century. Gold damascened steel, Indian cane, silk, mother-of-pearl, leather and velvet, diameter 64.5 cm. (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence).
Non-western art unattributed:
2. Detail of Fig.1, showing figures serving food to an authority on a higher seat.
Non-western art unattributed:
3. Detail of Fig.1, showing men on horseback and on foot using spears and arrows to hunt lions.
Non-western art unattributed:
5. Silk fragment with a figured motif. Yazd, Persia, late 16th or early 17th century. Silk lampas, 70.5 by 36 cm. (Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence).
Non-western art unattributed:
7. Shield. Persia, 17th century. Indian cane covered with silk, metal umbo painted in black with golden arabesque engravings and originally embellished with turquoises and other precious stones, 20 by 62 cm. (Palazzo Ducale, Venice).
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Tray with a scene of lovers in a pavilion. Gujarat, late 16th or early 17th century. Mother-of-pearl and lacquer on wood, diameter 43.5 cm. (Aga Khan Museum, Toronto).
A rediscovered drawing by Hendrick Goltzius
05/2022 | 1430 | 164
Pages: 444-449
related names
Difuria, Arthur J. (Difuria, Arthur J.)
Silver, Larry (Silver, Larry)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
11. Detail of Fig.1, showing the hatching in the horse’s chin.
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Fig.8, showing the hatching beneath Hercules’ buttocks.
Attributed works:
13. Farnese Hercules, rear view, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1617. Pen and ink on paper, 41.9 by 30.3 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
14. ‘Opus Praxitelis’: one of the Dioscuri of the Quirinal Hill, Rome, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Red chalk on paper, 37.8 by 32.6 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig.14, showing the vein in the horse’s right flank.
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.13, showing the hatching in the buttocks.
Attributed works:
17. Marcus Aurelius equestrian monument, Rome, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Black and white chalk on blue paper, 36.8 by 30.5 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.17, showing the reinforced outlines.
Attributed works:
19. Marcus Aurelius equestrian monument, Rome, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Red chalk on paper, 40.9 by 31 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
2. Horse’s head, Marcus Aurelius equestrian monument, Rome, here attributed to Hendrick Goltzius. After 1591. Red chalk on paper, 44.5 by 28.7 cm. (excluding border). (Private collection).
Attributed works:
20 and 21. Details of Fig.19, showing passages of unblended hatching.
Attributed works:
3. Goltzius’s right hand, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Red chalk on paper, 36.9 by 18.6 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1, showing the horse’s vein and eyeball.
Attributed works:
5. Farnese Hercules, rear view, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Black and white chalk on blue paper, 36.2 by 21 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
6 and 7. Details of Fig.5, showing Hercules’ left thigh and calf.
Attributed works:
8. Farnese Hercules, rear view, by Hendrick Goltzius. 1591. Red chalk, 38.9 by 21.3 cm. (Teylers Museum, Haarlem).
Attributed works:
9 and 10. Details of Fig.8, showing the hatching in Hercules’ shoulder blades and back.
Western art unattributed:
1. Detail of the horse’s head, Marcus Aurelius equestrian monument. Rome, AD 161. Bronze, height 424 cm. (Musei Capitolini, Rome).
Adam Elsheimer’s ‘The martyrdom of St Lawrence’ rediscovered
02/2021 | 1415 | 163
Pages: 108-118
related names
Seifert, Tico (Seifert, Tico )
Attributed works:
1. The martyrdom of St Lawrence, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1599. Oil on copper, 31.5 by 24 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
10. Jacob’s dream, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1598–99. Oil on copper, 19.5 by 26.1 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
10. Jacob’s dream, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1598–99. Oil on copper, 19.5 by 26.1 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
11. The conversion of Saul, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1598–99. Oil on copper, 19.7 by 25.1 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
12. The Flood, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1599. Oil on copper, 26.5 by 34.8 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
13 and 14. Details of Figs.1 and 9, showing foliage. 15 and 16. Details of Figs.11 and 10, showing foliage. 17. Detail of Fig.1, showing a man’s head lit by embers. 18 and 19. Details from Fig.1, showing figures in the background.
Attributed works:
2. The martyrdom of St Lawrence, by Titian. c.1548–57. Oil on canvas, transferred from panel, 493 by 277 cm. (S. Maria Assunta dei Gesuiti, Venice).
Attributed works:
20. Detail of Fig.2, showing figures on the stairs in the background.
Attributed works:
21. Detail of The exaltation of the Cross, by Adam Elsheimer, showing figures in the clouds. c.1603–05. Oil on copper, 48.5 by 35 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
22. Detail of Fig.1, showing marks in the underpaint, probably from the heel of the artist’s hand.
Attributed works:
23. Detail of Fig.1, showing the reserve at the top of the painting.
Attributed works:
24. Detail of Fig.11, showing the light breaking through clouds.
Attributed works:
25. The witch, by Adam Elsheimer, after Albrecht Dürer. c.1596–97. Oil on copper, 13.6 by 9.9 cm. (Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021).
Attributed works:
26. The witch, by Albrecht Dürer. c.1500. Engraving, 11.6 by 7.2 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
3. The martyrdom of St Lawrence, by Cornelis Cort, after Titian. 1571. Engraving, 48.5 by 34 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Fig.1, showing pentimenti around the figure of St Lawrence.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.1, showing the boy with a dog.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Heraclius carrying the Cross, by Adam Elsheimer, showing a mother with her children. c.1603–05. Oil on copper, 22.6 by 15 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
7. The baptism of Christ, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1599. Oil on copper, 28.1 by 21 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
8. St Lawrence prepared for martyrdom, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1600–01. Oil on copper, 26.7 by 20.6 cm. (National Gallery, London; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
9. St Christopher, by Adam Elsheimer. c.1599. Oil on copper, 22.5 by 17.5 cm. (State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg).
Caravaggio’s other ‘Judith and Holofernes’
09/2019 | 1398 | 161
Pages: 716-731
related names
Gash, John (Gash, John)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.3, showing the heads of Abra, Judith and Holofernes.
Attributed works:
14. X-radiograph showing the head of Goliath in David with the head of Goliath, by Caravaggio, 1601/03. Oil on canvas, 110.4 by 91.3 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig.3, showing the pommel of Judith’s sword. 16. Detail of Beheading of St John the Baptist, by Caravaggio, showing the executioner’s face. 1608. Oil on canvas, 520 by 360 cm. (Oratory of Saint John’s co-cathedral, Valletta; Bridgeman Images). 17. Detail of St Francis in meditation, by Caravaggio. c.1607–09. Oil on canvas, 128 by 90 cm. (Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, Cremona; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.3, showing the sheet. 19. Detail of Fig.3, showing Abra’s tassel and hand. 20. Detail of Fig.4, showing Christ’s loincloth.
Attributed works:
2. Judith beheading Holofernes, after Caravaggio. c.1607. Oil on canvas, 140 by 161 cm. (Collezione Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, Naples).
Attributed works:
21. Grand Master Alof de Wignacourt with his page, by Caravaggio. Probably 1607. Oil on canvas, 194 by 134 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
22. Detail of Fig.3, showing the arms and upper body of Holofernes. 23. Detail of Flagellation of Christ, by Caravaggio. 1607. Oil on canvas, 286 by 213 cm. (S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples, on loan to the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples). 24. X-radiograph of the face of Holofernes in the painting illustrated in Fig.1, realigned vertically. 25. David with the head of Goliath, by Caravaggio. c.1606–07. Oil on poplar wood, 90.5 by 116.5 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
26. Right Detail of Fig.3, showing Judith’s cuff. 27. Detail of Seven works of mercy, by Caravaggio, showing Samson drinking from the jawbone of an ass and, far right, St Martin. 1606–07. Oil on canvas, 390 by 260 cm. (Pio Monte della Misericordia, Naples; Bridgeman Images). 28. Detail of Seven works of mercy, by Caravaggio, showing Pero suckling her father. 1606–07. Oil on canvas, 390 by 260 cm. (Pio Monte della Misericordia, Naples; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
29. Salome with the head of St John the Baptist, by Caravaggio. c.1607. Oil on canvas, 116 by 140 cm. (Palacio Real, Madrid; © Patrimonio Nacional).
Attributed works:
3. Judith beheading Holofernes, here attributed to Caravaggio and dated 1607. Oil on canvas, 144 by 173.5 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
4. Flagellation of Christ, by Caravaggio. c.1607. Oil on canvas, 134 by 175 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen).
Attributed works:
5. Judith beheading Holofernes, by Caravaggio. c.1602 or 1598/1600. Canvas, 145 by 195 cm. (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica; Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.3, showing the bedcurtain.
Attributed works:
7. The toothpuller, by Caravaggio. 1608–10. Oil on canvas, 140 by 195 cm. (Palazzo Pitti, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.3, showing Holofernes’s head.
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.3, showing the faces of Abra and Judith. 10. X-radiograph of Fig.3, showing the faces of Abra and Judith. 11. Infra-red reflectogram of Fig.3, showing the faces of Abra and Judith. 12. X-radiograph of Fig.3. 13. Infra-red reflectogram of Fig.3.
Caravaggio’s ‘Crucifixion of St Andrew’ and the problem of autograph replicas
06/2018 | 1383 | 160
Pages: 454-461
related names
Spear, Richard E. (Spear, Richard E.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.3, showing the soldier’s armour.
Attributed works:
2. Detail of Fig.4, showing the soldier’s armour.
Attributed works:
3. Crucifixion of St Andrew, by Caravaggio. 1606–07. Canvas, 202.5 by 152.7 cm. (Cleveland Museum of Art; Leonard C. Hanna Jr. Fund, 1976.2).
Attributed works:
4. Crucifixion of St Andrew, here identified as a copy after Caravaggio. Canvas, 198 by 148.5 cm. (Spier Collection, London).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.3, showing St Andrew’s head.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.4, showing St Andrew’s head.
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.3, showing St Andrew’s right foot (Photograph author).
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.4, showing St Andrew’s right foot (Photograph author)
Attributed works:
9. Overlay of the contours of Flagellation, by Caravaggio (Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples) in green, onto a copy of Flagellation in S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples, in red. From G.S. Ghia and C. Strinati, eds.: Caravaggio nel patrimonio del Fondo Edifici di Culto. Il Doppio e la Copia, Rome 2017.
Montemezzano in Lancashire
01/2017 | 1366 | 159
Pages: 25-28
related names
Pozzolo, Enrico Maria dal (Pozzolo, Enrico Maria dal)
Attributed works:
24. Lamentation with three donors, by Francesco Montemezzano. c.1590s (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)
Attributed works:
25. Lamentation, by Francesco Montemezzano. c.1590s (Private collection, Padua)
Attributed works:
26. Lamentation, by Francesco Montemezzano. c.1590s (Tambov Regional Art Gallery)
Attributed works:
27. Lamentation over the dead Christ, decent from the Cross, by Francesco Montemezzano (St John the Baptist, Tunstall; photograph Simon Gillespie Studio, London)
Attributed works:
28. Giacomo Regazzoni receives the privilege of adding the Tudor rose to his coat of arms from Mary Tudor, by Francesco Montemezzano. 1583 (Palazzo Regazzoni-Flangini-Billia, Sacile)
Giovanni Bandini's bronze Crucifix and candlesticks made for Urbino Cathedral
11/2016 | 1364 | 158
Pages: 870-878
related names
Principi, Lorenzo (Principi, Lorenzo)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. Detail of a candlestick illustrated in Fig.8
Attributed works:
11. Detail of a candlestick illustrated in Fig.8
Attributed works:
12. Detail of a candlestick illustrated in Fig.8
Attributed works:
13. Detail of Fig.9
Attributed works:
14. Detail of Fig.17
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig.9
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.17
Attributed works:
17. Detail of the Pietà, by Giovanni Bandini. 1585-88 (Oratorio della Grotta, Urbino)
Attributed works:
18. Crucifix, by Giovanni Bandini. 1579-89 (S. Marco, Florence)
Attributed works:
19. Detail of The Last Supper, by Federico Barocci. 1590-99 (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Urbino)
Attributed works:
8. Crucifix and a set of six candlesticks, by Giovanni Bandini. 1589-92 (Museo Diocesano Albani, Urbino)
Attributed works:
9. Detail of the Crucifix illustrated in Fig.8
A Renaissance Spanish knight in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
11/2016 | 1364 | 158
Pages: 864-869
related names
Pérez-Martin, Sergio (Pérez-Martin, Sergio)
Vasallo-Toranzo, Luis (Vasallo-Toranzo, Luis)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Funerary statue of Alonso de Mera, by Juan de Montejo. 1594 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Attributed works:
3. Reconstruction of the monument to Alonso de Mera, by Antonio Falcote and Juan de Montejo (Drawing by M.A.M. Bailón)
Attributed works:
4. Detail from the tomb of Simón de Galarza and Antonia Rodríguez, by Juan de Montejo. c.1583 (Convent of Discalced Carmelites, Alba de Tormes)
Attributed works:
5. Detail of St Joseph from the Nativity of Christ, by Juan de Montejo. c.1598 (Chapel of Cardinal Mella, Zamora Cathedral)
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.1
Attributed works:
7. Pediment of the tomb with two cherubs holding an oval shield bearing the arms of Alonso de Mera, by Juan de Montejo. 1594 (Whereabouts unknown; photograph courtesy of J. Navarro)
Western art unattributed:
2. Collection card N4831 for the funerary statue of Alonso de Mera, from the records of the Brummer Gallery, New York. Before 28th November 1940 (Digital copy in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Thomas J. Watson Library)
A rediscovered ‘St Jerome’ on copper by Guido Reni and its early provenance
08/2016 | 1361 | 158
Pages: 610-615
related names
Biffis, Mattia (Biffis, Mattia)
Attributed works:
12. St Jerome with two angels in a landscape, by Guido Reni. c.1600 (Private collection, New York)
Attributed works:
13. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guido Reni. 1600 (Parish church, Pieve di Cento)
Attributed works:
14. St Francis consoled by the musician angel, by Guido Reni (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna)
Attributed works:
15. Assumption of the Virgin, by Guido Reni. c.1596-97 (Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main)
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